In post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, an evil pack of outlaws is systematically turning civilians into prisoners and slaves. Worse yet, the spread of a terrifying deadly flesh-eating virus threatens to destroy all of humanity. As good and evil ferociously battle for power and control, three heroes race against time to find the cure for the virus... before it's too late.
Mrs. Häberle
A very middle-class Bavarian family spend the last day of their Mediterranean vacation on the beach, day-dreaming and muttering racist remarks about Italian people.
Doctor's Assistant
Teenager Raphaela was born blind into a wealthy, material focused family. Her father escapes reality into an affair with his secretary while her mother reacts to the difficult situation in an over protective and possessive conduct towards her blind daughter.
Six young men are disturbed by their girlfriends while looking for adventures in Munich after their discharge from the Bundeswehr.
Magda / Zosia
폴란드가 독일군에 의해 점령당하고 있는 전쟁 말기, 조그만 마을의 한 농부는 숲속에서 허기에 지쳐 쓰러진 한 여인을 발견한다. 그는 그녀에게 정성어린 간호를 베풀고 그녀가 유태인이며 독일군에게 쫓기는 신세라는 것을 알게 된다. 그녀를 자신의 집에 숨겨두면서 그는 잃어버린 옛사랑을 느끼기 시작하고 그녀에게 사랑을 고백하는데, 독일군에게 쫓겨 헤어진 남편을 잊지못하는 여인도 차츰 농부에게 관심을 갖게되면서 두 남녀의 슬픈 사랑이 시작되는데...
Linda Lu
Karl is a simple farmer who takes a plane to Ibiza to finally meet his idol, pop-singer Linda Lou. Karl has long ago fallen in love with his idol and has written her numerous love letters, But a farmer like Karl is not the kind of man she could be interested in. At the same time however, a famous millionaire, who happens to look just like Karl, is staying on the island
Several German tourists are staying in the "Leisure Lodge" holiday hotel in Africa.
German sex comedy