Ariane Schluter
출생 : 1966-02-01, Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands
When Eva’s mother unexpectedly dies, the life of Eva turns out to be built on secrets and lies. The fear of losing her mind, just like her father who has been living in a mental facility for many years, becomes more and more of a threat, propelling Eva on a quest into her past to face her demons.
Nicoline, a criminal psychologist, begins work at a prison where one of her new cases, Idris — an apparently reformed sex offender — is preparing for release after five years of confinement. Despite her professional misgivings, she becomes infatuated with her charismatic, manipulative patient.
mother Jacob
A coming of age story of three young friends during their student years in Amsterdam.
A young photographer moves back in with his mother and has to adjust to his old hometown. Things get more challenging when she appoints him as her dating coach in order to spend more time together.
A group of middle-aged former bandmates reunite to scatter the ashes of their deceased lead singer, only to have their bond put to the test by the unexpected presence of one of the friends' twenty-something girlfriend.
Helen suddenly finds herself penniless and without a home after the death of her well to do husband who has overdrawn his credit account. She rents a room with a common area for all the tenants living in that place. There she met Joeri, an adorable and cute gay rent boy who also resides in that apartment. They bond a special friendship but a one night stand might ruin it all. Is there any chance Helen might be happy again?
Lucia de Berk
아동 병원의 간호사로 일하고 있는 루시아는 고집스러운 성격이지만 나이 든 노인과 허약한 아기들을 돌보는 것을 자신의 사명으로 여기는 평범한 여성이다. 그러던 어느 날, 그녀가 돌보던 아기가 갑작스럽게 죽는 사건이 발생하고, 이를 수상하게 여긴 병원은 경찰에 사건을 의뢰한다. 패기 넘치는 젊은 여검사 유디스는 적극적으로 나서서 사건을 파헤치고 루시아의 이전 행적들이 심상치 않음을 발견, 그녀를 살인사건의 용의자라 확신한다. 루시아가 계속해서 무죄를 주장하는 가운데 여론까지 가세해 그녀를 ‘죽음의 천사’라 부르기 시작하고, 결국 그녀는 4건의 살인사건 혐의로 종신형을 선고 받는다. 그러던 어느 날, 모든 것이 완벽해 보이는 사건에 한 두 가지 허점이 보이기 시작하고, 자신의 판단을 확신했던 유디스는 수사가 어디서부터인가 잘못되었음을 직감 하는데… 유럽을 뒤흔든 전대미문의 충격실화가 공개된다!
아내와 아들을 떠나 보낸 후 하루하루를 고독하게 버티는 프레드. 규칙적이고 반복적인 일상들로 삶을 채우던 그는 어느 날 동네의 정체 모를 수상한 남자 테오를 만나게 된다. 조금 모자란 듯 보이지만 순수함을 가진 테오는 프레드의 일상을 변화시키고, 프레드는 잊고 있었던 '마테호른'에 가겠다는 소원을 테오와 함께 이루기로 결심하는데... 과연 그들은 무사히 '마테호른'에 갈 수 있을까?
Four out-of-shape car mechanics decide to participate in the Rotterdam marathon. If they reach the finish in time, they will be able to pay off their debt — if they don't, they will lose their garage.
Mother Nick
Nick and Evy are in love. Knowing that Nick is deaf, Evy’s parents do not consent to their relationship. They run away and move into an abandoned submarine, hidden from judgmental eyes. Their runaway love brings them new opportunities and new hardships...
Enigmatic Dutch crime lord Mirko is always a step ahead of the national police team. When Mirko's gang are forced to kill Russian mob baron Jegor's cousin Oleg, the cops hope their time has come. Both sides resort to dirty tricks, testing loyalties and using the antagonists' daughters and independent pimp Aziz for blackmail, which makes several bloody victims.
Sven (15) will be director and has been busy filming. He films his friends, especially those to do free running and put the videos on YouTube. He asks Roosmarijn to work on his first feature film. They may not know that he gets a thrashing at home regularly. He manages his bruises for anyone to hide until he one day so badly that he absconds with his grandmother. Thus he misses his birthday. Roosmarijn thinks he likes her anymore and his friends are angry with him. He decides to once and for all to deal with his father until he discovered why his father beats him.
Ans Vos
A woman tries to escape a stalker by moving with her children to her sister's isolated beach house
A woman wants to find out if her husband is cheating her.
쉰 살의 베테랑 웨이터인 에드가는 변화를 원한다. 그의 아내는 오랫동안 병상에 누워있고, 자신은 싸구려 식당에서 잡일을 하며 살아간다. 이웃들은 무례하기 짝이 없고, 애인과의 정사도 예전 같지 않다. 그러던 중 그의 인생을 소설보다 더 기이하게 만들어버리는 일이 벌어진다. 그의 인생을 쓰고 있는 어떤 작가가 있다는 사실을 알게 된 것이다. 새 삶을 살기 위한 필수요소들, 새로운 애인, 새로운 일, 새로운 이웃들을 갈망하며 에드가는 작가를 찾아 나선다. [웨이터]는 알렉스 반 바르메르담 감독의 전작 [그림]을 능가하는 블랙코미디이다. 상상력을 자극하는 내러티브, 독특한 유머, 역동적이고 개성 넘치는 캐릭터를 다시 한 번 만끽할 수 있다.
I don't know who I am - that's what it is', the seventeen-year-old curly redhead Jordi grumbles to his tough girlfriend. Under mother's wing, Jordi spends all his time on the Internet. His only adventure is a ride on the back of his girlfriend's motorbike. One day, a coincidental but shocking discovery on the Net forces him to start searching for his identity, away from his familiar environment. It takes him to a confrontation with his biological father who was supposed dead, but appears to live in Ireland and does not immediately press his lost son in his arms. Kilkenny Cross is a coming-of-age drama, in which the Dutch urban water landscape contrasts with the green hills of Ireland and the impassiveness of modern means of communication with the longing for human intimacy. A chat session between mother and son leads to an emotional climax. In a cameo role, female novelist Manon Uphoff explains what true love means.
Johan Dros is born as eleventh consecutive son of soccer-obsessed pa Rinus, who raises his boys mainly as the small island Texel's team. Johan's rare reprieves from training for a sport he doesn't care for cease when ma dies. After captain brother Johhny sort of steals his local girl-friend Evy, Johan leaves for Amsterdam, where he becomes a hairdresser and would-be singer. Soccer, a vocal TV talent-hunt and Evy will bring them all together again, but also raise unprecedented strife in the Dros family
Ex Jim
A fictional version of the events that led to the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn on May 6, 2002. The movie is based upon the book "The sixth of May" by Tomas Ross.
Eva is not getting any younger, but has a good job, a beautiful house and nice friends. When she turns 35, her friends give her the only thing preventing her from being perfectly happy: a man. When the whirl of the birthday party is over, it turns out that she, despite the fact that her fondest wish seems to be fulfilled, does not really know what to do with the present.
Film about a couple of which the man is confronted for the umpteenth time with an initiative by his wife to make their sex life a little more exciting: a ribbed condom. He tells his daughter the condom is a sluikrups (a fake caterpillar). But the consequences of this white lie confront him with his sexual shortcomings.
In the TV film Polonaise, traffic jams have grown into a phenomenon in which traffic jam call girls, hairdressers and photographers enliven the endless delays. The film follows a number of people in a jam on the A5. The central character is a Pole in an expensive Saab Convertible, who is wanted by the police. A red Panda carries the heavily pregnant Hilde and her cynical sister. Hilde is worried because she has not seen her friend anymore after a quarrel. In an old Saab, a young couple is bickering. She is a `yuppie cunt' who stakes her marriage for a parking licence and is tired of her husband smoking dope. Charlie the music promoter is driving his son's car. He likes traffic jams, because they allow him to settle his deals undisturbed and meet his secret love, the traffic jam call girl Nena. While the characters are confronted with each other and themselves more and more, tension rises to a peak. A radio pirate connects the story lines with his chatter.
Mrs. Bloedworst
Cheated on by his successful girlfriend for lacking ambition and business-mindedness, an artist sets out to get rich quick by starting a one-man company as a friend for hire.
A Hollywood producer tries to grab the role of a lifetime.
Brand, an unemployed illiterate in his fourties, lives with his wife Keet in some desolate corner of the Dutch countryside. Keet, being tired of having to read the subtitles on television out loud so Brand can understand what's going on, one day decides he should learn to read for himself. She hires Lena, an attractive woman in her thirties, to do the teaching. Lena and Brand develop a passionate relationship, and Keet decides to let it happen because she wants her husband to be happy. She even goes so far as to claim she never actually was married to Brand: it all was just a game, she's just his sister. Lena then moves in, and soon takes over. But after a while she gets pregnant and bears a son, Kleine Teun ("Little Teun"). Then Keet, who can't have children herself, finally caves in and decides Lena has to be eliminated ...
Orazbaz, who lives in Uzbek, longs to leave his tiny fishing village. He becomes a stowaway on a ship thinking that he will end up in Manhattan. Instead he ends up in Rotterdam and is taken in by a lonely woman, but he is eventually betrayed by her jealous husband.
Cleaning Woman
마리 앙트와네트의 저주받은 다이아몬드처럼 사람들의 운명을 좌지우지하면서 세상을 떠도는 옷 한 벌에 대한 기발한 단상이 네덜란드에서 날아왔다.애인의 결별선언과 이웃의 다툼에 상처입은 디자이너가 그려낸 원색의 나뭇잎무늬 옷감. 이것을 가지고 변태적 성행위를 즐기는 또 다른 디자이너가 한 벌의 원피스를 만든다. 그리고 이 옷을 손에 쥔 이들은 생산과정에서 비롯된 일탈과 욕망에 전염되기 시작한다. 처음 이 옷을 산 노년의 스텔라. 이 노부부는 뒤늦게 성에 탐닉하고, 스텔라가 이유없이 죽어간다. 빨랫줄에 걸려있다가 바람에 날린 드레스는 조안나와 칸탈이라는 여자들을 거치고 관음증에 사로잡힌 검표원 디스메트가 두 여자를 탐한다. 결국 공원의 부랑자 여인 마리의 누더기 위에 입혀진 드레스는 마지막 주인과 함께 땅에 묻힌다.죽음에서 시작해서 죽음으로 끝난 기묘한 옷의 운명을 통해 욕망이 끝간 곳을 보여주는 날카로운 풍자, 무릎을 치는 신선한 상상력외에도 억눌려진 성적 욕망과 일탈의 갈망을 뒤집어지는 익살로 풀어낸 감독의 재기가 빛나는 영화. 비수기 일주일 개봉프로로 지나치기엔 너무 아까운 작품이었다.
Tragicomedy about two brothers who married two sisters, walking the streets of Deventer at night lamenting the fact that each should have married the other one's wife.
Sarah, 30, single, well educated, likes art, places a voice ad for phone sex, inviting replies from men under 35, sturdy and sensual. Wilbert, a chubby middle aged architect, leaves a message that he is Thomas, 32 and well formed. A week later, she phones. She likes his voice, he likes her laugh, so once a week she phones him (he's not to know her last name, where she lives, or her number). Portraits emerge of humor and sadness. He presses for details of her life and tells her about his work; she wants these Thursday calls to be fantasy and release, separate from the rest of who she is. The film dramatizes these tensions of lies and truth, connection and distance. Written by