Christian Kahrmann
출생 : 1972-06-19, Köln, Germany
25 years of coma lie behind the hard-hitting policeman Mick Brisgau, as he awakens in a world unknown to him.
It's been 25 years since they graduated from high school or could have done it if they had not left before, made honors rounds or simply failed. Now they meet again at the class reunion, the former best of class, the former genius, the ex-class brat, the ex-class-ass, in their mid-40s, and suddenly face the people with whom they dreamed their future life , But what actually happened in the meantime?
Pfleger Gunther
The former boxer Ronald has lost his short-term memory after an accident. Now nothing is the same. Roland's world has no future, and the past only exists in his mind up until his accident.
Carl Meininger
Porsche Fahrer
15년 간 은행에서 성실하게 근무하고 있는 30대 중반의 틸. 우연히 은행 강도 나포의 인질이 되면서 그의 인생이 180도 꼬이고 만다. 아내와의 관계는 틀어지고, 경찰은 그가 은행강도와 한 패라 의심하며 그의 뒤를 쫓기 시작하는데…
Fin Hogan
Ralf Mayer
Aamir wanted to report the theft of his jacket to the police. But at the police station, everything goes completely different to what he imagined. His journey has already started.
Hitler's Adjutant Lehmann
Based on the true story of Max Schmeling. A national hero in the 1930's when he became World heavyweight champion. He lost favour with the Nazi regime when he lost to a black man, Joe Louis, and is sent to the front in the hope he will be killed in battle.
Rüdiger 'Rudi' Szymaniak
Rüdiger 'Rudi' Szymaniak
Success is a question of confidence, particularly in times of crisis. Life would be unbearable if there weren’t beautiful things to brighten it up a little, including pretty faces. Frank Knöpfel constantly flirts with life with his beguiling bright blue eyes. He buys a complete stranger an expensive coat in a designer boutique just because he feels like it. He disguises himself as a businessman from Oslo, a Mafia boss, a stock exchange specialist and an estate agent, whatever it takes to bring in the cash. He is the type of person who enjoys looking in the mirror, and delights in what he sees there. A flirtation with a customer in a boutique leads to Frank’s undoing.
Leutnant Block
베를린 티비 타워의 레스토랑에서 종업원의 부주의로 엄청난 화재가 발생했다. 택시기사인 톰은 타워에서 연기가 피어오르는 모습을 보고 재빠르게 타워로 택시를 돌렸다. 곧이어 베를린 최고의 소방팀장 홀스트가 이끄는 소방구조대가 긴급 투입된다. 그러나 사고가 이어져 화재가 발생한 티비타워까지 접근할 수 있는 사람은 전직 소방대원인 톰밖에 없게된다. 일년전 사고로 아들을 잃게 된 홀스트 팀장은 아들 사망 원인이 당시 팀원이었던 톰의 부주의 때문이었다고 굳게 믿는다. 이 때문에 톰은 소방관을 그만두게되고 톰은 홀스트의 딸이자 여자친구였던 카차와 헤어지게 된다. 한편 타워에 갇힌 사람들 중에는 톰의 옛 여자친구 카차가 포함되어있다. 톰은 화염 속에서 구조를 시도하지만 홀스트와의 갈등으로 구조에 차질이 빚어지는데...
Ernst Jannoschek
Uwe Brehme
The story of the German sail-training ship Pamir that sunk in a hurricane.
Mark Kampmann
Ingo organizes a charity event for the local golf club. Special guest will be the Hollywood star Douglas Burnett. But who remembers what the aging star looks like today?
'Stuffz' Hubert
In this sequel to Revenge of the Rats (Ratten - sie werden dich kriegen), Frank and Katrin return to Frankfurt to stop the scientist responsible for unleashing the plague of genetically mutated vermin upon the city.
Officer in Charge
21세기 초, 핵전쟁으로 초토화된 지구상에 재건된 신국가 리브리아에서는 감정이 허용되지 않는다. 모든 국민들은 총사령관의 지령에 따라 감정을 배제하는 약물 프로지움을 투입한다. 인간의 감정이 전쟁과 범죄를 유발한다는 이유로 예술작품들 또한 모두 제거된다. 기계 같은 특수전사 존 프레스턴(크리스천 베일)은 감정 회복을 꾀하는 반군을 진압하는 데 혁혁한 공을 세운다. 그러나 동료의 자살, 아내의 숙청 등으로 인해 괴로운 감정에 휩싸이고, 급기야 프로지움의 투약을 중단하며 서서히 통제됐던 감정을 경험하게 되는데...
Mark Demski (Jan Sosniok) discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him and thinks it has happened because of his small penis. Sad, he dumps the girl and promises himself never again to fall in love, but he fails. When he encounters Lara Singer (Doreen Jacobi) he must fight with his own fears.
Graf Hubertus von Saatlow
MP Sergeant
후방 지휘본부에서 편안하게 근무하던 스물네 살의 미군 장교 토머스 하트 중위는 1944년 12월 16일, 갑작스런 사고에 휘말린다. 아군으로 위장한 독일군의 공격을 받아 포로가 되고 만 것. 3일간의 고문을 견디지 못하고 작전 기밀을 털어놓은 하트는 독일군 포로수용소 ‘스타라크 6’에 입소한다. 이곳에서 그는 아군 포로들을 지휘하고 있는 맥나마라 대령을 만난다. 어느 날 흑인 장교 포로 두 명이 수용소에 들어오면서 아군들 사이에 인종적 갈등이 생기고 급기야 두 명의 포로가 죽는 사고가 발생한다. 맥나마라는 진범을 가리기 위해 수용소장 베르너 비서 대령에게 재판을 요구하고 하트는 혐의를 받고 있는 흑인 중위 링컨 스콧을 변호한다. 하지만 며칠 뒤 하트는 이 재판이 거대한 위장이었음을 알게 된다.
Stuffz Hubert
A municipal worker's strike combined with Frankfurt's hottest summer in 150 years brings infected rats out onto the streets.
Hauptgefreiter Oliver Brengel
The marine doctor Dr. med. Karen Stendal is assigned to the sailing training ship Albatros, which heads her great love Gregor Simonis as captain. But contrary to expectations Gregor behaves emphatically cool and dismissive to the attractive doctor. During a trip ashore in Lisbon, Karen indulges in an affair with the charming journalist Thomas Sand. But when Karen learns the reason for Gregor's peculiar restraint, she knows he needs her more than ever.
Mark Kampmann
Bank robber Kalle Grabowski escapes from prison while his unemployed smalltime crook buddy is sitting around doing nothing after he just lost all their money. A fast paced comedy from German director Peter Thorwarth.
Jürgen Jasulke
Funeral director Zombie and his buddy Jürgen fly into Mallorca to transfer a deceased woman to Germany. But the routine undertaking turns into a chase across the island. First, the coffin disappears. Then the body is mistaken for another. Gangsters are after this one, who have hidden something completely different in the corpse's garb.
A young student stands to inherent a fortune provided he can pass his first semester of college and find a steady girlfriend. His scheming stepfather has other plans for the money, however.
Jürgen Jasulke
A nameless waiter spends his days sitting around the house watching Faces of Death, slaughterhouse videos, pornography and the German equivalent of The Price Is Right. Deluded, deranged and believing mankind will endure the most horrible experiences, and will resort to any actions in order to sustain their own life, he snaps.
Benny Beimer