Martin Brambach

Martin Brambach

출생 : 1967-01-01, Dresden, Germany

프로필 사진

Martin Brambach

참여 작품

Am Abgrund
Gerd Meineke is a committed member of the Bundestag and member of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe. And he has a problem: Leyla, the daughter of his partner Alina, was taken into custody as an opposition figure in her country of origin, Azerbaijan. The blogger fights there for democracy and against environmental destruction. Gerd travels to Baku as an election observer for the Council of Europe, where he wants to campaign for the release of Leyla and other political prisoners. Only on site does he realize that the government and the lobbyists of influential companies are using politicians like him to gain credibility for the ruthless, environmentally destructive extraction of critical raw materials. Leyla and her friend Valentina open his eyes to the extent of corruption that does not stop at Western European politicians. Will Gerd, together with Leyla and the help of her friend, be able to make the corruption of politics public?
McLenBurger - 100% Heimat
Ronnie Bornowski
Jeanny - The Fifth Girl
In Mödling, a small town near Vienna, girls between the ages of 18 and 20 have been disappearing without a trace at ever shorter intervals for the past 13 years. Residents are worried and accuse the police of incompetence. In this environment of fear and mistrust, the 19-year-old schoolgirl Jeanny meets the mysterious but charming tax consultant Johannes, which initially has something threatening about it. But Johannes sees more in Jeanny than just an innocent girl. And he gives Jeanny, who lost her father at a young age, support and recognition. He helps her to pass the Matura, he awakens her self-confidence and gives her the appreciation that she misses. An unusual love grows between the two, which is initially kept secret from everyone. As she is drawn deeper and deeper into the whirl of her feelings, the aggressive climate in the town continues to escalate. A militia is formed. Jeanny is becoming increasingly insecure. Can she really trust Johannes?
Alles auf Rot
Paul Epstein
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Die Streunerin
Hans Gerling
Insecure: All the Best for the Future
Franz Sachtler
The lawyer Franziska Schlüter works for the Aescuria insurance and is responsible for processing applications for disbursement of occupational disability policies. The company policy provides as a guideline to prevent the approval as far as possible. When the widow of a victim, who committed suicide after being rejected, storms the office to loudly accuse these machinations, Franziska begins to doubt the correctness of her work and to rethink. She quits and works as a freelance lawyer to help injured parties legally to get their rights. First she deals with the case of a family in the neighborhood. The father has been in a wheelchair since an accident. However, the Strelaus have not yet seen any money from the insurance company. Initially not taken seriously by colleagues, the shy woman takes on the fight against the health insurance system and has to fight against resistance and above all with her own self-doubt.
Eine Almhütte für Zwei
Christian Spengler
Mein Altweibersommer
9 Days Awake
Karl Hoffmann
“9 Days Awake”, the film adaptation of the eponymous novel by Eric Stehfest. Jannik Schümann plays Eric, a junkie who lives to party. He is addicted to the one drug that makes him feel invincible- "like Jesus and the terminator at the same time." When he is accepted to an acting school in Berlin, he tries to reconnect with his great love Anja (Peri Baumeister), change his life, and strive to be better. But numerous conflicts and issues follow him, leaving him to retreat back to his old ways as other situations escalate.
Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula, who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan, the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.
Tödliches Comeback
Roy Singer
Nimm Du ihn
Kursk Captain Gennady Shirokov
평범한 토요일 아침, 해군 대위 미하일(마티아스 쇼에나에츠)은 핵잠수함 쿠르스크에 승선한다. 출항 직후 예기치 못한 폭발로 잠수함이 침몰하고, 두 번째 폭발로 쿠르스크 선체에 큰 구멍이 뚫린다. 그 시각 남편의 소식을 들은 미하일의 아내 타냐(레아 세이두)는 그의 생사를 확인하려 하지만 아무 소식도 들을 수 없고, 러시아 정부는 영국군 준장 데이빗(콜린 퍼스)의 구조 지원도 마다한 채 시간만 보내는데... 한편 대부분의 승조원이 사망하자 미하일을 포함한 23명의 생존자는 살기 위한 사투를 시작한다.
25 km/h
A road movie about two very different brothers who have not seen each other for 20 years: city manager Christian and cabinetmaker Georg, who never left their hometown and took care of their father until his passing. After their fathers funeral, the brothers decide on a whim, and with some help from the alcohol, to fulfil their old dream: travel trough Germany together on their mopeds.
Ausgerechnet Sylt
Keiner schiebt uns weg
Wolfgang Kessler
Kein Herz für Inder
Family Neufund is an exchange student from England in the house! The host parents Martin Brambach and Aglaia Szyszkowitz see this as a chance to finally win a girlfriend for their idiosyncratic 16-year-old daughter. But at the airport is not the expected "hip" Sandy McCartney from London in front of them, but a 13-year-old Indian boy! You want to get rid of the little Hindu as soon as possible. In a roundabout way, Zayn Baig in the role of the unwanted guest and Lena Urzendowsky as a loner are still pretty good friends.
Reich oder tot
Paul Epstein
Willkommen bei den Honeckers
Erich Honecker
Max Bretschneider pretends to be a communist in order to conduct the last interview with Erich Honecker.
Roger Adler
After some faked medicine is found, an Interpol agent searches for evidence against high rank chairmen of medical companies.
Das Leben Danach
Wellness für Paare
Dirk Krakow
A wellness hotel in a small German castle specializes in well-off couples, offering a wide range of services, including one some partners feel trapped into : relational therapy. It's truth time, for some liberating, forcing others to face their secrets of dysfunctional relationship.
Kästner and Little Tuesday
Germany, 1931. The youth novel "Emil and the Detectives" is being filmed, which will make its author, Erich Kästner, world famous. An unusual friendship begins between the childless author and fatherless Hans, the 9-year-old playing the character Little Tuesday. Their friendship is put to the ultimate test in the Third Reich when Kästner's books are banned and little Hans becomes a Hitler Youth. Based on a true story.
Nur nicht aufregen!
Ingo Klostermann
Rüdiger Kneppke
Das beste Stück vom Braten
Volker Griesebach
"Cooking is war" - that is the motto of the ingenious, but self-centered celebrity chef and women's hero Michi Griesebach, who has been in trouble for years with the autocratic restaurant critic Harry Dumont. Now the showdown is due to the opening of his noble restaurant: Dumont, whose column will decide on well-being and woe, has already announced a devastating tearing. By chance Michi gets to know Dumont's daughter and starts a covert operation.
Weihnachts - Männer
Fritz, Walter and Andi are caught red-handed in the event of a burglary. But are the three friends in Santa Claus costume really a wanted gang of criminals? Commissioner Bremer is supposed to find that out on Christmas Eve. While her family is already waiting at home, she has to listen to more unusual confessions than she would like. But the interrogation won't go, because your intrigued colleague is just waiting to take over the prestigious case.
Die Neue
Die Deutschlehrerin
Matthiesens Töchter
Zum Sterben zu früh
Paul Epstein
Fatal News
Reiner Pfeiffer
West Germany, 1987. The politician Uwe Barschel (1944-87), member of the Christian Democratic Union party and Minister-President of the Schleswig-Holstein region, is found dead in very sinister circumstances. Reporter David Burger pledges to find the truth behind one of the most important political scandals in German history, investigating countless speculations and conspiracy theories as he fights his own personal demons.
Lutz Steimle
A Prayer for Rain
Thirty years on from the 1984 Union Carbide plant malfunction, the consequences of which are tragically ongoing, A Prayer for Rain is the powerful and moving story of the Bhopal tragedy, one of the great corporate and environmental scandals of the last half-century. It dramatises the dependence of the local community on the chemical plant that will eventually cause catastrophe, and the series of oversights that led to an event that stands as a benchmark for corporate irresponsibility in the developing world.
Affair of State
The story is a funny love story between Anna Bremer, the Bundeskanzlerin of Germany and Guy Dupont, the President of France.
Mit Burnout durch den Wald
Alfred Schuster
Six wildly different people have no clue what's install for them on 'pioneering' burnout therapist Hannah's forest hike to a desolate hotel in Märkischen Schweiz, with some tricks to force them out of their comfort zones in completely different circumstances then those which gave them regular stress. Workaholic restructuring management consultant Johann Meininger was tricked to take the course as his PA convinced his boss to dump him due to expensive seniority, but finds a new challenge when sparks flow between him and equally cocky teacher Silvia Rautenberg, a disorganized single mother of two who has tinnitus. Editing lecturer Alfred is desperate after 500 failed job applications and hamburger jobs. Yuppie designer Rosa is stuck in short-term apprenticeships. Fresh pensioner Herbert wants adventure after 40 years of patient care, but his wife Gudrun fears any risk. Therapist Hannah looses control.
Better than Nothing
Herr Hiller jr.
The 17-year-old Tom filled out a questionnaire for the Employment Agency at a vocational guidance office in his school. He falls in love with the trainee, which distributed the questionnaires. In the evaluation he gets out a job as an apprentice at a funeral home as a funeral professional.
Für immer ein Mörder - Der Fall Ritter
At the beginning of 2000, the young commissioner Yvonne Weber moved from Frankfurt am Main to Eisenach. Together with the local colleague Frank Wolf, she is to review an unresolved murder case from the GDR era. The investigation team encounters inconsistencies in the file and it becomes clear that there is no interest in truth-clarifying the Eisenach department and the prosecutor's office in Gotha.
Das Paradies in uns
Mathis Jakobi
The Almost Perfect Man
After 16 years in jail is Harms attracted by the big bucks: a raid on the central bank, 70 to 100 millions in cash. A former staff member can arrange access to the bank. However, the team needs to be careful - too many bills, too many problems. One third of the money should suffice but Harms underestimated the deadly power of greed. The project gets out of control...
Neue Adresse Paradies
Mord in Eberswalde
Georg Thom
Heinz Gödicke (Ronals Zehrfeld) is the chief commissioner of the People's Police in the small town of Eberswalde in Brandenburg. Gödicke is called when two bestial murdered children are found in the forest. The investigator tries to get involved in the perpetrators - a rarely used method at the People's Police - and the perpetrator so on the track. The Stasi-Major Witt (Florian Panzer) is no friend of this procedure and leaves the commissioner only reluctantly free hand in the investigation. The matter does not go to the authorities fast enough and is then simply put to the files. When another murder occurs, it becomes clear that Gödicke was much closer to the enlightenment of the act than everyone thought.
Der Feind in meinem Leben
Alles super
Schief gewickelt
Karl Engel
Mario Brenner
Freddy Kowalski and Emile Ramzy are paramedics in Hamburg and race night after night through the city, regardless of congested intersections, red lights and oncoming traffic. They are real life savers. One day they witness a murder and decide to go to the bottom of the thing itself. They come across an explosive corruption scandal that brings them in danger. Without knowing it, they hold the most important keys to investigate the crime itself in their hands.
Unter Frauen
Cornelius Berger
Macho Alex is smart and good-looking. He is known among women as an unscrupulous hunter. He wraps the women in rows around his fingers and then disappears into his sports car. For him, love is something for men who pee while sitting. The womanizer Alex then pushes it a little too far, because three love affairs at the same time are too many even for the greatest professional.
커피 인 베를린
Kontrolleur Jörg
법대 중퇴생인 니코는 변변한 직업 없이 그가 아직 대학교를 다니는 줄 알고 있는 부자 아버지가 주는 용돈으로 생활하고 있다. 여자 친구에게도 차인 그는 배우지망생인 친구와 레스토랑에서 우연히 여배우가 된 동창생 율리카를 만나게 된다. 율리카는 그들을 자신이 출연하는 연극에 초대하고 니코는 은행카드마저 정지 당하자 아버지를 찾아간다. 2013년 독일 오스카상을 휩쓴 이 영화는 뚜렷한 목적 없이 하루하루를 살아가는 이른바‘루저’ 니코의 24시간을 흑백 화면으로 담고 있다. 얀 올 게르스터 감독의 장편극영화 데뷔작으로 달콤하지만 씁쓸하기도 한 커피 한잔을 마시는 것(영어제명은 커피 인 베를린) 같은 블랙 코미디이다.
While hitchhiking from Sofia to Ruse, Kamen meets Avé, a 17-year-old runaway girl. With each ride they hitch, Avé invents new identities for them, and her compulsive lies get Kamen deeper and deeper into trouble. Reluctantly drawn into this adventure, Kamen begins to fall in love with the fleeting Avé.
4 Days in May
Germany, Baltic Sea coast, May 1945, a few days before the end of World War II. A small Soviet patrol arrives at an isolated house where an elderly baroness gives shelter to a group of orphan girls and a boy who is determined to continue the fight.
Stadtgeflüster - Sex nach Fünf
Raphael Menges
Molly & Mops - Ein Mops kommt selten allein
Molly & Mops – Das Leben ist kein Gugelhupf
Familie Fröhlich – Schlimmer geht immer
Fasten à la Carte
After being hit on the head, the eccentric gourmet critic, Gilles "Günni" Demmonget, loses both his sense of taste and smell, and now, of all times, he is due to appear in a public cooking duel with his wild young competitor, Paul Scheffke. Hoping for a speedy recovery, Gilles moves into a fasting hotel on the island of Sylt for a while, recommended to him by his friend Risto. The isolation and peace, combined with doing without solid food is supposed to sharpen his senses and help them return completely. On the island, he not only experiences a turbulent reunion with fasting instructor Marit Hansen - but his desirous ex-lover Diana moves into the adjacent room as well.
Lautlose Morde
Geschäftsführer Votec
A woman admitted in a mental health centre in order to overcome the death of her son decides to finish with her life. Her situation worries her husband and also her roomate, who is admitted in the centre although being in perfect mental situation.
데이 앤 나이트
리아와 한나는 비엔나에 살고 있는 자유분방한 여대생. 용돈벌이를 하고자 서빙 알바를 하는 대신, 쉽게 더 많은 돈을 벌 수 있는 매춘 알선 업소를 찾는다. 처음에 호기심 반, 두려움 반으로 시작했고 원하면 언제든 그만둘 수 있다고 생각했지만 일이 능숙해질수록 도덕심과 수치심은 옅어진다. 리아는 국제법을 전공하는 클라우스의 구애를 받지만 복잡한 감정을 느끼고, 한나는 미술사 수업을 같이 듣는 하랄과 서로 호감을 느끼지만 쉽게 마음을 열지 못한다. 우연히 한나가 하는 일을 알게 된 하랄은 손님인척 호텔방으로 그녀를 불러내는데…
Amigo - Dead on Arrival
Richard Saitling
Structural change and unemployment in Schönstett are a real problem for Julia Fischer and her husband Martin. Especially since Martin acts as a houseman after his company went bankrupt and Julia brings the money home. A seemingly ingenious deal by the mayor is intended to remedy the situation and provide an upswing. But when women riot, a planned sit-in turns into an unscheduled sex strike...
Scheidung für Fortgeschrittene
Snow White’s stepmother is jealous of her beauty. So great was her vanity that she kept asking her magic mirror: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?". And he replied that Snow White was a thousand times more beautiful than she was. The vain queen refuses to accept this and decides that Snow White must die.
In Aachen ring the wedding bells. It will be the most beautiful day in the life of Julia and Alex. But Manfred, father of the groom and Kleinganove makes him a nightmare. A dead courier, a dorky mafioso, a neurotic old-68, sparkling diamonds and a waiting bride: A wedding that you do not want his worst enemy.
Barefoot to the Neck
Helmut Steiner
A nudist site in eastern Germany is sold to Dieter Lohe, a conservative textile manufacturer from Bavaria. He visits his new property with his daughter Natalie, and plans to use the property as a hunting ground.
Fräulein Stinnes fährt um die Welt
Die Nonne und der Kommissar - Todesengel
Herbert Fritsche
Klaus Schneider
Tod in der Eifel
Jochen Hofmann
Redakteur Henze
아이거 북벽은 알프스의 3대 북벽 중 하나로 현재까지도 가장 등반하기 어려운, 등반 역사상 사망자가 가장 많은 곳이다. 1936년 독일은 올림픽 개회를 앞두고 국위 선양을 위한 죽음의 아이거 북벽 초등을 위해 전세계 등반가들을 부추긴다. 군에서 산악병으로 복무 중이던 토니 (벤노 퓨어만)와 앤디(플로리안 루카스)도 처음엔 너무 위험한 일이라 망설이지만, 아이거 북벽 초등에 성공하고 싶다는 일념으로 등반을 결심한다. 이 사실이 알려지자 기..
Mein Schüler, seine Mutter & ich
Music teacher Carlo, an easygoing old rock'n'roller, meets doctor Ellen in hospital. She is completely stressed out, so that even son Franz often falls by the wayside. A short time later, Carlo makes an unforgivable mistake: fed up with the pupils' never-ending paltry questions, he advises Franz, whose anger at his mother is slowly boiling over, that he should simply report her to the Youth Welfare Office.
Ein Job
Die Entdeckung der Currywurst
Dekker & Adi - Wer bremst verliert!
Schade um das schöne Geld
In einem kleinen Dorf an der Küste, wo sich Robbe und Hering Gute Nacht sagen, geht alles seinen friesischen Gang: Der Himmel hängt tief, die Träume hoch, und das Leben schippert irgendwo dazwischen. Bis die örtliche Tippgemeinschaft den 50 Millionen-Jackpot im Lotto knackt. Genug Geld für alle, sollte man meinen. Doch weit gefehlt! Es beginnt das große Hauen und Stechen um die Beute: zwischen der alleinerziehenden und trickreichen Schichtarbeiterin Mirabel, dem Fischfabrikanten Klaas Jonkers, dem Bademeister und der Surflegende Menno, Mennos Freundin Gloria, dem Busfahrer Bruno, Mirabels Brüdern Jimmy und Piet, dem Bürgermeister Zotebier und dem Lottoladen-Chef Arie Tammen. Raffiniert weiß die kluge Mirabel ihre Gewinnteilhaber zu überlisten und sich ihr Stück vom Glück zu sichern. Doch auch ihre Brüder verschaffen sich, ebenso planlos wie effektiv, ihren Platz an der Sonne – in einem friesisch-herben Showdown.
Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
A Good Boy
Ralf Bechler
After his mother's death, 17-year-old Sven moves in with his dad Achim, a taxi driver, who had divorced his mother several years earlier. It is not easy for Achim to get used to an adolescent around the house, especially since Sven hardly speaks to him. But Sven does well in school, and Achim hopes that time will bring them closer together. It is Achim's girlfriend Julia who first senses that something is wrong with Sven. Why, she wonders, does he always hang around with young boys? Why does not he have any friends his own age? She suspects that he is gay. The truth, however, is somewhat more nuanced - and chilling: Sven has pedophile tendencies. Proof is soon found on videos that shock and sicken Achim. Sven himself is shattered and regrets his actions. Julia suggests therapy, but Achim is convinced that he and Sven can handle this together. But he is wrong. Though Sven practically begs his father to lock him up in his room, Achim has confidence in his son.
더 리더: 책 읽어주는 남자
Remand Prison Guard #1
10대 소년 마이클은 우연히 30대 여인 한나를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 마이클이 책을 읽어주는 것을 좋아하던 한나는 어느 날 홀연히 자취를 감춘다. 한나에 대한 그리움을 간직하고 살아가던 마이클은 법대생이 되어 8년 후 우연히 피의자 신분으로 법정에 선 한나를 보게 된다. 무기징역을 선고 받은 한나와 또 다시 20년의 이별을 맞아야만 한다. 그 후 10년간 한나에게 책을 읽은 녹음 테이프를 보내면서 인연의 끈을 놓지 않으려 한다. 하지만 인생을 송두리째 흔들어 놓은 사랑은 너무나 큰 비밀을 감추고 있었는데…
Dr. Fritz
옐라는 실패한 결혼생활과 부서진 꿈을 뒤로한 채 새로운 삶을 찾아 고향을 떠나기로 결심한다. 무엇도 그녀를 막을 수 없다. 심지어 정신이상자인 전 남편이 그녀가 떠나던 날 교통 사고를 일으켜도, 그녀의 앞을 막지는 못한다. 젊은 이사 필립에게 비서직을 제안 받은 후 옐라의 인생은 바뀌기 시작한다. 투자 사업 쪽에는 전혀 경험이 없지만, 아름다운 외모와 도도함을 무기로 협상에 능력을 발휘하는 옐라. 이사 필립과의 애정 관계도 희망적이다. 하지만 허공에서 이상한 소리가 들리고 기묘한 사건들이 옐라를 괴롭힌다. 그녀의 새 인생은 현실이라고 하기에는 너무 완벽했던 걸까? 베를린영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상한 배우 니나 호스의 열연이 빛나는 작품.
GG 19 – Deutschland in 19 Artikeln
Scharrer, Art. 11
역사상 최대의 위조지폐 작전에 투입된 천재적인 위조 전문가! 세상조차 속일 수 있었지만 영혼만은 속일 수 없었다! 독일에서 ‘위조의 제왕’으로 명성을 떨치며 화려한 삶을 살던 살로몬 소로비치는 경찰에 체포된 후 유태인이라는 이유로 아우슈비츠 강제수용소로 끌려가게 된다. 타고난 그림 실력과 예술적 재능으로 나치 친위대 간부들의 초상화 등을 그려주며 다른 수용자들보다 나은 생활을 누리던 소로비치는 수용자 중에 전직 인쇄 기술자, 은행 직원들과 함께 나치의 대규모 위폐 생산과 공문서 위조 작전인 ‘베른하트 작전’에 투입된다. 실패하면 죽음 뿐인 작전에서 탱고 선율이 흐르는 작업 환경과 탁구대 등 다른 수용자와는 비교할 수 없는 혜택이 이들에게 주어지지만, 영국 파운드에 이어 미국 달러까지 완벽한 위조를 눈앞에 둔 이들은 삶과 영혼의 양심이라는 선택 속에서 갈등하기 시작 하는데…
Where Is Fred?
In order to catch a basketball from the favorite team of his girlfriend's spoiled son, Fred poses as a numb, wheelchair-bound fan. But when he catches the ball, he also catches the attention of young, attractive filmmaker Denise, who wants to feature an invalid fan in an image film for the team. Fred has to keep playing his role, while real invalid and really furious fan Ronny might call his bluff at any moment. Worse, still, love sets in...
Mutig in die neuen Zeiten – Nur keine Wellen
Chef vom Prinzenkeller
Vom Ende der Eiszeit
Verkäufer im Supermarkt
Der beste Lehrer der Welt
Karl Marzahn
Out of Bounds
Ingo organizes a charity event for the local golf club. Special guest will be the Hollywood star Douglas Burnett. But who remembers what the aging star looks like today?
타인의 삶
Einsatzleiter Meyer
1980년대 중반 동독에서는 9만명이 넘는 비밀경찰(슈타지)과 약 17만명의 정보원이 활동했다. 만인에 대한 만인의 밀고로 유지되는 세계에서는 더 끈덕지게 의심하는 자가 유능한 멤버다. 주인공 게르트 비즐러(울리히 뮈헤)는 탁월한 감시 및 심문 실력과 정치적 신념으로 무장한 비밀경찰. 비즐러는 동독 최고의 극작가 드라이만과 그의 애인이자 인기 여배우 크리스타를 감시하는 중대 임무를 맡는다. 그러나 시간이 지날수록 드라이만을 체포할 만한 단서는 찾을 수 없다. 비즐러는 오히려 드라이만과 크리스타의 삶으로 인해 감동받고 사랑을 느끼며 이전의 삶과는 달리 인간적인 모습으로 변화하기 시작하는데...
세기말의 흥분과 긴장감이 감돌던 1900년. 화려하고 관능적인 아르누보 스타일을 상징하는 클림트의 그림은 고국인 오스트리아 빈에서는 퇴폐적이라는 이유로 혹독한 야유를 받지만 파리는 환호와 찬사를 보낸다. 파리에서 열린 만국박람회에서 철학 이라는 작품으로 금메달을 수상한 클림트는 축하파티에서 프랑스 무희이자 여배우인 레아를 소개 받고 이때부터 그에게 터질듯한 영감과 고통을 동시에 안겨준 레아에 대한 열정이 시작된다. 환상의 뮤즈이자 에로틱한 이상, 육체적 욕망의 현신으로서 그녀는 클림트의 작품 속에 거울처럼 투영되고, 그녀의 아름다움과 여성성은 클림트로 하여금 사랑에 대한 영원한 탐색을 가능케 한다. 하지만 레아와 똑같이 생긴 또다른 레아가 등장하고 의문의 사나이가 자신을 그림자처럼 쫓자 클림트는 점차 환영에 시달리고 그의 정신적, 예술적 방황은 최고조에 이르게 되는데...
All Men Are Suspects
About a Girl
Eberswalde, dying industrial city of forty thousand souls just 50 miles East Berlin. Johanna lives in that hopeless place. She lives refusing herself the dreams of following in the footsteps of her father, a boxer. Her irascible character makes her lose job after job and training in the gym where women are nothing but a nuisance. She perseveres supported by the love of a wonderful boy and the intelligence of a woman who knows that beautiful women are not necessarily stupid.
Macho Undercover
Verkäufer in Boutique
Tom Kostner is a macho man. He cheats on his two girlfriends, drives a flashy Cobra and works as an editor for a car magazine. He lives in a chic penthouse with his roommate, the bartender Ecki . But it is more appearances than reality: he is soon fired from the magazine. His girlfriend Manu catches him with his other girlfriend and leaves him too. He applies to some other magazines, but has no success there. When his Cobra is towed because he is behind on the installments, he grasps at his last straw: he applies to a women's magazine. However, since they prefer to hire women and homosexual men, he plays the gay man. At first he makes a few mistakes, but ultimately manages to convince the other employees.
Der Clown - Tag der Vergeltung
Former secret government agent Max Hecker (Sven Martinek) disguises himself with a clown mask in order to fight international crime. He hangs up his mask when one of his supporters, journalist Claudia (Diana Frank), is murdered. Four years later, he must put it back on as Claudia's sister Leah (Eva Habermann) is kidnapped by the same people that killed Claudia.
Der Stich des Skorpion
Jürgen Bungert
Frechheit siegt
Herr Schneider
MA 2412 - Die Staatsdiener
아나토미 2
누가 죽던 그건 상관 없어, 우린 연구만 하면 돼!근육수축증을 앓고 있는 동생과 홀로 남은 어머니를 뒤로 하고 베를린의 유명 대학병원에 인턴으로 출근하게 된 요는 훌륭한 의사가 되어 동생의 병을 치료하는 것이 꿈이다. 병원에서 새로운 동료들과 함께 하며 새로운 생활에 익숙해질 무렵, 특별한 연구팀을 구성하여 새로운 의료기술 개발연구를 하는 뮐러 라루스 박사와 그의 조수들의 자신만만하고 의욕에 가득찬 모습을 보고 자신도 최고가 되기 위해 그 연구팀에 들어가려고 한다. 마침 축구선수였던 요를 눈여겨 보던 뮐러 박사는 그를 연구팀의 일원으로 받아들이게 되고 그들의 인공근육 연구에 적극적으로 참여할 것을 요구한다. 팀의 모든 구성원들이 자신의 신체 일부분에 인공근육을 삽입한 것을 보고 요 역시 종아리에 인공근육을 이식한다. 근육수축증을 앓고 있는 동생에게는 유일한 치료방법이라고 생각했던 요는 기능이 향상된 다리에 기쁨을 느끼는 것도 잠시, 2단계 실험으로 넘어가자는 교수의 유혹으로 온 몸에 인공 근육을 이식하기로 하는데...하지만 동료 의사들의 알 수 없는 죽음과 연구팀 주변을 맴도는 한 형사에 의해 연구팀 모두가 AAA 즉, 안티히포크라테스 그룹인 것을 알게 된 요는 연구팀의 제안에 의심과 공포를 느끼게 되는데...
Schwer verknallt
Die Geisel
Verliebte Diebe
After a successful coup in a luxury hotel in Lichtenstein, the jewel-thief Claire hardly dares her eyes: among the guests are her old "colleague" and former lover Vinzenz Kröger, who now leads a middle-class life. Actually, Claire does not want to have anything to do with the charming rascal. However, he is not ready to let Claire disappear again after he has finally found her again. From a spectacular jewel robbery to sophisticated arrogance, the duo experiences a lot of turbulence - and the emotional life of the two gets really up in the air ...
Adam & Eva
The story of a Polish mother who is exploited as a cheap worker in Austria, and of an Austrian realtor, who fits the typical cliché of a stubborn, sexually frustrated and ugly midlife man.
Mann mit Toupet
The film starts in the early evening of a normal day: Sophie, a 20 year old girl, is pregnant and wanders through the night to get sure about her future life. Does she want to be a mother or do an abortion? Does she love her friend or not? Who is the father of her unborn baby? Trying to figure out what to do Sophie encounters many people, and in the morning she has come to a decision. But this is not the movie's end...
Free Radicals
Following the death of Manu (Resetarits) in a car accident, the film relates the interwoven stories of several people who become indirectly connected by the events and aftermath of the crash.
Several episodes set on Christmas Eve.
Der Solist - In eigener Sache
Geliebte Diebin
Herr Brösler
Traumfrau mit Verspätung
Ein Millionär zum Frühstück
Lead Blackmailer
1939년 독일의 침공을 받은 폴란드를 배경으로, 역사적 사실에 근거한 전쟁 드라마. 1939년 폴란드 바르샤바, 독일이 폴란드를 침공하고 폴란드는 한달도 못가서 항복을 선언한다. 독일군은 바르샤바에 있는 유태인들을 게토로 옮기고 그들을 철저히 격리되고 감시당한다. 배고픔으로 처참한 생활을 하던 유태인들의 분노는 더해가고 젊은이들을 중심으로 혁명의 싹이 트기 시작한다. 유태교 평의회의장 체르니라코브는 유태인들의 생명을 지키고 권익을 찾기 위해 노력하지만 역부족이다. 그의 운전기사를 하고 있는 카직과 팔레스타인으로 탈출하려다가 붙잡혀 다시 게토로 돌아온 다혈질의 모데카이, 그리고 그의 친구 이작은 무기를 모으고 독일에 대항하기로 결심한다.
Kubanisch rauchen
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Girls under investigation
Kuno Fichtinger
Two young women are hitchhiking when they get picked up by a man who proceeds to sexually assault them. He disappears after that. The suspicion that the „girls" - having a reputation of being "loose" when it comes to sex - killed him, begins to grow.
Opera ball
Der Lange, Terrorist
The Vienna State Opera on Thursday before the Carnival. As every year the large ball rather is attended by celebrities from politics and the media. Just the arrival of newcomers is finished and the Polonaise faded as it is in the best tradition: "Alles Walzer". transferred with 20 cameras live throughout the world. Television journalist Fraser (Heiner Lauterbach) views the event from the control room, outside in the hall leads his son has one of the cameras. Suddenly all hell breaks loose: poison gas flows from hidden containers, hundreds of guests die in agony, millions of horrified spectators experience it on the TV screen...
The Castle
Michael Haneke's adaptation of Franz Kafka's unfinished novel Das Schloss. K arrives in a remote village a stranger. In attempting to establish himself there, he enters the nightmarish world of the castle bureaucracy.
Carla runs messages throughout a city periphery. She drives, eats, and sleeps in the car.
Süßes Holz
Once upon a Sunday afternoon, Maria burned the bread... A fairy tale. A play with archtypal motifs. An excursion into difficult terrain.
Das Geheimnis
Walter Rosner
Zwischen den Zimmern
The heart is still beating; the eyes can see, the ears can hear. Nights of the full moon, horror stories, disquiet. The spirits from the past are returning. Death is implicated... and grief.
Kilometer 123,5
A cheerless petrol station buffet. A woman creates for herself her own dream world, far away. A stranger only wants some petrol.
Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder