Tane McClure
출생 : 1958-06-08, Pacific Palisades, California, USA
Space Girl Leader
A team of celebrities head out on a quest to search for the Bigfoot, unaware another group of time traveling women from the future are also looking for the creature.
Successful businessman Richard Clarke is bitten by a beautiful vampire and is plunged into the dark world of the supernatural. Richard very quickly realizes that being undead isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
(archive footage)
A few new graduate students start to chat about relationships.
Dr. Samantha O'Connor
A police detective is investigated when he claims to see ghosts.
Elle's Mother
하버드 대학교를 발칵 뒤집어 놓았던 금발 미녀 '엘 우즈'(리즈 위더스푼 분). 이제 보스톤의 일류 법률회사에서 변호사로 활동하는 그녀는 하버드 대학 교수인 '에밋'과 결혼을 앞둔 예비 신부. 그런 엘의 행복을 깨뜨리는 초대형 사건이 터진다. 결혼식의 VIP 목록에 오른 애견 '브루저'의 생모가 동물실험 대상으로 화장품 회사에 잡혀 있는 것이다. 엘은 브루저의 생모를 실험실에서 빼오려고 하다가 실패한다. 엘이 택할 수 있는 방법은 단 한가지. 그녀는 동물실험 반대 법안을 의회에서 통과시키기로 결심한다. 하버드 선배인 '빅토리아 러드'(샐리 필드 분) 하원의원의 보좌관이 되어 브루저와 함께 워싱턴으로 날아온 엘. 온통 핑크 빛으로 차려 입은 바비 인형의 출현에 국회 의사당이 들썩인다. 의원들의 부담스러운 시선을 받게 된 엘은 당당하게 동물 실험 반대 법안의 필요성을 역설하지만, 단번에 묵살 당한다. 의기소침해진 채 아파트로 돌아온 엘이 계획을 포기하려는 순간, 뜻밖에도 워싱턴 정가를 훤히 꿰고 있는 수위 '시드'가 도우미로 나선다. 이에 엘은 시드의 조언을 받고, 영향력 있는 의원들을 상대로 작업에 착수한다. 첫 번째 타겟인 보수 강경파 의원 '막스'에게 접근한 엘. 그 때 브루저가 막스의 힘 좋고 늠름한 수캐에게 홀딱 빠지는 사태가 벌어진다. 졸지에 사돈관계(?!)가 된 엘은 막스를 공략하는데 성공한다. 이후 엘의 작전은 물 흐르듯 흘러 간다. 하지만 동물실험 반대 법안이 의회에서 통과되기 직전, 빅토리아 의원이 돌연 지지 철회를 선언하자 많은 의원들이 동조하고 나서는데...
Ginger LaMarca
A tropical island is the setting for television's hottest new reality show, "Treasure Hunt," where 10 sexy contestants are competing for $10 million in hidden cash. Their celebration of fun, sun and seduction turns to panic when the contestants start having mysterious and deadly accidents. A killer is loose on the island... and as the body country grows, so do the television ratings!
A Vietnam vet goes to the east, gets enlightenment and becomes a spiritual leader, rescues a hooker,and rescues fallen youth.
A wealthy businessman wanting to get rid of his unfaithful wife gets more than he bargained for when his plans come back to bite him, literally.
Executive Producer
Catherine Leoni is a connoisseur of the illusionary arts. She learned her craft from her grandfather, Henry Santorini, a master magician with a disgraced past. Now in search of the fine line between reality and magic, she travels to Death Valley with her gangster husband Robert to meet Taylor Black, a mysterious magician who is about to replicate Santorini’s ruinous past. Adding to the mystery is Wally, who claims he can smell ectoplasm, and Robert’s hit man Bongo. Under Black’s power, Catherine is forced to make a choice…find her own power or succumb to the TRANCE and the seduction of magic. This was the Best Fantasy Feature winner at the New York International Independent Film Festival yet remains obscure.
Catherine Leoni is a connoisseur of the illusionary arts. She learned her craft from her grandfather, Henry Santorini, a master magician with a disgraced past. Now in search of the fine line between reality and magic, she travels to Death Valley with her gangster husband Robert to meet Taylor Black, a mysterious magician who is about to replicate Santorini’s ruinous past. Adding to the mystery is Wally, who claims he can smell ectoplasm, and Robert’s hit man Bongo. Under Black’s power, Catherine is forced to make a choice…find her own power or succumb to the TRANCE and the seduction of magic. This was the Best Fantasy Feature winner at the New York International Independent Film Festival yet remains obscure.
Catherine Santorini
Catherine Leoni is a connoisseur of the illusionary arts. She learned her craft from her grandfather, Henry Santorini, a master magician with a disgraced past. Now in search of the fine line between reality and magic, she travels to Death Valley with her gangster husband Robert to meet Taylor Black, a mysterious magician who is about to replicate Santorini’s ruinous past. Adding to the mystery is Wally, who claims he can smell ectoplasm, and Robert’s hit man Bongo. Under Black’s power, Catherine is forced to make a choice…find her own power or succumb to the TRANCE and the seduction of magic. This was the Best Fantasy Feature winner at the New York International Independent Film Festival yet remains obscure.
On their talk show, three female hosts talk about their various sexual escapades which are then shown in flashbacks
Diane, Rogers
Student Alice Jeffries (Anne Jensen) is on vacation in Mexico with her friend Carmen. When the two girls are arrested by the local police for drug possession, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) gets involved and quickly discovers that the Mexican authorities are unusually uncooperative. It's suspected that Alice was not arrested by chance, because after all she is the daughter of the Californian governor. The governor now pulls all the strings to free his little daughter and does not hesitate to send US agents to Mexico.
Elle's Mother
엘르 우즈(리즈 위더스푼 분)는 모두가 부러워하는 아름다운 금발의 소유자이다. 학교에서 남자는 물론 같은 여학생들 사이에서도 인기 만점인 그녀는 장학생이며, 캠퍼스 캘린더의 모델이기도 하다. 거기에 하버드 법대에 다니는 남자 친구 워너(매튜 데이비스 분)가 있어 그야말로 남부러울게 없는 짜릿하고 즐러운 나날을 보내고 있다. 남자 친구 워너(매튜 데이비스 분)가 특별한 저녁을 함께 하자고 요청한 자리에서 워너는 그녀에게 자신은 미래 지향적인 여자를 원한다며 "지나치게 금발(too blonde)"이라는 이유로 이별을 통보한다. 엘르는 비탄에 잠긴다. 하지만 오기가 생긴 엘르, 그녀는 자신은 그가 원하는 사람이 될 수 있음을 증명하려고 결심한다. 그리곤 워너가 다니는 하버드 법대에 들어갈 것을 결심하게 되는데.
Bunny Claymon
시작은 전편의 두 주인공 세바스찬과 의붓누이인 캐서린이 처음 만나는 시점으로 거슬러 올라가 시작된다. 또 한번의 사건을 저질러 다니던 학교에서 쫓겨난 아버지와 새어머니와 살기위해 뉴욕으로 옮겨온 세바스찬을 기다리고 있는 건 왜곡된 상류사회의 기득권층으로 살아온 오만하지만 떨쳐버릴 수 없는 유혹을 발살하는 캐서린. 둘의 만남은 처음부터 순탈할 리가 없다. 생모를 버린 생부의 여성 편력에 회의를 느끼던 세바스찬은 캐서린이 학생회장으로 있는 사립학교에 다니게 되면서 모범생 다니엘과 순수한 사랑에 빠지는데, 이를 질투하는 캐서린의 방해공작과 육탄공세를 어떻게 이겨낼 수 있을지.
Michael is a recovering addict. Back on the wagon, he's now responsible for a young, beautiful, and pregnant wife. He's working the graveyard shift at a gas station to support his new family, but the job drives him crazy. Then a wealthy stranger, Stuart, enters Michael's life, taking Michael through a tour of the seediest and slimiest parts of L.A. underbelly. Is Stuart leading Michael to hell, or salvation?
Julia Collins
The ratings of a radio sex-talk show are dropping. But after a listener is murdered, the sexy host finds her popularity is rising again. Is she behind the killings, or is it her producer--or someone else?
로나와 클레어의 스팅? 잔머리와 아스피린 한박스로 돈벌기 몇시간 안에 집세 380달러를 벌어야 하는 슈머마켓 점원, 로나. 그녀에게 의외로 쉽게 돈을 벌 기회가 온다. 형사의 끄나풀이 된 TV 스타 아담과 잭이 은밀한 거래를 제의한 것. 어려울 건 하나도 없다. 마약 딜러, 토드 게인즈에게 친구 클레어를 담보로 맡긴채 엑스터시 20알을 구해, 이익을 좀 남기고 팔아 넘기면 되는 것. 그러나 그 밤이 다 가기도 전에 로나는 토드에게 사기를 치다 화가 꼭지까지 난 그의 총구와 과속으로 달리는 차, 경찰이 친 덫 사이에서 죽을둥살둥 하게 된다. Don't Stop. Go! 불지르고, 사람쏘고, 두여자와 섹스까지? 로나와 근무시간을 바꾸고 친구 셋과 라스베가스로 크리스마스 여행을 떠난 사이먼. 두 친구는 즐기기도 전에 이미 배탈 설사로 탈진해버리고, 사이먼과 마커스만이 하룻밤의 모험을 시작한다. 매력적인 트러블 메이커 사이먼은 하룻밤에 정열적인 탄드라 섹스는 물론 호텔 방화에 차량 절도, 살인미수까지 저지르고 스트립 클럽 주인 빅터에게 쫒겨 라스베가스에서 줄행랑 치는 신세가 된다. 잡혔다 하면 그날로 초상치를 판. Go! 우리보고 피라밋 판매를 하라고? 마약 소지죄로 체포된 TV 스타, 아담과 잭. 능글능글한 형사 버크가 주도하는 함정수사에 협조하도록 종용받은 그들 사이에는 긴장감이 팽팽하다. 저녁무렵, 아담과 잭은 요상스런 분위기의 크리스마스 이브식사에 초대되어, 버크와 그의 섹시한 아내 아이린과 마주 앉게 된다
Cassandra Reed
The veteran detective Grabovsky investigates the mysterious murder of a business beauty, Julie Clark. The main suspect becomes her colleague, the young architect Jim Corrigan.
Lizard Performer
1971년, 베트남 전쟁에서 미국의 패색이 짙어진 무렵, 저널리스트인 라울 듀크는 사막에서 벌어지는 오토바이 경주의 취재를 위해 라스베가스로 떠나라는 지시를 받는다. 그는 그의 변호사이자 친구인 곤조와 함께 라스베가스로 떠나기 위한 준비를 갖춘다. 그 준비란것은 바로 빨간색 컨버터블 자동차와 카세트, 그리고 온갖 종류의 환각제들이다.
Lynn Barrett
When a man's wife dies, the new executive of his company makes a move. Though they know that sexual relations could cause problems, that does not stop them.
Maggie Templeton
A man infiltrates the Los Angeles underworld, which is controlled by mobsters who will stop at nothing to exploit the weak and overpower the strong.
Two homicide detectives are investigating the murder of a beloved glamour model and everyone's a suspect, including her female co-workers, elderly boss and even his assistant who's also the girlfriend of one of the detectives.
Callista Sinclair
When Interpol officer Kyle Connors, Don "The Dragon" Wilson, watches his partner die in an explosion, he swears he'll hunt down the killer. Yanked of the case by Internal Affairs, Connors defied his orders and follows the only lead he has... to India. Now, he is in a strange land where nothing is what it seems. Who can he trust? A beautiful counter-operative? An earnest young cop? A reclusive arms dealer? In a country where assassins come cheap, Connors finds himself in a cobra's nest of danger and betrayal.
Sherry Landis
When a young couple loses all of their money at a casino, the husband performs certain "favours" in order to work the debt off, while his wife is unaware of this kinky arrangement.
Amanda Foley
Amanda Foley has confusing nightmares and flashbacks that lead her to seek professional help. Nothing can shed light on her repressed memories, until she happens to catch her husband a college professor, having sex with one of his students. Then the past becomes dangerously clear
The Bull Moose Club was having a bad day when their leader gets shot down and the DA sends in cops to shut them down. A temptress and a bit of risky business saves the day but can she turn the boys into men so they can save themselves?
A hustler stumbles into the score of his life when the madam of a small country bordello mistakes him for a hired hitman. A working girl has stolen the madam's little black book to appease federal agents and pay off a debt - but they want more. While the hustler is falling in love with his intended target, the real hitman is closing in.
A soft-core film involving cybersex.
A disillusioned widower begins getting weird e-mail messages and duly heads to a strip club. Unfortunately, once there, he sees his supposedly dead wife lap-dancing; even more unfortunately, she also happens to be a vampire.
Kate and Sharon kill a man in self defense and are framed by the justice system. They are put in prison and forced into prostitution. With the help of their defense attorney, they devise a plan to bust out of prison and hopefully expose the group of corrupt politicians, judges, lawyers, etc. who put them there in the first place.
A lifeguard academy becomes a breeding ground for cat fights, shenanigans and pranks aplenty in this send up of the bouncy beach drama Baywatch.
Jean Capri
What starts as a dirty computer game, becomes a hilarious series of crimes, when the commissioner's son, Irwin, accidentally unleashes a Virtual Reality Hooker from his computer. Vice Academy's officers Candy and Traci have to stop the spreading of sexually transmitted computer viruses. Meanwhile, poor Ms Devonshire will do anything to save her marriage. Even if it means comically appearing on a sleazy talk show and airing out the Commissioner's dirty laundry!
A stripper leaves the business with millions when her wealthy, elderly patron dies. She tries to patch things up with her old boyfriend while serving as mentor to a stripper who is new to the business.
Jennifer Brennan gets a job at a strip club to try and find out who killed her sister. She works with undercover cop John Donnelly and befriends other strippers some of whom also get murdered by a very unhappy murdering murderer.
Detectives Munro and Sanders are assigned to investigate the murder of an adult film star named Buddy Blue. The hunk was actually killed during the shooting of an orgy scene.
An editor at a publishing house reads romantic manuscripts and until a mysterious psychopathic killer sends her threatening letters. Together with her hip flatmates, they try to expose the bad guy before he can strike.
Billy Van is a dangerous and perfidious outlaw who kidnapped a wealthy woman and the wife of Hamilton Monroe for ransom. However, Hamilton, makes an offer to free Billy's partner Jesson from prison. But it was Billy Van who double-crossed Jesson and put him in the prison. Now it's up to Jesson to find Billy and bring the kidnapped Maria back to get his freedom. Jesson teams up with a professional guide Sandy, Dirty Bob and a sharpshooter Little Swede, to find Billy, and goes on to achieve double purpose goal.
Five years after throwing a killer party and stealing Muffin away from alpha-male Zeta frat member Bud, head party nerd Ritchie is married (to Muffin!) and runs a detective agency.
Angie is having no luck auditioning for movies. She thinks about going back home, but her roommate Claudia convinces her to try working at the "gentleman's club" with her in order to gain more life experience. Angie hopes to be able to turn the experience toward more effective acting but is having difficulty overcoming her inhibitions. She meets a burned out movie director at the club who helps her with her dilemma.
Mademoiselle Suzanne
Erotic writer Chris is having a bad case of writer's block. Thankfully for him, he's mysteriously transported on a journey through time and has encounters with some of the most beautiful women in history.
House Buyer
Three couples deal with problems in their sex lives that threaten their marriages. A wife discovers that her husband has been unfaithful, a couple argue about having children, and a couple realize that the spark has left their marriage.
Kim Taylor inherits her grandfather's drive-in theatre. She must raise $25,000 over one weekend or the bank will take the property from her.
Fourth Woman
Six women on a beach tell each other their fantasies. These stories are shown to us as little sex vignettes.
Jerry tries to seduce his girlfriend Monica via hypnosis, but it accidentally makes her want to enter a convent and take a vow of chastity instead. Jerry tries to get her out by disguising himself to a priest and later as a nun. Alas, his rescue attempt crosses paths with a mobster who looks for his hidden stolen diamonds in the convent. Things get even more complicated when the pope himself decides to pay a surprise visit.
Melanie Moss (segment "Mis-apprehended")
Softcore anthology film containing stories: "Mis-apprehended"; "I've Got A Crush On You"; "The Freak"; "There's This Travelling Salesman, See"; "Double Vision"; "Busty Gusty and her Twin 50's"; "Some Guys Have All The Luck"; "The Hitchhiker"; and "The Right Number".
헬스 클럽을 경영하고 있는 이혼남 마이클(Michael: 윌리암 부미러 분)의 애인인 로라(Laura: 브렌다 브케 분)는 헬스 클럽에서 운동을 하다가 사우나실에 들어가 있는데 갑자기 뜨거운 열기가 나와서 죽을 뻔한 위기를 모면한다. 이 연락을 받은 마이클은 병원으로 뛰어가고, 경찰에도 알리지만 원인은 알 길 없다. 그 후에도 계속 사고를 유발한 살인이 연속적으로 일어나고 여러명이 죽어간다. 마이클은 이 일이 있은 다음부터 계속 악몽을 꾼다. 휠체어가 등장을 하고 그 위에 로라가 불타고 있는 장면이 항상 보인다. 그리고 불안해진 마이클은 심령학하는 사람을 찾아가서 그에게 도움을 요청한다. 그가 헬스크럽 곳곳을 돌아다니다가 지하실에서 심령이 있는것을 느꼈으나 그곳에서 그들에게 죽음을 당한다.
Tanya Karrington
A renegade federal agent uses a new drug to create an army of unbeatable warriors.
An American narcotics agent takes her squad to Mexico, where she must break up a drug-smuggling gang that has also kidnapped her boyfriend.
Sophie Fisher
아파트의 주인인 남자는 여자들만 골라 세를 놓고 환기통으로 방을 엿본다. 이에 그치지 않고 기발한 방법으로 여자들을 살해한다.