Jack Dillon

참여 작품

Skinned Alive
In the heart of New York City, men are dying in very violent ways. They are being torn up and ripped apart...and eaten. The only connection is that they all die after hiring a prostitute. And searching for love in this city is Jeffrey...Jeffrey is a sad and lonely man. He hates his job, he hates his life and all he wants is a woman to shower with love and affection. Socially awkward and fearing rejection, Jeffrey finds his companionship with hookers. In a bizarre twist of fate, Jeffrey hires this hooker and almost instantly they fall madly in love. Now he has to find out just how much he is willing to accept in the name of true love...She is feeding on the men of New York City...and there is a lunatic that is hunting her down...and caught in the middle is Jeffrey, who only wanted to love and be loved.
캣츠 아이
총 세편의 에피소드로 구성.첫 번째는 담배에 대한 혐오감을 키우기위해 흡연자의 아내를 전기고문하는 금연학교의 이야기.두번째는 내기를 좋아하는 재벌이 자신의 부인을 꼬드긴 남자를 빌딩 난간에 세워놓고 난간을 타고 빌딩을 한바퀴돌면 모든 것들을 용서해 주겠다고 하는 내기 이야기.세번째는 고양이와 텔레파시가 통하는 소녀가 자신의 영혼을 노리는 벽 속의 괴물앞에 고양이에게 도움을 청해 싸우는 이야기로 구성되어 있다.