General Jan Dodonna (uncredited) (archive footage)
Celebrate Disney+ Day with a special look at the Star Wars original series Andor coming to Disney+ on September 21.
Father James must decide what kind of a "Father" God wants him to be?
Mr. Shawcross
1941년 벨파스트. 어린이 톰(아트 파킨슨, "왕좌의 게임" 출연)의 아버지는 동물원에서 일하는 사육사이다. 하지만 어느 날, 동물원의 새로운 식구인 아기 코끼리 버스터와 가족을 뒤로 하고 군대에 입대하게 된다. 독일군의 공습으로 동물원의 안전이 위협받자, 톰과 말썽꾸러기 친구들은 동물을 사랑하는 괴짜의 도움을 받아 버스터 구출작전에 나선다.
Filmed in homage to his original TV series, this fictionalised account follows Dave Allen from childhood to becoming one of the UK and Ireland's comedy greats, with just a whiskey, a cigarette and nine-and-a-half fingers. Dave Allen is played by Aidan Gillen
어머니가 살해당했다. 어느 날 찾아든 비극에, 온화하기만 했던 아일랜드 농부가 복수의 여정을 떠난다. 살인자를 쫓을수록 하나씩 수면 위로 떠오르는 숨겨진 진실
Rory O'Suaird
재개장을 앞둔 바그다드 기차역. 테러를 감행하려는 사라의 계획은 우연히 마주친 매력적인 남자 살람으로 인해 어그러진다. 계획은 계속 지연되고, 역 주변을 배회하며 기회를 엿보는 동안, 그녀는 자신이 쓸어버리려 했던 사람들의 미래를 마주하게 된다.
(2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
General Dodonna
희망이 사라진 세상. 반군 소속의 진은 적의 최종병기 데스 스타 개발에 아버지가 참여했단 과거 때문에 데스 스타의 약점을 캐내는 임무를 떠맡게 된다. 단숨에 행성 하나를 파괴할 위력을 지닌 데스 스타가 완성되기 전에 설계도를 훔쳐내야 하는 이번 작전의 성공 확률은 고작 2.4%. 생사도 모르는 아버지에 얽힌 비밀을 밝히려는 진을 비롯해 유능한 정보 요원 카시안, 두 눈이 멀었지만 탁월한 무술 실력을 지닌 치루트, 전투 베테랑 베이즈, 파일럿 보디, 시니컬한 드로이드 K-2SO까지 합류, 거대한 전쟁을 끝낼 가장 비밀스런 작전이 시작되는데...
D.I. McKie
Sacrifice is the story of consultant surgeon, Tora Hamilton, who moves with her husband, Duncan, to the remote Shetland Islands, 100 miles off the north-east coast of Scotland. Deep in the peat soil around her new home, Tora discovers the body of a young woman with rune marks carved into her skin and a gaping hole where her heart once beat. Ignoring warnings to leave well alone, Tora uncovers terrifying links to a legend that might never have been confined to the pages of the story-books.
James Fenton
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career diplomat who has just been appointed as Truth Commissioner to Northern Ireland. Eager to make good as a peacemaker, the Prime Minister urges a commission following the South African model of Truth and Reconciliation. But, though Stanfield starts bravely, he quickly uncovers some bloody and inconvenient truths about those now running the country; truths which none of those in power are prepared to have revealed.
Freddie Clarke
A university teacher gets caught shoplifting by a security guard, who won’t let him go. He becomes his new best friend and says ‘I won’t call the cops if you come and have a pint with me’. From there a twisted romance of sorts unfolds.
Gerry is a projectionist. He loves his work, his colleagues and the joy that the films gives him. But is he ready for the changes around the corner?
Barristan Selmy
The first episode of this IMAX screening takes place entirely at The Wall with the Night’s Watch hopelessly outnumbered as they attempt to defend Castle Black from the Wildings and features one the fiercest and most intense battle scenes ever filmed for television. The second episode, which is also the season finale, features Dany coming to grips with the realities of ruling a kingdom, Bran learning the startling reality of his destiny and Tyrion facing the truth of his unfortunate situation.
Major Cussen
An all-star cast heads up this intimate film about how author, P.G.Wodehouse, came to face a charge of treason during the Second World War and how this quintessential Englishman, creator of Jeeves and Wooster, became an exile from his own country and never set foot on English soil again.
Three former bomb disposal officers who served at the height of the Northern Ireland conflict, return for the first time in 30 years to revisit the defining moments of their careers, and the moments when they almost lost their lives.
This thought-provoking program offers a behind-the-scenes look at the construction of the ill-fated Titanic, the lavishly grand White Star liner that infamously sank after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic in 1912. Shot on location at the Titanic's birthplace in Belfast, Ireland, the film also includes rare interviews with people who actually witnessed the ship being built, as well as those who saw its one and only launch.
Abbot Smith
The true story of the notorious paedophile priest Brendan Smyth, and how one family in Belfast, aided by journalist Chris Moore, uncovered the true extent of the clerical abuse scandal.
After a young girl witnesses her father having an affair, she declares she will never love anybody ever again. As a result, her guardian angel is forced to abandon her. Later, when she grows to be a miserable woman, her angel is given a second chance to save her from a life of sadness. To accomplish his goal, he travels through time to recruit the woman's past and future selves to help her reconcile with her father and change her direction in life.
Isabella takes her granddaughter to Ireland to stay with a famous family friend for the holidays, only to discover that the best Christmases are simply spent with each other.
4년에 단 하루, 운명의 기회! 지금 그녀가 프로포즈하러 갑니다! 연애 4년차 기념일, 애나(에이미 아담스)는 남자친구의 달콤한 프로포즈를 예상하지만 남자친구는 눈치 없이 반지 대신 귀걸이 선물만을 남기고 훌쩍 아일랜드로 출장을 떠나버린다. 속이 터지는 애나는 마침 아일랜드에서 4년에 단 한번 찾아오는 2월 29일, 여자가 남자에게 청혼하면 무조건 승락해야만 하는 풍습이 있다는 사실을 알고 무작정 프로포즈 여행을 떠난다. 하지만 악천후로 여행은 꼬이기 시작하고, 2월 29일에 맞춰서 남자 친구가 있는 더블린에 꼭 도착해야만 하는 애나는 아일랜드 토박이 까칠남 데클랜(매튜 구드)에게 안내를 부탁한다. 한시가 급한 애나와 달리 느긋하고 무뚝뚝한 데클랜 때문에 둘은 시종일관 티격태격하고, 달라도 너무 다른 두사람이 부딪히며 일으키던 스파크는 어느새 미묘하고 야릇한 감정들을 불러오는데… 마침내 남자 친구 앞에 선 프로포즈의 순간. 애나가 이토록 힘겹게 찾아온 운명의 남자는 과연 누구일까?
Make it new John tells the story of the DeLorean car, its creator John DeLorean and the workers of the Belfast-based car plant who built it. The film deftly contrasts the DeLorean dream with its spectacular downfall during a critical period in Northern Ireland's history, and the canonisation of the car - the DMC12 - as a symbol of the American myth of mobility. As with the earlier works such as Bernadette (2008) and Falls Burns Malone Fiddles (2003), in Make it New John, Campbell fuses a documentary aesthetic with fictive moments, using existing archive news and documentary footage from the 1980s as well as new 16mm footage which imagines conversations between DeLorean factory workers. Campbell questions the documentary genre and reflects here on broader existential themes and narrative drives.
마크와 데이빗은 종군 사진 기자이자 오랜 친구. 1988년 봄, 쿠르디스탄으로 간 그들은 산악 오지에서 전쟁 개시를 기다린다. 종군 생활에 지친 데이빗은 임신한 아내가 기다리는 고국으로 돌아가고 마크는 며칠 더 남아 전쟁의 참상을 카메라에 담기로 한다. 일주일 후 심한 부상을 입고 집으로 돌아온 마크는 먼저 떠난 데이빗이 아직도 돌아오지 않았음을 알게 된다. 회복이 더디고 이상 행동을 보이는 마크가 걱정된 아내 엘레나는 정신과 의사인 할아버지에게 마크의 상담을 부탁한다. 그리고 그 상담으로 언제나 냉철하고 냉소적인 성격의 마크가 숨기고 있던 전쟁이 빚어낸 또 하나의 가슴 아픈 사연, 참상과 그의 내면에 숨겨졌던 상처들이 밝혀지게 되는데…
H. A. McVeigh QC
This is the fascinating true life story of one of Ireland's most famous unsolved murders. It is the tale of how an innocent man was found guilty but insane of the brutal homicide of a young woman from a very prominent family. Told in superb period detail, Scapegoat contains a combustible mix of sex, class, bogus respectability and dark domestic secrets
‘엠버’시에서 메신저로, 배관 수리공으로 일하는 12살 ‘리나’와 ‘둔’은 상자 속에 담긴 하나의 안내서와 두개의 카드, 그리고 일곱개의 메시지가 가진 비밀을 풀어가며 스펙터클한 모험을 펼쳐 보인다.
Father O'Mahoney
Adaptation of the book by David Almond, set in 1960s Tyneside. Two 14-year-old boys team up against Mouldy, the town bully. Turning Crazy Mary s garden shed into a workshop, they discover that the sculptures they create come to life. Together they raise a golem, a creature fashioned from clay, capable of dispatching anyone, even Martin Mould. But when Mouldy winds up dead, the boys have to deal with the awful power they may have unleashed and the perils of getting what you wish for.
Stanley McCombe
The movie starts at the 1998 bomb attack by the Real IRA at Omagh, Northern Ireland. The attack killed 31 people. Michael Gallagher one of the relatives of the victims starts an examination to bring the people responsible to court.
A musical, a dance show, and an oratorio all rolled into one. Filmed on the vast stage of Belfast's Odyssey Arena in Northern Ireland, John Anderson's work tells the story of the Scots-Irish - their humble beginnings in the Lowlands of Scotland in the late 1600s, their flight from persecution by the English, their arrival in Ireland and their continuing journey to America in the 1700s, where these pioneers first opened up the frontier.
Captain Hammond
Hornblower must deliver a French nobleman to a secret rendezvous near Brest, all while coping with enemy agents in his own ranks.
Sergeant Devlin
Hired to draw a map of tourist sites in a small Northern Ireland town, cartographer Richie Markey (Brian F. O'Byrne) uncovers a dark secret and realizes that his map may hold the key to the mysterious disappearance of another surveyor. The missing man had been accused of informing on two IRA soldiers, and when Markey discovers his body, it doesn't take long for him to draw the conclusion that he may be next on the group's list.
Captain Hammond
Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain.
Based on Irish poet Brendan Behan's experiences in a reform school in 1942. A 16 year-old Irish republican terrorist arrives on the ferry at Liverpool and is arrested for possession of explosives. He is imprisoned in a Borstal in East Anglia, where he is forced to live with his would-be enemies, an experience that profoundly changes his life.
It's Samhain (Hallowe'en) in old Ireland, and King Connor is haunted by his life, his legacy, and the enemies he killed in his time. Based on the famous Ulster Cycle.
Captain Hammond
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower attempts to study for his promotion examination, but becomes distracted by the serious supply problems that face his crew.
Clive Bevan
Nick and Alison, a young couple although married for several years, find their sex-life is uninspiring. After much agonising, they decide to visit a wife-swapping club in a risky attempt to reinvigorate their marriage. However, after initial positive effects on their relationship, the activity begins to threaten the basis of their marriage.
Reggie Bell
전 IRA 단원 대니 플린(다니엘 데이 루이스)은 14년의 복역을 마치고 출소한다. 대니는 아이크와 체육관을 다시 열고 이를 계기로 전 애인이었던 매기(에밀리 왓슨)를 만난다. 매기와 대니는 여전히 서로를 사랑하지만 매기는 감옥에 있는 IRA 단원과 결혼한 상태이다. 체육관은 대치 중인 양쪽 모두에게 환영받는다. 그러나 대니의 컴백 시합 도중 RUC 사관이 피살되면서 평화는 깨진다. 또한 대니와 매기의 관계를 못마땅하게 여기던 매기의 아들이 체육관에 불을 지르는데...
Da Stokes
The film is set in Northern Ireland shortly after 1994 cease-fire. Hazel is a Protestant and Malachy a Catholic. Romance between them is threatened by Rohan (leader in militant underground and pal of Malachy's brother Padhar), who wants Malachy to be recruited and fight for the cause and by Hazel's brother Jef, who spies on her meetings.
덴마크 왕국. 죽음처럼 뒤덮은 눈의 침묵 속에서 형의 왕위와 그의 아름다운 아내를 차지하기 위해 클라디우스는 평화롭게 잠이 든 왕의 귀에 독약을 흘려넣어 독살한다. 왕의 아들 햄릿은 아버지의 죽음 뒤에 연이은 어머니와 삼촌의 재혼을 두고 꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 이어지는 소문 속에서 고통받는다. 그러던 그의 앞에 아버지의 혼령이 나타나 자신의 죽음에 얽힌 진실을 토로한다. 그리고 아들에게 복수를 명령하는데..
Brother Dowdall
Set in 1960s Dublin, a fatherless eight-year-old boy who feels alienated by his family, escapes his reality by deciding he's been sent from Mercury to study life on Earth. His fantasies mirror the life of his hero, Flash Gordon, from the serial he watches each week at the local cinema. His escapades result in dilemmas that drive his mother to such distraction that she turns to the boy's strange uncle for help.
Belfast Detective
12세기 이래로 영국의 정복자들은 철권으로 아일랜드를 통치하며 아일랜드 국민들에게 신교를 강요하고 대영 제국에 충성하도록 만들었다. 카톨릭을 믿는 아일랜드인들은 굶어 죽어가면서도 영국인의 배를 채워주기 위하여 영국에 육류와 버터와 우유를 바쳐야했다. 1916년 더블린 부활절 항거 아일랜드 독립군은 6개월간의 항쟁 끝에 영국군에 무릎을 꿇는다. 지도자급 주동자들은 모두 처형된다. 그러나 미국 시민권을 갖고 있던 에이몬 드 발레라(Eamon De Valera: 알란 릭맨 분)와 행동대원 마이클 콜린스(Michael Collins: 리암 니슨 분), 그리고 해리 볼란드(Harry Boland: 에이단 퀸 분)는 투옥된다. 출옥 후 마이클은 전국을 돌아다니며 카리스마적인 연설과 호소로 세력을 규합한다. 해리는 마이클을 그림자처럼 따라다닌다. 마이클은 발레라를 의장으로 하는 신페인당의 정보담당 장관으로 활약한다. 마이클과 해리는 부상을 치료해준 키티(Kitty Kiernan: 줄리아 로버츠 분)에게 동시에 마음을 뺏긴다. 마이클의 신출귀몰한 활약은 계속된다. 발레라의 탈옥을 계획하고 지하정보망을 구축하는가 하면 영국의 앞잡이로 암약하는 아일랜드인 형사들을 하나씩 처단해버린다. 수세에 몰린 영국 정부는 무차별 투옥과 테러로 응수한다. 국제적인 지지를 호소하고 상황을 호전시키려는 의도로 발레라는 해리를 데리고 미국으로 떠난다. 해리가 떠난 사이 마이클과 키티는 연인 사이로 발전한다. 미국에서 돌아온 발레라는 마이클로부터 작전권을 회수하지만 이미 대세는 아일랜드 독립군에게 유리하게 전개되어 있었는데...
Three teenage brothers, gang-member Bobby, troubled mama's boy Alan and self-assured prankster Lex, reside in a downtrodden section of Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1968. But while Bobby and Alan are beginning to experience the power of raging hormones, the story focuses on Lex, who begins a downward spiral after he accidentally shoots the leader of Bobby's gang. Lex's cockiness and immaturity unfortunately prevent him from understanding the effect his subsequent crimes will have on both himself, and on those around him.
Working out governor
Leo Doyle, a convicted IRA murderer, is released into the community after 14 years in prison on a scheme to rehabilitate former terrorists. He soon finds that the ceasefire has robbed him of both purpose and identity. Relationships with his family are difficult and reach boiling point when they find that he has rekindled his affair with a former fiancee Roisin, now married with three children.
Father O'Browne
In 1971, fresh-faced, eager for heroics, the young officers arrive in Belfast. Pelted with rocks by kids, sniped at by the IRA, they take refuge in sex, black humour and the weird rituals of the officers' mess.
Reggie Devine
A group of bored Roman Catholic teens from Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom steal cars and joyride around the city, causing havoc among the nearby Protestants and local Irish Republican Army members, all of who are outraged by the youths' nihilism. The gang, led by ace thief Sean (Marc O'Shea), is connected with the IRA but couldn't care less about the group's politics. But things turn serious when an IRA member captures one of the boys, Marley (Michael Liebmann), in an effort to end the mayhem.
Joe Cassidy
A young woman, Tara Maguire (Robin Wright) scandalizes her provincial Irish village in the 1950s by having a baby out of a wedlock, and refusing to name the father. She has a rare beauty and every man in town desires her, especially Sergeant Hegarty (Albert Finney). The arrival of a dramatic troupe stirs things up even more, especially when she falls in love with one f the "Playboys", Tom Casey (Aidan Quinn).
The murders of two MI6 agents in Northern Ireland add up to an explosive political situation.
Jack Cunnigham
인권 운동가인 미국인 변호사 폴 설리반이 정보원을 만나러 갔다가 벨파스트 근교에서 무참히 살해당한다. 수사를 맡게 된 케리건이 도착하고, 사건을 파헤칠수록 케리건은 폴의 죽음 이면에 도사린 커다란 정치적 음모와 맞닥뜨린다. 영국연방으로 남은 북아일랜드 내에서의 테러가 심각하던 때를 배경으로, 북아일랜드, 아일랜드, 영국 간의 복잡한 관계와 정치역학적 문제를 어느 인권 변호사의 죽음을 통해 스릴러 형식으로 다루었다. 켄 로치의 담담한 연출은 오히려 더욱 묵직한 울림을 남긴다.
(2017년 영화의 전당 - 아일랜드 영화 특별전)
A Protestant Irish family is caught up in a conflict between Irish Republicans and the British army.
ACC Trevor Forbes
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
Sinn Fein leader
Docudrama film exploring the efforts of World in Action researchers Ian MacBride and Chris Mullin in proving that the "Birmingham Six" only admitted to the bombing under extreme duress, and that the five IRA members were in fact responsible for the deadly attacks
The lives of seven friends who share a bus from their village to Dublin every day get complicated as the reasons for their discontent are revealed.
Brian Deeds
An Ulster Volunteer Force vigilante, turned police informer, is sent by the British government to New Zealand to start a new life, leaving behind his eldest son. Although his wife and two young boys are also in New Zealand, they are no longer together, and he has a new love interest. After some eight years his past catches up with him when former comrades show up, intent on extracting revenge. After two nearly successful attempts by them (in Dunedin), the action moves to a final confrontation and shootout in the hills above Queenstown.
Reefer and the Model is a 1988 Irish film written and directed by Joe Comerford. It concerns Reefer, a former Irish Republican Army man who operates a ferry using an old trawler between the Galway coast and the Aran Islands; his friends Spider and Badger; and the pregnant Teresa ("the Model"), who has abandoned a life of drugs and prostitution in England. The group become involved in the armed robbery of a post office and are pursued by the Gardaí. The film premièred in Galway in August 1988. Reefer and the Model won the Europa Prize at the Barcelona Festival, and Best Feature at the Celtic Film Festival in Wales. At the 1988 European Film Awards, the film was nominated for Best Young Film, Carol Scanlan was nominated for Best Actress, and Ray McBride was nominated for Best Supporting Actor.
아일랜드 해방군의 과격 멤버였던 마틴(Martin Fallon: 미키 루크 분)은 큰 실수를 범하고는 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 군수품을 실은 트럭을 폭파하는 과정에서 스쿨버스를 폭파하는 것이다. 그는 양심의 가책을 느껴 탈영하고 군사 경찰은 그를 쫓는다. 교회로 피신한 마틴은 다코스타 신부(Father Da Costa: 홉 홉킨스 분)와 앞을 못보는 신부의 조카 안나(Anna: 새미 데이비스 분)에게 매료된다. 그러던 중 안나가 혼자 있다가 괴한이 폭행을 하려 하자 가위로 그를 죽이는 사건이 일어난다. 괴한의 형 잭(Jack Meehan: 알란 베이츠 분)은 은밀히 마틴과 신부, 안나를 없애기로 하고, 마틴을 유인하여 교회 옥상으로 다코스타 신부와 안나를 끌어낸다. 그러나 마틴은 잭의 부하들을 격퇴하고 안나를 구하기 위해 달려간다. 잭과 대결하던 마틴이 아래층으로 떨어지는 순간, 잭은 자신이 설치한 시한 폭탄의 폭발로 죽고, 마틴도 중상을 입는다. 다코스타 신부는 마틴에게 달려가 죽음을 위한 기도를 경건하게 올리는데...
John Reilly
Rigid nationalist Reilly’s frustration at the last remains of British rule draws him to the Rockingham Shoot, where a violent incident occurs.
Michael Lamb is a Father questioning his calling, in a Reform School in Ireland. When young epileptic runaway Eoin is sent to the school, the two recognise kindred spirits and escape to London together. With the police on their tail and the money running out however, Lamb is forced to make some terrible decisions.
Malachy: "Who do you kidnap? You can't touch children, women, no sons of Irish mothers. What's left?" When Frankie is released from Portlaoise Prison, his old comrades are expecting some action. He hits on a plan for raising £2 million, but his plan goes wrong.
When some Belfast children find out that city planners intend to "develop" a wooded area called the Glen that the girls use as a retreat from the pressures of city life, they decide to fight back - but in their own way.
Maj. Sirr
The story of Anne Devlin, who was caught up in the revolt of the Irish under Robert Emmett in 1803, told exclusively from the woman's point of view.
Mr Burke
Professor Broderick, a famous professor of Psychology, returns to his house by Belfast Lough to discover a woman waiting for him.
A BBC film crew is interviewing a ‘typical Catholic family’ in the Divis Flats area of Belfast, when news comes in that a child, known to the family, has been hit by a stray plastic bullet fired by a British soldier – a version of events contested by the army. Back in London, editing the footage, the producer and researcher on the project wrestle with how to present the incident, and with their responsibility to the people in the film.
Saxophonist Danny witnesses the murder of his band manager and a deaf-mute girl after a gig. Questioned by the police, he remembers only the orthopedic shoes of the killers' leader. So begins his quest to avenge her. He seeks an answer to the simple question 'Why?' but finds only more, and deeper, questions which resonate with the wider context of 'the Troubles', the inter-communal strife gripping the modern-day Northern Ireland which is the film's setting.
Mr McBride
Finn's story seems to begin when Henry Kirk comes into the bookshop where she works. But it goes back a lot further than that...