Jack Shepherd

Jack Shepherd

출생 : 1940-10-29, Leeds, Yorkshire, England, UK


Jack Shepherd is an English actor, playwright, theatre director, saxophone player and jazz pianist, who made his film debut in 1969 with All Neat in Black Stockings and The Virgin Soldiers. He is perhaps best known for his television roles, most notably the title role in detective drama Wycliffe. His daughter Catherine Shepherd is also an actress.

프로필 사진

Jack Shepherd

참여 작품

Eric Weeks
패션계 ‘악마’라 불리는 CEO이자 상위 1% 억만장자 ‘리차드 맥크리디’. 그리스 섬을 통째로 빌린 ‘리차드’의 초호화 생일 파티가 열린다. 럭셔리 파티를 위해 가족과 직원들은 모이게 되고, 그의 자서전 작가 ‘닉’도 참석한다. ‘닉’은 오랜 시간 그를 지켜봐 온 주변 사람들을 인터뷰하기 시작하고, 전 세계가 동경하는 화려한 성공 뒤에 그의 ‘진짜’ 모습이 드러나기 시작하는데… 10월, 리얼 FLEX 코미디가 시작된다!
A reclusive, disillusioned Army veteran is prompted into action when his only friend goes missing on a down-at-heel council estate.
인투 더 스톰
Neville Chamberlain
입에 문 시가의 여유와 승리의 V자로 2차 대전시 대영제국의 승리를 쟁취한 영국을 구한 구국의 영웅 윈스턴 처칠의 전기적 성격의 영화이다.
‘살아 있는 모든 존재를 멸망으로 이끌 전쟁이 일어날 것’이라는 예언의 중심에 있는 ‘황금나침반’. 각각의 서로 다른 세계 속에서 ‘황금나침반’으로 절대권력을 차지하기 위해 벌어지는 천상과 지상의 거대한 전쟁은 모든 세계를 혼돈에 휩싸이게 한다. 학자이자 탐험가인 아스리엘 경은 또 다른 세계로 갈 수 있게 해주는 미지의 물질 ‘더스트’를 노스폴에서 발견하게 되고, 이를 이용해 신세계를 찾아볼 것을 제안한다. 하지만 또 다른 세계의 존재를 부정하던 학자들 사이에서는 일대 파란이 일어나고 그의 연구를 막으려 한다. 한편, 아스리엘 경의 조카 라라는 진실만을 알려준다는 ‘황금나침반’을 얻게 되고 이에 얽힌 놀라운 예언의 진실을 모른 채, 노스폴로의 여정을 떠난다. 하지만 함께 노스폴로의 동행을 제안했던 콜터 부인이 황금나침반을 노리고 있음을 알게 된 라라는 목숨을 건 탈출을 감행하면서 점차 황금나침반의 비밀의 실체에 접근하는데…… 진실을 말해주는 황금나침반을 지닌 채, 예언 속 전쟁을 막기 위한 험난한 여정에 오른 라라. 헥스족과 아머 베어족 등의 도움을 받아 힘을 모으지만 이를 저지하려는 어둠의 세력이 커지면서 예언 속의 거대한 전쟁, 그 서막이 열린다.
A Dad for Christmas
Matt, a 19-year-old student, goes to the hospital to see his newborn son. He learns his girlfriend plans to put the baby up for adoption without his consent, so he takes his son to his grandmother's house to fight for custody.
The Only Boy for Me
Annie, a single mother who is devoted to her son Charlie, starts a relationship with Mack. The problems start when Mack asks Annie and Charlie to move to New York with him.
수탉과 황소 이야기
Steve Coogan, an arrogant actor with low self-esteem and a complicated love life, is playing the eponymous role in an adaptation of "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" being filmed at a stately home. He constantly spars with actor Rob Brydon, who is playing Uncle Toby and believes his role to be of equal importance to Coogan's.
The Other Boleyn Girl
Thomas Boleyn
Based on the controversial novel by Philippa Gregory, "The Other Boleyn Girl" is a fictionalised account of the life of Lady Mary Boleyn who becomes mistress to England's king, Henry VIII, before being ousted by her younger sister, Anne. Mary leaves the Court to marry a commoner, but returns when Anne embarks on a reckless policy to save herself from ruin.
Ultimate Fights from the Movies
Referee (Crossing the Line) (archive footage)
In their second film compilation following their 'Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation' series, FlixMix takes you into the history of action movies from Hollywood to Hong Kong cinema that spans a 20-year period. This one features action scenes from 16 action-packed movies featuring action gurus, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more.
샬롯트 그레이
세계 제 2차 세계대전기, 모든 것이 국가라는 이름으로 재편되던 시기이다.이 시기 젊은 스코틀랜드 여성 샬롯은 독일 괴뢰 비시정부에 대항하는 게릴라들을 지원하는 특수 임무를 띠고 프랑스 남부 전선에 투입된다. 샬롯은 공식적으로는 레지스탕스들과 함께 독일군에 맞서고 있지만, 사적으로는 조종사로서 전선에 투입되었다가 실종된 연인 피터를 찾고 있다.샬롯은 도미니크 질베르라는 가명을 쓰며, 거짓과 속임수가 일상적인 일이 된 세상에서 살아간다. 무슨 일이 벌어질지 모르는 전쟁의 시대, 진실과 거짓은 불분명하기 이를데 없지만 샬롯은 자신만의 길을 찾아 걸어간다.
The Martins
DI Tony Branch
Out of work, scrounger Robert Martin lives with his dysfunctional family - long suffering wife accident prone son and pregnant teenage daughter in a shabby house next door to a giant shopping center in the London suburbs. The Martins are the family from hell! Robert dreams if winning a dream holiday for his family, and when he fails to win yet another competition he flips, out tracks down the elderly winners, ties them up in the cellar and steals their tickets!
Lorna Doone
Reuben Huckaback
The year is 1675. England is threatened by religious and political rivalries. King Charles II's Catholic brother, James, is next in line for the throne, but many Protestants put their faith in Charles' illegitimate son, The Duke of Monmouth. On the king's death, conflict is inevitable... Over seven days journey from London, Exmoor is a primitive and lawless area. Here, farmer Jack Ridd lives with his wife Sarah, son John, and two daughters. The only shadow over their simple life is cast by the notorious outlaw family the Doones. The aristocratic Doones were banished from their ancestral lands and now live through looting, theft, and murder. Their brutality is legendary...
There's little wonder in the working-class lives of Bill, Eileen, and their three grown daughters. They're lonely Londoners. Nadia, a cafe waitress, places personal ads, looking for love; Debbie, a single mom, entertains men at the hair salon after hours; her son spends part of the weekend with her ex, a man with a hair-trigger temper. Molly is expecting her first baby and its father acts as if the responsibility is too much for him.
The Scarlet Tunic
Dr. Edward Grove
Passions erupt between a German hussar (Jean-Marc Barr) serving with King George III's personal cavalry and the only daughter of an English solicitor (Emma Fielding) in this period tearjerker adapted from a short story by Thomas Hardy. Longing to escape their own personal imprisonments -- he, his service to the king, and she, her engagement to a man she doesn't love -- they find solace in each other's arms.
Hope In The Year Two
In April 1794, Georges Danton, the hero of the French Revolution, is imprisoned in a Paris jail, awaiting his morning appointment with La Guillotine. His accusers are so afraid of the strength of his popular support that they have imprisoned a decoy to frustrate any attempt to rescue him. A young guard must decide if his prisoner is the real Danton - and whether it is too risky to help him.
압솔롬 탈출
서기 2022년, 극악무도하기로 소문난 교도소 총감독(마이클 러너)은 특수감옥을 만들어낸다. 그곳의 이름은 압솔롬. 이 비밀의 정글감옥은 오직 죽음으로써만 탈출이 가능한 인간지옥. 어느날 해군대위 존 로빈스(레이 리요타)는 사령관을 죽인 혐의로 체포되어 압솔롬에 보내진다. 그러나 그는 자신의 살인이 어쩔 수 없는 정당방위였으므로 반드시 탈출해서 스스로 명예를 회복시키기로 결심한다. 그가 본 감옥 압솔롬은 무자비한 교도관 마렉(스튜어트 윌슨)이 이끄는 야수 집단(아웃사이더)과 신부(랜스 헨릭센)가 이끌고 있는 소수의 평화주의 집단(인사이더)으로 양분되어 있었는데...
In Lambeth
All is peaceful in the garden of William Blake - a sanctuary from the stirrings of revolution on the streets. The arrival of an unexpected visitor, Thomas Paine , provokes an impassioned debate between the visionary artist and the political activist.
Trust Me
Harry plays hoaxes on gullible tabloid journalists. But when he gets ambitious and tries to sell the faked memoirs of a contract killer to a publisher, things start to go seriously wrong.
Tales from Hollywood
Bertolt Brecht
A slightly ironical description of the colony of German artists in Los Angeles, who had to leave their country during the Nazi-regime. A young playwriter (von Horvath) joins them and finds out, that there are gaps between the artistical attitudes and the real live behavior of authors like Thomas or Heinrich Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger or Bertold Brecht.
Blue Ice
An ex-British spy (Michael Caine) helps a U.S. diplomat's wife (Sean Young) and blows the lid off a deadly government cover-up.
블루 블랙 퍼머넌트
Philip Lomax
스콜랜드 장편 영화 중 여성 감독이 처음으로 연출한 작품으로 에든버러와 오크니를 배경으로 유년 시절 기억을 통해 어머니의 죽음을 받아들이려고 애쓰는 여성의 이야기를 그린다. 플래시백과 꿈으로 가득 채워져 있으며, 섬사람과 태초의 바다와의 관계에 대한 사색이 묻어나는 작품으로 한번 보면 뇌리에서 사라지지 않는 매혹적인 작품이다. 마가렛 타이 감독의 유일한 장편 영화로 감독이 직접 각본을 쓰고, BFI가 제작했다. 최근 2K로 복원한 디지털 상영본으로 상영된다. (2018년 한국영상자료원)
Katie is a free spirited independently minded 21-year-old. The film follows her as she reflects on the men in her life. Along the way we meet her drug addict boyfriend Bobby, her lover Jack, close friend Baldy, and her father.
A Woman at War
Helene Moskiewicz, a young Jewish woman living in pre-World War II Belgium, is forced to suffer through German occupation by watching her parents arrested and her life destroyed. To fight back, Regine joins the underground resistance movement and strikes the Nazis from within...by joining the infamous Gestapo.
Paul Webster
On the death of her mother, a young woman in northern England learns that her father is actually her step-father. She embarks on a search for her birth father, finds him running a jazz club in London, and learns a lot of happy and sad things about her family that she didn't know before. The title of the film is the classic jazz piece, "Misterioso," by Thelonious Monk, which features prominently in it.
오브젝 오브 뷰티
Marty Slaughter
사업가 제이크(Jake: 존 말코비치 분)와 티나(Tina: 앤디 맥도웰 분) 커플은 일정한 거주지없이 여행을 즐기며 서로간의 사랑을 만끽한다. 그러나 부두의 파업으로 제이크의 코코아 사업이 차질을 빚으면서 재정적인 문제가 심각해지고 급기야 호텔 숙박비까지 밀리게 된다. 제이크는 해결 방편으로 티나가 전남편에게서 선물로 받은 청동 조각상을 팔아 빚을 정리하자고 한다. 세계에 단 하나 남은 것으로 2만 7천달러 상당의 가치가 있는 청동상이기에 티나는 팔기를 거부하며 그 대신 잃어버린 것으로 신고하고 보험금을 타자는 제안을 한다. 그러던 중, 두사람이 방을 비운 사이 청각 장애자이며 벙어리인 호텔 종업원 제니(Jenny: 루디 데이비스 분)가 그들의 방을 청소하다가 조각상을 몰래 가져가고 조각상이 없어진 것을 알게된 제이크와 티나는 서로를 의심하게 된다. 이로 인해 둘 사이의 갈등은 점점 커져가는데...
Director of Public Prosecutions
What would happen if the nation’s criminals decided to go on strike? A comedy drama based on an idea by Czech writer Jaroslav Hasek.
The Big Man
An unemployed Scottish miner is forced into bare-knuckle boxing to make ends meet.
Shoot To Kill
DCC John Stalker
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
Ball-Trap On The Cote Sauvage
Joe Marriot
Joe and Sarah Marriot are a pair of European campers who have pitched their tent for a little R & R at a campsite in France. The other families that have come to the site on holiday provide great comedy and plenty of people watching for the Marriots. Of course, you'd expect hilarity from characters dubbed the Fitness Family, Mr. and Mrs. Topless, Fatty Granada, and the In-the-Trades. But the Marriots' enjoyment of observing the outside world turns inward when the entrance of Early Bird, a free-spirited female, shakes up their little nest.
Nobody Here But Us Chickens
Three short plays celebrating people with disabilities.
The Act
Johann Frink
Eastern Europe, February 1944: Johann Frink and Otto Hansen, once famous Berlin cabaret artists, are summoned to take part in a special 'entertainment', devised by a mysterious Nazi captain. When they discover where they are to perform, they find themselves with an appalling dilemma.
Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story
A biographical portrayal of Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi Hunter. From his imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, the film follows his liberation and his rise to become one of the leading Nazi hunters in the world, bringing such criminals to justice as Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbee. (Written by Anthony Hughes)
The Angry Earth
Doctor Price
About the oppression of the Welsh coal miners during the 19th century and early 20th century as seen through the the eyes of Gwen, a 110 year old woman.
The Party
Malcolm Sloman
10 May 1968. In Paris the barricades are about to burst into flames as students and police clash. In London the fashionable Left are having a dialogue.
Scoop is a 1987 TV film directed by Gavin Millar, adapted by William Boyd from the 1938 satirical novel Scoop by Evelyn Waugh. It was produced by Sue Birtwistle with executive producers Nick Elliott and Patrick Garland. Original music was made by Stanley Myers. The story is about a reporter sent to Ishmaelia (a fictional African state) by accident.
소비버 탈출
Itzhak Lichtman
동부 폴란드의 외딴 지역. 유럽 전역에서 유태인을 가득 실은 기차가 소비버에 도착한다. 독일군들은 재봉사, 구두 수선공 등 유용한 사람들만 골라내고, 나머지 대부분의 부녀자, 노인들을 목욕을 시킨다는 명목하에 가스실로 보내버린다. 결국, 그곳에 수용된 사람들은 모두 탈출하지 않으면 죽게된다는 사실을 알게된다. 어느 날, 몇몇 유태인 소련 병사들이 전쟁포로로 소비버 수용소에 들어온다. 전원 탈출을 계획하고 있던 유태인들에게 그들은 큰 힘이 되어준다. 결국, 치밀한 계획을 짜고 초유의 전원 탈출에 성공하지만 절반이나 되는 사람들이 목숨을 잃고 만다. 충격을 받은 나치는 수용소를 밀어버리고 소비버에 관련된 모든 서류를 소각시키는데...
The Hospice
When he loses his way on a country road and is bitten by an animal, Maybury stumbles across a strange house where an extravagant dinner is taking place.
Body Contact
Dickie Finn
Rock musical set in the future, around Tottenham and Hackney. Taxi driver, Smiley, helps beautiful Dominique Renoir, who is on the run from her violent Mafia boyfriend.
Hard Travelling
Jessica's promising debut as a young artist is shattered by a sudden and violent death. She escapes into a restless succession of journeys whose encounters along the way bring humour, some comfort, but also danger.
A Room for the Winter
James van Stanten
James van Santen, a white South African writer facing imminent arrest for acts of sabotage, has escaped to England. He leaves behind him not only a violent political life but also his handsome lover, Stephen. With little money or inclination to work, he fights a battle of wills with his Jamaican landlady, Katherine.
Sons and Lovers
Baxter Dawes
An adaptation for television by Trevor Griffiths of DH Lawrence's classic novel
Play for Today about Russian dissidents.
Count Dracula
For those familiar with Bram Stoker's novel, this adaptation follows the book quite closely in most respects. Jonathan Harker visits the Count in Transylvania to help him with preparations to move to England. Harker becomes Dracula's prisoner and discovers Dracula's true nature. After Dracula makes his way to England, Harker becomes involved in an effort to track down and destroy the Count, eventually chasing the vampire back to his castle.
Ready When You Are, Mr McGill
Phil Parish - Director
A film extra has won a chance for the big break in his career. He has two crucial lines in a television film, but nothing goes according to plan.
Through the Night
Dr Pearce
The play tells the story of Christine Potts, who undergoes an unexpected mastectomy, and struggles to cope with the aftermath and the deficiencies of her post-operative care.
Pidgeon - Hawk or Dove?
Wallace Pidgeon
Wallace Pidgeon, a schoolteacher, has a School Sports Day that goes drastically wrong and finds himself torn between the contradictory demands of his headmaster, his pupils, his young bride and her father.
The Actual Woman
A winter's day out is a treat for all, but it isnt' quite what Uncle Alec wanted.
All Good Men
On the eve of an in-depth television interview, Edward Waite, former Labour cabinet minister, calls his family together for a birthday celebration that results in dramatic revelations.
Antonio Gramsci
In an attempt to win better conditions for the workers in 1920s Turin, Gramsci leads a takeover of the factories by the workers. He is offered assistance by Kabak (who has just arrived from Moscow) but Gramsci soon realizes Kabak is not motivated by ideology, as he has other motives.
Something to Hide
Joe Pepper
A man having marital problems with his shrewish wife picks up a young, pretty and pregnant hitchhiker. Before he knows it, he's in over his head and mixed up in violence and murder.
Roll On Four O'Clock
Jack Youngman
Compelling drama from screenwriter Colin Welland set in a city comprehensive school of low expectations and ambitions. Pupil Latimer does not conform to the macho culture and is labeled a homosexual, leading to bullying by both the pupils and some of the teachers.
버진 솔저스
Sgt Wellbeloved
The core of the plot is the romantic triangle formed by the protagonist, a conscripted soldier named Private Brigg; a worldly professional soldier named Sergeant Driscoll, and Phillipa Raskin, the daughter of the Regimental Sergeant Major. The location is a British army base in Singapore during the Malayan Emergency.
The Bed Sitting Room
Underwater Vicar
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room.
All Neat in Black Stockings
A small comedy drama about the life and sex adventures of an amorous window cleaner, in the hip and swingin' London of the '60s.