The engineer Rosalie leads a life without standing still. She doesn't feel old for a long time, only mature. When Rosalie returns to Germany after a fainting spell at a solar project in Africa, it's just supposed to be a breather. When she shows up at her bourgeois sister Margret's with a huge container, she is not very enthusiastic about the surprise visit. The retired teacher sees right through that Rosalie isn't staying with her voluntarily. The well-travelled woman is broke! It seems like a miracle that there are a huge chunk of banknotes in a hole in the wall of the room. On the other side of the wall there is the room of the highly talented high school graduate Karla, who rents a part of Margret's house with her father Harald. After a failed first meeting, Rosalie befriends with the wheelchair-bound teenager and sets her mind on getting Karla out of her sheltered isolation, even against her will.
광물판매회사에서 일하는 40대 회사원 댄 트렁크맨(빈스 본)은 영업부장 척(시에나 밀러)이 급여 5%를 삭감하겠다고 하자 이에 반발하여 충동적으로 회사를 세우겠다고 선언한다. 그러고는 곧바로 나이가 많아 정리해고된 팀(톰 윌킨슨), 면접에서 떨어지고 돌아가던 특수학교 출신의 마이크(데이브 프랭코)를 직원으로 채용한다. 1년 후, 회사의 사활이 걸린 계약 성사 직전까지 오게 된 댄은 직원들과 포틀랜드로 출장을 떠난다. 그런데 댄의 기대와 달리 척의 회사가 경쟁상대로 등장하면서 거래가 꼬인다. 두 아이를 둔 가장이자 사장으로서 무거운 책임감을 절감하고 있는 댄은 척과의 정면 대결을 다짐하고는 직원들과 함께 모회사가 있는 베를린으로 향한다. 그런데 베를린에서 진행되는 주요 행사 때문에 댄은 호텔을 구할 수 없게 된다. 우여곡절 끝에 댄은 ‘거주 가능한 예술품’에서 ‘미국인 사업가 42’로 전시된 채 일정을 시작하는데…
Due to alleged West contacts Bettina is arrested in 1984. Jan is a Stasi officer and expert in interrogation. For half a year, the officer and the dissident sit face to face almost daily, and the unbelievable happens: they fall in love with each other. In a few words and gestures and by means of a numerical code, they communicate. '11 means 'you are beautiful', '12 means 'I love you'. Jan and Bettina are always at risk of their love being discovered.
School's over – and for brand-new high-school graduates Ben, Felix and Nick, it's time to party! But when Ben embarrasses himself in public trying to declare his love for the gorgeous Carola, he and his pals make a quick exit by taking jobs as hosts in a vacation club on Ibiza, the Mediterranean hot spot for oversexed boys and underdressed girls! Instead of sun, sea and sex, however, it's work, work and more work, as the three are kept busy around the clock by their sadistic boss Anna. And when Ben bumps into Carola and her super-cool DJ boyfriend, Ibiza starts feeling more like Alcatraz by the minute. Yet even as the mishaps pile up and the boys have to cope with stinging jellyfish, English hooligans and tequila hangovers, they refuse to give up their plan to throw the ultimate Ibiza party for the club, and especially for Carola. Summer is short, but these guys are going to make sure everyone remembers this one for a long time!
Germany 1982: The country is divided into two parts. Nele, coming from West-Germany, travels to East-Germany where she meets Captain, singer of a band. They fall in love with each other, but the regime "takes care" of their relationship, meaning: They can not see each other again. Germany 1990: The country is reunited. Nele starts searching their lost love...