Deborah Kaufmann
출생 : 1970-03-23, Berlin, Germany
Ben wakes up from an artificial coma after a failed mission. The personal protector has to deal with the fact that he could not prevent the death of a little girl. In order to recover, the BKA officer takes a break from the police service and drives to the Baltic Sea with his girlfriend Marion. He spent happy days there as a child. The first visit to his parents in years is at the same time the return to the place of painful memories, because back then his best friend Timmi was killed in a mysterious accident. To his astonishment, he now learns that Timmi, now an adult, is alive and lying in a hospital as a coma patient. Together with Marion, a doctor who specializes in this diseases, Ben wants to reach Timmi with the help of MRI technology. Perhaps the trauma can be resolved if the cause can be brought to light. Unlike Ben, however, neither Timmi's father nor the village cop Nolting seem interested in it. A web of guilt, lies and deception has to be unraveled to clue to the puzzle.
Living Dead
This is a story set in the distant past, in the seventeenth century, during the Thirty Years’ War. In the city of Nordhausen, in the Harz Mountains, life is cheap, and the prevailing class divisions and interpersonal relations increasingly intense. The children are taken away from their parents by force, and when they return after many years, they seem to be strangers to them. Yet this is also a story set in modern times where people are still incapable of learning the lessons left for them by the previous generations of cruel divisions. The film is a cinematic experiment dealing with the beauty, fragility, and imperfection of human nature through archetypes and myths.
엘리자와 안테아는 전혀 다른 환경의 동급생이지만 곧 서로에게 없어선 안될 존재로 가까워진다. 두 소녀는 둘의 유대를 보증하기 위해 서로의 삶을 휴대폰 카메라로 찍기 시작한다. 그리고 그녀들의 카메라는 이제 타인을 대상으로 한 예상치 못한 폭력의 도구로 돌변하게 되는데….
As a divorced father of two teenage daughters, with a head-strong ex-wife for a best friend, too many peculiar patients to keep up with and a new dog, psychotherapist Max certainly doesn't need another challenge. But when Sophie, a compulsive gambler with a boyfriend problem, regularly shows up late for her appointments, she rocks his world in ways he's not ready for.
With Mike it's anything but round: flat away, job a one-way street, and to make matters worse, his little loser heart still beats for ex-wife Claudia.
Olivia Gramowski
End of the 1970s in East Germany: Fred and Jonas are close friends. The 10-year-olds live near at the German-German frontier. After the mother from Jonas has made an exit application, the boys have to recognize that they are soon separated from each other. But they want to dig a tunnel to Australia to meet there themselves again. When Jonas should leave the country with his mother this night changes everything.
Anja Altmann
Anja Altmann disappears after a birthday party. When the police ask husband Thomas about her , family attorney and friend Lavinia Bertok manage to dispel any suspicions about him. But soon Thomas is arrested. While the Altmann family start hurling accusations and recriminations at each other, Anja allegedly surfaces in Spain, raising a strange suspicion against Lavinia.
Anja Rothmann
The IEK team investigates the corpse of 1970s-disappeared flower girl Monika Rothmann, both burned and suffocated as drowned. She was believed to have abandoned husband Herbert and daughter Anja without a trace, but it turns out she started a new life as a political and environmental activist, yielding potential motives and suspects, but also an adulterous affair.
Anja Rothmann
Short film about family relations.
Birgit Ohnsorg
Whereas the marriage of Maja and Uwe Rath bobs along in a boring routine, daughter Alina is freshly in love with Nico. And because the young couple are serious about each other, the parents must become acquainted. That the Ohnsorg family lives in a proper castle on the outskirts of Berlin is only a problem for Uwe because Maja is facing an entirely different one: Papa Ohnsorg turns out to be her secret lover Stefan. Neither of them is letting on anything and they are glad when the good-byes are finally approaching. However, Uwe’s broken down car bestows the Ohnsorg and the Rath family with a weekend together, during which more than one bomb will be dropped.
Direktorin Malaschke
Amelie Bergen
Two fathers are fighting for a child: Franz Bergen, head of a church choir, wants to fight the right of access to the young son of the pub René Dörfler. At first, Judge Lena Kalbach does not allow the lawsuit - until it turns out that Bergen, as a sperm donor, is the biological father of the child. A delicate case for which Lena has to find a solution with great tact. But she is also personally affected by the issue of fatherhood: Her adult daughter Nike finally wants to know who her father is. In the third part of the popular TV series, Michaela May again plays the smart judge Lena Kalbach.
Carlos Castaneda, sixties author and ‘celebrated godfather of New Age’ died in his Los Angeles home in 1998. Five women forming his ‘harem’ disappeared within days. In 2004, bones are found at the edge of Death Valley belonging to one of the disappeared women. In a series of Californian road trips, filmmaker Minou Norouzi reflects on what the women’s obsession with Castaneda may have been and begins to wonder if her own life isn’t mirroring theirs. She meets a concoction of Castaneda associates who are all invested in telling her about Castaneda, whilst the story of the women remains in shadow.
Melanie und Wolf lernen sich bei einer Party kennen. Der sympathische Anwalt erobert Melanies Herz im Sturm. Für beide steht schon nach kurzer Zeit fest, dass sie keinen besseren Lebenspartner hätten finden können. Die Zeit ist reif, und so einigt man sich schnell auf den Termin für die Hochzeit. Im Familien- und Freundeskreis ist man zwar etwas irritiert, doch die bedingungslose Liebe der beiden scheint über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Melanie zieht in Wolfs Wohnung am Rande der Stadt. Doch bald schon schleicht sich in Melanies neues Leben ein Unbehagen...
Sabine Berg
Lissy Bredemeyer
Paul wants to become an astronaut. It is his favourite game. Pauls older sister, Lisa is playing his assistant in the spaceship. Lisa meets Simon and he also joins in but when Paul's physical conditions becomes bad, the game needs to favour Paul..
Angelique Koslowski
Sabine Berg
이부(異父)형제 미하엘과 브루노는 전혀 다른 성격의 소유자들이다. 어머니는 할머니에게 아들을 맡기고 섹스와 마약을 탐닉하는 공동체로 떠나버렸고, 둘은 각기 다른 방식으로 그 부재를 견뎌냈다. 분자생물학자가 된 미하엘은 이렇다할 성생활을 갖지 않고 연구에만 몰두한다. 반면, 브루노는 정신병원을 드나들 정도로 성에 탐닉하지만 아직 한 번도 자신을 충족시키는 여자와 만나지 못했다. 하지만 두 사람이 서른에 접어든 어느 날, 인생은 급변한다. 미하엘은 첫사랑 애나벨과 다시 만나게 되고 브루노는 마침내 자신의 성적 강박을 함께 즐길 수 있는 상대 크리스티안과 만나게 된 것이다. 드디어 행복을 거머쥐었다고 생각한 순간, 짓궂은 운명은 두 여자를 병에 걸리게 만들어 버린다. 미하엘과 브루노는 사랑을 위해 함께 고난을 이겨낼 것인지, 고통을 피해 외로움으로 점철된 본래의 삶으로 돌아갈 것인지를 결정해야 할 순간을 맞이하는데….
With "Der Bernsteinfischer" director Olaf Kreinsen has staged a moving love story. Romantic, but not kitschy, the film tells the story of a man who, through the love of a woman, is led to face the mistakes of his past - to finally make a fresh start. Heiner Lauterbach and Sonsee Neu shine in the leading roles as a romantic dream couple. Other roles include Deborah Kaufmann and Michael Hanemann.
Gundula Sieveking
Beatrice Bernstorff
Claudia Berens
At a conference in Verona, the dutiful German family man falls under the spell of the Italian Elsa. As soon as he falls for her, she disappears without a trace. Leo wife Hannah remorsefully confesses the affair. She forgives him. Then suddenly Elsa appears.
Sonja Hagen
Marlene Becker
Marlene Becker
Hans Fallada tells in his published after the war novel "The drinker" the story of the agricultural wholesaler Erwin Sommer, who flees from his narrow bourgeois relations under the burdens of the new times in the kingdom of the king alcohol, whose liberty and independence promises prove a lie - the only truth of the alcohol. On behalf of the WDR television play Ulrich Plenzdorf has adapted Fallada's 1944/45 novel for a film adaptation by Tom Toelle with Harald Juhnke in the main role of Erwin Sommer.
Fräulein Zieglinsli
Johanna Schneider
"King of the Last Days" is a German television miniseries in 1993 about the 16th century Anabaptist rebellion in Münster .
Film by Bernhard Stephan.
Anne Piesold
Günter and Gudrun Piesold are very busy with their careers as a TV comedian and an actress, so Grandma takes care of household chores and childcare. But when Grandma remarries, the Piesolds are faced with chaos at home and a burning question: Who will take care of the household?