Alan J. Levi

참여 작품

Dead Man's Revenge
Bitter and vengeful fugitive Luck Hatcher, dignified former slave turned bounty hunter Jessup Bush, and wily deputy U.S. Marshal Bodine all converge in a small town so they can hatch an intricate con in order to bring greedy and ruthless railroad speculator Payton McCay to justice.
Without Warning: Terror in the Towers
Knight Rider 2000
In the future, guns are banned and criminals are frozen for the duration of their sentences. A recent spate of killings involving handguns brings Michael Knight back to fight for justice, but he insists of the help of KITT, his artificially-intelligent car from decades ago. The only problem is that KITT has been deactivated.
바이오닉 소머즈
The Bionic Woman and the Six-Million-Dollar Man reunite--with a few younger bionic assistants--and try to catch a bionic spy.
Island Sons
A successful businessman in Hawaii disappears amid allegations of illegal activities. Years later his four sons bear the burden and repercussions of these allegations, as well, taking care of his legacy. Now when a stranger comes all sorts of things happen like a secret that their father kept from them and the truth of their father's disappearance.
The Stepford Children
Steven and Laura Harding, along with their kids David and Mary, have moved to the quiet community of Stepford. Steven joins the men's club, which is still assimilating their wives into robots. This time, they have begun to turn their out of control teens into robots as well. Once they are assimilated, they are obedient, homework loving, big band dancing droids. Laura, David, and Mary stumble onto this mystery, and they must avoid Steven's plans to turn them into robots.
Airwolf는 초고속 속도가 가능하며 레이더에는 보이지 않으며 최첨단 하드웨어로 무장했다. Airwolf는 지금까지 개발 된 가장 멋진 공중 무기이다. 리비아 용병들이 헬리콥터를 도난 당했을 때 CIA의 프로젝트 디렉터 인 Michael Archangel은 베트남 베테랑 인 Stringfellow Hawke와 그의 가장 친한 친구 Dominic Santini의 도움을 받아 에어 울프를 되 찾으려고 한다. 이 임무는 중동의 폭력과 파괴의 한가운데로 던져져 위험과 로맨스, 음모에 맞서 전투에서 가장 치명적인 공중 무기를 다시 찾는다.
The Invisible Woman
In a research lab, a scientist's pet chimpanzee mixes up an invisibility formula. A young woman accidentally drinks the solution and becomes invisible.
The Invisible Woman
In a research lab, a scientist's pet chimpanzee mixes up an invisibility formula. A young woman accidentally drinks the solution and becomes invisible.
Blood Song
A psychopath escapes from a mental institution and starts a murder spree, which ends in the pursuing of a young handicapped girl, who once got a blood transfusion from him.
The Last Song
An aspiring singer unwittingly comes into possession of several tapes for which her engineer husband and his partner, in their electronic eavesdropping business, were murdered, and discovers that she and her daughter are now being stalked by the killers.
The Legend of the Golden Gun
In Kansas during the middle of the Civil War, John Golden is left for dead and his family has been killed by the ruthless Confederate outlaw William Quantrill. Rescued by runaway slave Joshua Brown, Golden is determined to get revenge. With the help of a legendary gunfighter and a special gun, Golden must not only deal with Quantrill and his men, but has to dodge General Custer and his army, as well.
The Immigrants
A young Italian immigrant who loses everything in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake starts over again and builds up a shipping empire, but doesn't find the happiness he thought would come with wealth until he takes up with a young Chinese girl.
배틀스타 갤럭티카
콜로니 생활을 하던 인류가 사이보그 사일론의 눈을 피해 최후의 안식처인 지구를 찾아 나서면서 일어나는 에피소드를 담은 스페이스 오페라의 정석
Go West, Young Girl
A lighthearted Western about a peppery New England lady who goes west to seek her fortune by writing about her experiences, and the attractive widow of a cavalry officer, both of whom go in search of Billy the Kid, teaming up to outwit gamblers, bounty hunters, and rough-and-tumble lawmen.
The Return of the Incredible Hulk
On the run and presumed dead by the authorities, David Banner, using the name 'Benton', continues in his efforts to find a cure. He accidentally finds himself in the middle of a plot to kill a young, crippled girl so her unscrupulous relatives can inherit the family fortune.
Gemini Man [Pilot]
A government agent is caught in the explosion of a government underwater salvage operation. He finds himself capable of turning himself invisible, and sets out to use his new powers to prove that the explosion was sabotage.
Riding with Death
Dimwitted, meaty guy foils criminals by turning invisible.
The Return of Sam McCloud
Ex-Marshal McCloud now is senator of New Mexico, fighting for a new environment law. His enemy is Maitland, unscrupulous owner of Chemtel, the world's most important chemical manufacturer. Shortly after McCloud gives an inspiring speech, he barely escapes an bomb in his car and a shooting in a restaurant. When he learns that his niece, medical researcher for Chemtel, was killed, he begins to suspect that the attempts on his life were not made by Arabian terrorists, but by Maitland. He pays him a visit in Britain and starts to research on his own.