Frank Lammers

Frank Lammers

출생 : 1972-04-10, Mierlo, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

프로필 사진

Frank Lammers

참여 작품

All Inclusive
Ome Cor
개인정보 탈취 음모를 발견한 뒤 살인 누명을 쓰게 된 화이트 해커. 경찰로부터 도주 중인 그녀가 자신을 협박하는 범죄자들의 정체를 밝히기 위해 싸운다.
Noah loves his girlfriend Lea and their daughter Zita dearly, just about as much as his extremely pimped car with vanity plate “H4Z4RD”. When his cousin offers him a seemingly simple job as a driver, it soon turns into an unlikely and nerve-racking race through Antwerp, which can only result in the end of Noah, his family or the car…
Herrie in huize Gerri
Executive Producer
Herrie in huize Gerri
Herrie in huize Gerri
Gerri van Vlokhoven
Ferry Bouman
거대한 마약 제국을 건설하기 전, 보스의 보복을 위해 고향으로 돌아간 페리 보우만. 하지만 그곳에서 인생을 송두리째 바꿔 놓을 사랑을 만나고, 그의 충성심은 시험에 든다.
From Gerri With Love
Executive Producer
While everyone is at home because of the Corona virus, chemistry teacher Gerri van Vlokhoven goes viral in his not-so-white underwear.
From Gerri With Love
Gerri van Vlokhoven
While everyone is at home because of the Corona virus, chemistry teacher Gerri van Vlokhoven goes viral in his not-so-white underwear.
From Gerri With Love
While everyone is at home because of the Corona virus, chemistry teacher Gerri van Vlokhoven goes viral in his not-so-white underwear.
Lammert / Koekoek
Absurd comedy about a lonely man who lives in a cuckoo clock.
All You Need Is Love
When popular TV show host Dr. Love goes missing ahead of the annual Christmas special, a zany search for his replacement and holiday romance ensues.
그것은 물 밑에서 온다
The Host
할로윈 이벤트로 살인 미스터리 기차를 즐기던 승객들. 하지만 갑자기 열차강도가 들이닥치고 승객들은 혼란에 빠지게 된다. 이 소동중에 갑자기 기차가 탈선하여 철교아래로 가라앉기 시작하면서 잔혹한 강물 속의 괴물을 깨우게 된다. 그리고 처절한 사투를 벌인다.
Chasing Windmills
Kapitein Holland Amerika Lijn
In 1934 Koos Bink is 16 as he grows up in Crooswijk, a poor part of Rotterdam. He dreams of escaping the misery like his hero, boxer Bep van Klaveren, aka The Dutch Windmill. As a stowaway on board of a luxury passenger ship he tries to make his way to America and follow in the footsteps of the Dutch Olympic champion. The one thing Koos did not count on is that it is not enough just to dream.
The Fantastic Family Hotel
Kos (13) is going through the most bizarre period in his life. His mother died a few years ago and his dad is having a heart attack. While Kos’ father is in the hospital, it looks like the hotel he is running will be a big mess. But Kos and his three sisters do not intend to let that happen. After the siblings find out that father is deep in financial problems, the hotel is threatened with closure. The children however come up with a solution: someone has to win the local beauty pageant, with a hefty cash prize attached.
As If I'm Crazy
Scenario Writer
When a successful young artist named Benjamin is involuntarily committed, he is completely baffled, for he doesn’t remember anything about what happened. Life in the psychiatric institute is violent and absurd, but step by step, Benjamin seems to come to grips with himself again. He starts to realize how narcissistic he used to be. When he is released and meets up with his old friends, he is confronted with yet another truth.
As If I'm Crazy
When a successful young artist named Benjamin is involuntarily committed, he is completely baffled, for he doesn’t remember anything about what happened. Life in the psychiatric institute is violent and absurd, but step by step, Benjamin seems to come to grips with himself again. He starts to realize how narcissistic he used to be. When he is released and meets up with his old friends, he is confronted with yet another truth.
The Fury
Nico van Dartel
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Eric van de Geijn
Ahti Ikonen is a reliable captain at the height of his career. He is in command of the 35,000-ton container vessel Brugge, which enters the port of Savannah/United States behind schedule. The loading of the ship commences in haste as the crew, led by the ambitious Romanian officer Katia, works by the piece so that they can sail in time. The Filipino seaman James has an accident during this semi- legal lashing procedure. Ahti has to face the consequences of his orders: In the port of Rotterdam/Netherlands unionized dockworkers exploit the incident and refuse to unload the ship. Standstill. The captain is caught between the frontlines. Ahti is keen to elucidate the accident, but the situation becomes more and more contradictory…
스크림: 킬링파티
Rechercheur van Velzen
얼음물 참기대회에서 참가자 한 명이 사망하고 사건의 범인이 밝혀지지 않은 채로 사고사로 종결된다. 2년 후, 당시 대회에 참가했던 대학생들은 졸업을 앞두고 휴양지로 여행을 떠난다. 매일 요트경기와 환상의 클럽파티를 즐기던 와중 의문 연쇄 살인이 일어나는데..
J. Kessels
J. Kessels is the story of the bizarre road trip taken by a French literary pulp writer with his favourite character J. Kessels. The journey takes them from Tilburg to the Hamburg Reeperbahn in Kessels' old American 'Kamikaze' clunker as they seek out cheating dealer. When they get there they find a corpse in the trunk of the Kamikaze: easy to find, but how do you get rid of it?
제독: 미힐 드 로이테르
Michiel de Ruyter
17세기 신흥 강국으로 부상한 네덜란드. 2만 척의 배로 전세계를 누비며 교역으로 부를 쌓고, 정치적으로는 공화국 체계를 구축하며 국민에게 자유를 장려하던 네덜란드는 왕당정치를 고수하던 유럽 열강국들에게 위협적인 존재로 성장하기에 이른다. 이에 영국은 함대를 보내 네덜란드의 교역로를 차단하려 하고 끝내 교전이 빈번하게 일어나는데… 영국과의 해전 중 전사한 트롬프 장군은 선장에 불과한 미힐에게 그의 뒤를 부탁한다는 유언을 남기고 이에 힘입어 선원들 사이에서 뛰어난 지도력과 전략을 선보여 인정을 받았던 미힐은 왕당파의 반대에도 불구하고 새로운 장군으로 취임하게 된다. 미힐이 장군이 됨으로써 처음으로 영국과의 해전에서 승리를 거두고, 그 뒤에도 미힐은 계속해서 네덜란드에게 승리를 안겨주지만 그를 향한 왕당파의 시선이 곱지만은 않다. 이렇게 나라 안팎의 적들을 상대하며 미힐은 네덜란드 함대를 유럽 최강으로 올려놓기 위해 고군분투하는데… 위대한 업적으로 혁혁한 공을 세우며 지금까지도 역사상 가장 위대한 제독으로 기억되는 장군 미힐 드 로이테르는 과연 마지막까지 네덜란드에게 승리를 선사할 수 있을 것인가.
In the Heart
Masha is in an overwhelming relationship with Luuk, father of two and separated. Nothing seems to stand in their way until Luuk turns incurably ill, leaving Masha without status.
Iris and Kimberly, two close friends from Brabant, share a passion: synchronised swimming. They have been a duo for so long that their whole lives seem to run synchronously. When the day of the big event dawns, both their talent and their friendship are put to the test. Are they both motivated enough to maintain perfection? Is their friendship really as harmonious as they think?
The Marathon
Four out-of-shape car mechanics decide to participate in the Rotterdam marathon. If they reach the finish in time, they will be able to pay off their debt — if they don't, they will lose their garage.
The Gang of Oss
Harry den Brock
Johanna wants to change her life and quit the criminal gangs of the town of Oss in the 1930s. The harder she tries, the more she is involved.
The President
A political comedy about an illegal Moroccan who makes it to President of the Netherlands. As we follow his unlikely rise and self-sought fall, Joes learns that it's easy to win the support of the people, but to rule them is a whole other story.
Sam Raymond
A young cattle farmer is approached by an unscrupulous veterinarian to make a shady deal with a notorious beef trader.
Bon Voyage
A grandfather doesn't tell his daughter and grand children he is seriously ill until just before their holiday.
New Kids Turbo
Five friends from 'Maaskantje' are getting fired because of the economic crisis. They decide that they won't pay for anything anymore.
Frank Meutstege
Jaap van Elsakker
Xander's parents are murdered by criminals. Xander is housed by the police with his uncle; potato farmer Jaap.
Night Run
Dennis is a taxi driver trying to start out his own company. One day, he gets the opportunity to buy a scarce and expensive but lucrative license.
탈출을 시도하던 레이첼의 가족은 적군에게 발각되어 모두 죽고, 그녀만 홀로 살아 남는다. 더 이상 잃은 것이 없다고 여기며 하루 하루를 보내던 그녀에게 적군의 본지로 침투할 스파이의 임무가 주어진다. 이 후, 자신의 매력과 기지를 십 분 발휘해 적군 장교 문츠의 연인이 되는 데 성공한 레이첼은 그의 사무실에서 일을 하게 된다. 그곳에서 그녀는 도청 장치를 설치하는 등 중요한 임무를 수행하며 본격적인 스파이 임무를 수행한다. 레이첼은 중요한 스파이 임무 수행으로 혁혁한 공을 세우지만 점점 문츠 장교를 진심으로 사랑하게 된다. 문츠 장교 또한 레이첼이 스파이라는 사실을 눈치채고도 그녀를 매몰차게 뿌리치지 못하는데. 그러나 이런 그들의 애틋한 사랑을 전쟁이라는 잔인한 현실은 용서하지 않는다. 레이첼이 동지들을 구출할 최후의 임무를 전달받게 되고, 그 작전이 시작되던 날, 그들을 감싸고 있던 엄청난 음모가 그 실체를 드러내면서 뜻하지 않은 새로운 반전을 맞이하는데…
The Rage of the Whole World
Inspecteur Douvetrap
In Raging of the whole world are the turbulent early years of Alexander Goudveyl central. The story of Alexander's childhood is also the history of an era, the fifties and sixties, and a never solved murder case. Murder goes back to an authentic incident: in 1956, right before Christmas, a policeman was shot in broad daylight in Maassluis during a large-scale evangelistic campaign. The film also plays a failed escape attempt with a herring trawler involved in the turbulent days of May 1940.
BMW Driver
Anna is a vital woman who is married and has two daughters. She picks up her old passion of writing again after frequent requests by a colleague and a friend, but she had not foreseen the consequences of family and friends reading her stories...
Schnitzel Paradise
Schnitzel Paradise is a Dutch film about a young Moroccan man working in the kitchen of popular Dutch restaurant.
This movie is about a group of young people struggling with what 'true love' means. Main character is a boy who doesn't want to commit himself to one woman.
De Dominee
Amsterdam, 1970s. A wealthy grammar school student Klaas and his friend start trafficking hash and become entangled in the brutal criminal scene.
Construction Worker
A shy seventeen-year-old construction worker tries to hold his own in the macho world of roofers
Hush Hush Baby
Abdullah 'Ap' Bentarek is happy that, unlike his Uncle Yusuf who stayed in the ancestral Moroccan mountain village, his father Ali moved to the Netherlands – even though it does mean that he’ll have to deal with lousy friends and unrealistic expectations at the employment office. A light-hearted portrait of the immigrant experience and the ubiquitous intolerance of the unfamiliar in Dutch society.
The South
Loe de Koning
Martje is the manager of a successful laundry service, but in her personal life she struggles with her self-image after the amputation of one of her breasts. After she is humiliated when Loe, one of her employees, is startled by the discovery of her prosthesis during foreplay, she imprisons him in the laundry plant. As Loe is slowly dying in imprisonment, Martje loses contact with reality and starts imagining having a family with him.
Father's Affair
Armin is in crisis. One fateful day he discovers he is infertile and has been throughout his life. From this he discovers his first wife, Monika, was unfaithful before she died. How else could she have the child that Armin always thought was his? His paranoia drives him to find the truth.
To show the many lovers of his mother how he feels about them, a young boy buries the gifts he gets from them in the woods. But then one of them gives him a dog, called Dajo.
Maxima's Miracle
February 2002. An Argentinian mother and her daughter visit Amsterdam during the wedding of prince Willem-Alexander and princess Máxima. She is looking for a miracle, the reappearing of her husband Alejandro, who got lost during the regime. She experiences difficulty as the police don't believe her story. On top of it all her daughter disappears in the crowd. Police officer Felix Bos also has a problem. His girlfriend Min has just heard some bad news. She's going to be evicted from the country. The situation brings Felix into trouble with the police. This is also the day he finds out his mother couldn't have been his mother.
One cold winter's day, Jacob and his sister Marie are abandoned in a wood by their out of work father. In his jacket Jacob finds a letter from their mother urging them to go to her brother in Spain. Once in Spain, it turns out that their uncle is dead. Marie meets Diego, a wealthy charming Spanish surgeon, and falls in love with him. Diego lives with his sick, domineering sister, Teresa. To Jacob's astonishment, Marie wants to marry Diego. Even after the wedding has taken place, jealous Jacob tries to get his sister away from Diego. When this doesn't succeed, Jacob starts to provoke his brother-in-law. It soon transpires that no one will go unpunished for this.
De enclave
Darko Bokan
De Enclave is a Dutch mini series about the mass murders in Srebrenica during the Bosnia war. It tells a part of the Bosnia war, personalized in Ibro Hadzic, who lost all of his family there.
The Cave
Psychological thriller. Geography teacher smuggles a case of heroin for a friend.
De Zwarte Meteoor
Nederlandse voetbalfilm
Wild Mussels
A group of friends in their early twenties re-consider their boring lives in a sleepy fishing village in the Netherlands.