Torben Liebrecht

Torben Liebrecht

출생 : 1977-12-03, Reinbek, Germany

프로필 사진

Torben Liebrecht
Torben Liebrecht

참여 작품

Kidnapped - 14 Days of Survival
Jochem Erlemann
In 1981, all of Germany fears for the life of Johannes Erlemann, the eleven-year-old son of entrepreneur Jochem Erlemann, who was in custody on suspicion of fraud at the time of his son's abduction. The boy was snatched off his bicycle by his kidnappers, put into a van and then spend two terrible weeks in a shed in the forest fighting for his life having been chained to a wall and left without daylight, while the kidnappers try to extort a large ransom from his wealthy parents.
Yesterday, we still were kids
Peter Klettmann
The Klettmanns‘ life was quite normal - until Peter kills his wife and his childrens‘ mother…
Eine Sekunde der Welt
A flash of all the everyday and poetic that happens within a second in different places in our world, based on a prose ballad by Siegfried Lenz.
Torsten Schlegel
Eine riskante Entscheidung
Felix Schemmel
Das Lied des toten Mädchens
Jan Römer
Sauerland, autumn 1995: In the middle of the forest on the Wilzenberg, a walker finds the body of high school graduate Sonja Risse. However, the fact that the killer left a music box with the lullaby "Hush Little Baby" at the crime scene does not lead to a clear solving. 25 years later, the investigative journalist Stefanie Schneider, known as "Mütze", made a surprising discovery in Cologne. In a disused multi-storey car park, she films an undressed corpse of a man with a music box running next to it! When her colleague Jan Römer, who reported on the spectacular Sonja case as a young journalist in 1995, recognizes the melody from back then, he immediately believes there is a connection. He goes to Wilzenberg with his ambitious colleague to interview Sonja's mother Maria, her former teacher Waldheim and her best friends. The more the journalists compile, the clearer the contradictions and gaps that the investigators should have noticed at the time.
Gefährliche Wahrheit
Carsten Altmann
Das Menschenmögliche
Judith is a doctor who is very committed to her profession. Aiming to become a cardiologist, she performs part of her residency in a chronically understaffed hospital emergency room. During a particularly difficult shift, she makes a mistake that causes the death of a patient. Judith is devastated and doubts whether she is suited to the profession. Her fellow doctors, including her partner Mark, advise her to just carry on as before. While Judith’s actions are investigated, she is assigned to ambulance duty. Being in a new environment and having some distance to the clinical routine allow her to see things in a new light.
Inside The Operation
A behind-the-scenes look at Operation Finale.
Jung, blond, tot - Julia Durant ermittelt
Dr. Daniel Tomlin
오퍼레이션 피날레
Yaakov Gat
전쟁의 기억이 잊혀 가던 1960년, 나치의 홀로코스트를 설계하고 실행한 핵심 인물 아돌프 아이히만을 찾기 위해 이스라엘 정보국 요원들이 끈질긴 추적을 시작하는데...
Das Joshua-Profil
Max Rohde
The unsuccessful writer Max Rhode is a law-abiding citizen. But what Max doesn't know yet: In a few days he will commit a crime so horrific that it is hard to imagine for a human being.
Whatever Happens
Hannah and Julian have separated and meet for a last time to empty out their shared apartment. But nothing goes as planned, and their last night together becomes a turbulent roller-coaster ride.
Happy Burnout
An unemployed with diagnosed burn-out is getting a therapy in a clinic.
Die Sportsfeinde aus Herzogenaurach - Adidas gegen Puma
Adidas Vs. Puma: The Brother's Feud
Rudi Dassler
Two brothers start a sportswear company in the 1920s, hoping to make the best shoes in the world. Their relationship deteriorates until they become bitter rivals.
Die kalte Wahrheit
The King's Surrender
Violent youth gangs and a police force way out of its depth. When a police operation goes awry and two policemen die, the powder keg threatens to ignite as the SWAT team knows only one goal: revenge - irrespective of the law.
Christian Lukas, 22, is on the run. He took part in a drug study and together with his girlfriend Anna discovered the death of a fellow participant. However instead of investigating, the doctors covered up the incident. When Anna also starts showing signs of the deadly side effects Christian breaks out of the test center to get help. But neither police nor doctors believe his story since Christian suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Only his sister Alice stands by him despite her also having serious doubts - until suddenly unknown pursuers show up. But what is the real story behind Christian's escape? Does the girl in danger really exist at all? Where is the line between psychosis and reality? Nocebo - a perception thriller.
Halbe Hundert
Martin Hofer 'Josh'
At the centre of the comedy ‘Halbe Hundert’ (‘half of hundred’) stand three strong women at fifty. As with so many women of their generation, the number on their birth certificate seemingly doesn’t fit to their sense of life at all. But all three of them stand before decisive changes. Anne is successful in her professional life as a hand surgeon who is acclaimed all across Germany. The victim of her flawless career is her marriage to Klaus, who had her back with regards to children and household for years and now has left her unexpectedly. Anne reacts with wounded vanity and books a young, attractive male escort for a congress. But the relationship, considered to be professional, throws Anne out of the loop emotionally. Charlotte has worn down herself for the family for years as she is diagnosed with breast cancer. With the illness in front of her eyes, Charlotte finds the courage to break out of old confinements…
Kreutzer kommt ... ins Krankenhaus
Prof. Paul Weltz
Das Wunder von Merching
Hannes Wenisch
Mein Flaschengeist und ich
Ein riskantes Spiel
A Long Way Home
Ivan Müller
Ben Winter returns from his tour in Afghanistan with the German ISAF. Having survived a suicide bombing, which claimed the life of his best friend, he is trying to find his way back to his old life, with his girlfriend, family and friends. But his memories are catching up with him. Increasingly, he is losing contact with reality and his trauma gets the upper hand. A near-accident makes him and his family finally aware of the deep-rooted trauma and feelings of guilt he brought back from Afghanistan and he checks into a veterans' hospital for treatment.
Zwei Wochen Chef
David Karp
Unser Reigen
Eine Krone für Isabell
Wahrheit oder Pflicht
Annika's life and experiences as a young woman include peculiar sex, an unfortunately cold best friend, a terrible tutor/boyfriend, and a sensible and beautiful boyfriend (Kai). Her family life and lie collide in such a way that it is impossible for her to tell the truth even when she desperately wants to.
Bernd Steher
Nicht meine Hochzeit
Charles V
16세기 유럽, 교회는 로마 교황의 성경 해석을 법전처럼 여기며 부흥을 위해 면죄부를 판매하고, 민중에게 하나님은 두려움과 경외의 존재라는 것을 강요한다. 독일 청년 마르틴 루터는 하나님에 대한 두려움으로 인해 아버지의 반대를 무릅쓰고 신부가 된다. 원장의 서신을 전하기 위해 로마에 가게 된 루터는 물질화되어 타락한 교회의 민낯을 마주한다. 하나님의 구원을 절실히 원했던 자신과 가난 속에서도 면죄부를 사는 것에 매달리는 성도들을 보며 루터는 신앙의 길을 바로잡기 위해 [95개조 반박문]을 게시한다. 교회에 혼란을 가져온다는 이유로 로마 교황과 독일 정부로부터 반박문을 철회할 것을 강요받고, 결국 종교 심판까지 오르게 된 루터는 “나의 양심을 철회할 수 없다”고 외치며 목숨까지 위협에 처하게 된다. 수많은 군중의 도움으로 간신히 목숨을 건진 루터는 사제 이상만 읽을 수 있도록 허락된 성경을 모든 신자들이 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해 독일어로 번역하기 시작한다. 한편, 루터가 죽은 줄로만 아는 민중 중 일부는 그의 사상을 잇는다는 이유로 종교 반란을 일으키고, 그로 인해 많은 사상자가 발생하자 루터는 깊은 고민에 빠지게 되는데…
Cruel Friends
Bingo! Lukas, a twenty-five-year-old law student, is among the chosen few accepted to study under the distinguished Professor Arndt. At the start of the summer semester he switches to Munich University. Lukas is determined to head his class and win the 25,000 valedictorian scholarship – the first step toward a great international career. Among Lukas’s classmates are smart Alexander and his friends Marco, Anton and lovely Evelyn. Fascinated by their charisma, Lukas dreams of joining the clique. Although Alexander is his major rival in the seminar, Lukas courts his friendship. To complicate matters, he falls head over heels in love with Evelyn, the most desirable woman he’s ever seen. Finally a dream comes true: The clique accepts him. But the glamorous lure proves treacherous. Unable to keep up with his new friends’ high-society lifestyle, Lukas gets into ever deeper trouble. Concealing his financial problems, he becomes entangled in a web of lies…
Trenck - Zwei Herzen gegen die Krone
Heinrich von Quiztow
Prussian general's son Friedrich, Freiherr (German baron) von der Trenck, is an unruly student whose countless affairs make him enemies, but he wins every duel. Frederic II the Great recruits him for his personal bodyguard. During his cadet training under the cruel stickler Graf (count) von Jaschinsky Friedrich falls in love with the king's headstrong oldest sister Amalia. She, however, refuses to be married off the the Swedish king's heir. When Prussia makes war on Austria over Silesia, Trenck's loyalty is dubious on account of an Austrian family branch. Janischky eagerly convinces the king there is more.
공포로 얼어붙은 시간과 기억들... 1917년 제 1차 세계대전, 연합군과 독일군간의 치열한 전투가 계속되고 있는 서부전선. 영국군은 독일군과의 대치상황에서 이미 최후의 마지노선에 몰려있는 상태로 전진만이 이들이 택할 수 있는 유일한 길이다. 제닝스 중대장이 이끄는 와이 중대 역시 죽음에 대한 공포 속에서 작전명령 하달만을 기다리고 있다. 결국 적진을 향해 돌격하라는 작전 명령이 하달되고 전장은 피비린내나는 참혹함으로 일순간 아수라장으로 변한다. 여기에 독일군이 살포한 가스로 인해 와이 중대는 대열에서 이탈하게 된다. 전쟁의 공포를 짓누르는 또 하나의 공포... 간신히 목숨을 구한 와이 중대 대원들은 살아남기 위해 적진으로 뛰어들게 되고, 그 곳에서 독일군들이 사용한 것으로 보이는 참호를 발견하게 된다. 이 곳에 도착한 이들은 살아남은 독일군 1명을 포로로 잡게 되고, 그로부터 이 참호 안을 떠나지 않으면 모두 전멸하고 말것이라는 이야기를 듣는다. 그 말을 믿지 않은 와이 중대 대원들은 참호를 사수하기로 하지만 시간이 흐를수록 참호에선 이상한 일들이 벌어지는데...
The Whiz Kids
First Assistant Director
Two sixteen year old boys, Marcos and Johannes, spend their days racing, wrestling, hanging out, watching videos and playing hide-and-seek at nights. A closeness develops between the two of them, which soon starts to become a calamity to their friendship.
The Whiz Kids
Assistant Director
Two sixteen year old boys, Marcos and Johannes, spend their days racing, wrestling, hanging out, watching videos and playing hide-and-seek at nights. A closeness develops between the two of them, which soon starts to become a calamity to their friendship.