Iris Trescher

출생 : 1970-02-14, Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

참여 작품

Das Wunder von Kapstadt
Production Design
The true story of an operation which was a revolution, not only for the world of medicine. Frankfurt 1967. A young doctor called Lisa Scheel is trying to get a foothold in the male-dominated world of transplant surgery. But after she is passed over by her main professor in favour of a male applicant, on the spur of the moment Lisa heads off to Cape Town. Here, she starts work for Dr. Barnaard, who, like his colleagues in Frankfurt, is planning a heart transplantation. Together with the surgeon Hamilton Naki, who due to apartheid can only join the team secretly, Lisa is a major contributor to the first heart transplant in history.
Die Welt steht still
Production Design
When the pictures from Bergamo in Italy go around the world in spring 2020, even non-medical people know what the word pandemic means. The previously unknown Coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the planet. Four days later, exit and contact restrictions also apply in Germany. Since then, the life of the Konstanz intensive care physician Dr. Carolin Mellau and her family on their heads. The female doctor becomes a member of the crisis team and is on duty around the clock to prepare the clinic for the impending emergency. As an anesthesiologist intubating those infected with COVID-19, she herself carries a high risk of infection. Meanwhile, her husband Stefan has to cancel his concerts as a musician, is no longer allowed to teach his music students and is suddenly sitting at home without an income. Teenage daughter Luzy is not allowed to see her Swiss boyfriend because the border is closed. She and brother Tim cannot go to school. But the worst case for the family is yet to come.
Plötzlich so still
Scenic Artist
When Eva wakes up, her baby is calm. Too calm. Your child is no longer breathing. Desperate, she massages the little heart. For free. While still in shock, Eva makes a monstrous decision.
Toilet Stories
Production Design
Five toilets - five stories! This pitch black comedy relentlessly illuminates the darkest corners of society, thereby revealing a colorful potpourri of human perfidy. The five intertwined episodes are staged in the manner of an intimate play, occasionally testing the audiences moral judgment.
치명적 믿음
Production Design
종교 그룹의 열혈 맹신자인 토레는 우연히 만난 베노의 차를 고쳐 주면서 친해지기 시작한다. 집도 없이 떠돌던 토레는 베노가 자기 집 앞마당에 마련해준 텐트에서 지내게 된다. 토레가 베노의 가족들과도 친해질 무렵, 베노는 토레의 종교적 신념에 대해 의구심을 갖게 되고 그의 믿음을 실험 하기 위한 잔인한 게임을 시작 하는데…실화를 바탕으로 한 이 올해 칸느에서 처음 상영 했을 때 실제로 벌어진 일이라고 하기엔 너무나 충격적인 내용(특히 결말 부분) 때문에 관객들의 반응은 극명하게 엇갈렸다. 솔직히 은 보고 난 후 기분이 좋아지는 작품은 분명히 아니다. 좀 더 정확하게 말한다면 관객들을 우울하게 만드는 작품이다. 하지만 그만큼 연출, 연기, 스토리 등 모든 면에서 이작품의 완성도가 높기 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 이 작품을 싫어하던 좋아하던 관객들의 기억에 오래 남을 것은 틀림없다. 확실히 ‘현실이 허구보다 훨씬 더 기이하다’는 말이 맞는 것 같다. (박도신/2013년 제18회 부산국제영화제)
An Enemy to Die For
Art Direction
Despite the threat of war in the fall of 1939, the Germans decide to launch a sea expedition in search of evidence for Pangaea. Although the multi national geologists embark enthusiastically on their research mission, the growing political tension between their countries soon affects their work. With Britain and France declaring war on Germany, the civilian scientists now find themselves mere pawns in a global power struggle.
The Clarification of a Fact
Production Design
GDR 1985: Within a 24-hour interrogation an officer of the East German secret police STASI is trying to force engineer Jürgen Schulz to withdraw his exit-permit application to leave the country. The STASI-officer pulls out all the stops to succeed ...
Eine stürmische Bescherung
Production Design
Toftlund-Holst, the tranquil place on the Baltic Sea, just before Christmas: everything could be so contemplative, but the mood in the Torkelsen house is cloudy. The lease of the restaurant "Four Mermaids" expires and the new owner Nick Winter does not want to extend it ...
Alma & Oskar
Art Direction
In spring 1912 recently widowed Alma Mahler, Grande Dame of Viennas Society gets involved with the "Enfant Terrible" of Viennas Art scene, Oskar Kokoschka. After some time their Affair, the lust and desire for one another starts threatening both of their existence to the extent of no return.