Catherine Borowiak, 50 years old, is the head of a conditional release agency. Being in charge of 20 years old Hugo's case, recently released from jail on parole, she starts a relationship with him, a highly risky one.
Le Président de la Fédération Française de Natation
은퇴한 올림픽 챔피언 마티아스는 호모포비아적 발언으로 논란의 중심에 서게 되었다. 이로 인해 그는 졸지에 아마추어 아마추어 게이 수구 선수들로 구성된 ‘빛나는 새우들’이란 팀의 코치를 맡게 되었다. 그들에게 주어진 목표는 단 하나, 크로아티아에서 열리는 세계 LGBT 선수권 대회의 출전하는 것이다.
Marc Vandeuil
Marie Jourdan hears that her friend Paul is in jail and travels to Provence to help.
Le gynécologue
Andrea lives with her girlfriend Marie. Getting pregnant, and never having had sex with a man, Marie believes it might, in fact, be a miracle.
Laurent Fromentin
Guy de Brimeu
In 1477 Charles the Bold dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule without a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Michel d'Ornano
Upon the sudden death of President Georges Pompidou, the French right is taken aback. Who will succeed him? It is finally Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, aged 48, elected with the support of Jacques Chirac, who is then appointed Prime Minister. Their alliance seems strong, but it will quickly crack.
A widow of a billionaire, Marie-France Dubreuil-Joris is also a renowned pianist. Trying to manage her fortune as well as possible, she entrusts most of it to her banker, whom she particularly appreciates. But his butler also has after his money.
Nicolas Pérignon
Roger Teston
A weekend in the green with your best friends. Those who really love you. Those in whom you have absolute confidence. Those who understand you and always tell you the truth. And above all, those who rot you without knowing that they pressed the callback key of their phone.
Le procureur Roche
우연한 기회로 프랑스 여행권에 당첨된 ‘잭’(저스틴 바사)은 여자친구와의 사이가 틀어지자 무작정 프랑스행 비행기에 오른다. 하지만 잭은 파리에 도착하자마자 여행 가방을 잃어버리고 그의 가방은 파리에서 저널리스트로 일하는 귀여운 몽상가 ‘클로에’(멜라니 로랑)에게 잘못 배송된다. 호기심에 가방을 열어본 ‘클로에’는 그의 물건들을 보며 남모를 호감을 느끼게 되고, 고심 끝에 자신의 일상을 담은 사진과 메시지를 가방에 담아 뉴욕의 ‘잭’에게 돌려보내는데… 만나기엔 너무 멀리 떨어져 있는 그들. ‘클로에’와 ‘잭’은 과연 만날 수 있을까?
Set in 18th century, a 10 year old deaf boy has been abandoned by his mother, Comtesse de Solar, and is taken care by Abbé de l'Épée, who teaches him how to comunicate and express.
Alice d'Abanville and Louis Ruinard are two extraordinary personalities. They were the most strikingly glamorous couple of the 70s. But this pair haven't seen each other in thirty years.
L'Abbé Bernis
Jeanne Poisson, the headstrong, ambitious, witty and erudite, catches the eye and heart of French King Louis XV at a costumed ball. She masters the art of seduction well enough to become accepted even by the Queen, corpulent mother of ten. As a sensibly chosen Royal 'favorite' mistress she is soon ennobled Marquise of Pompadour to facilitate her introduction at court. The immature dauphin (crown prince) proves a bitter and unrelenting enemy, joined by his imposed Saxon bride, and his sister at her deathbed. Although friends at court help Pompadour return, her health gives way.
Pierre Pelletier
Renaud Morin
Estelle, 30, thinks she is going to remain single for the rest of her life. A free-lance journalist, she also thinks she will never cover any news bigger than fillers. One day, Estelle sees her chance when she gets to interview soccer superstar Stefano Paudretto... only to ruin it all by slapping him for getting too fresh! But that same day reserves another surprise: love at first sight! His name is Renaud. He is a sports radio journalist. Estelle starts dreaming again. But the wonderful love affair is in trouble when the Prince Charming's children declare war on their potential stepmother. Estelle is ready to fight back. After all, she's reached the ripe old age of 30 - it's now or never!
Etienne Barnet
한때 잘나가는 제지 회사의 중견 간부였던 브뤼노 다베르는 누구보다 성실한 가장 이였지만 하루 아침에 구조 조정으로 인해 직장을 잃게 된다. 회사를 떠나면서도 자신의 능력을 굳게 믿으며 자신이 일 할 자리가 세상에 널려 있을 거라는 믿음만은 버리지 않았던 그는 재취업이 여의치 않은 현실에 좌절하며 2년이 넘는 세월을 흘려 보낸다. 자신을 대신해 가족의 생계를 책임지는 부인 마를렌과 두 자녀, 대출금 상환이 남아있는 집, 그리고 할부금이 얼마 남지 않는 고물 차 한대만이 퇴직 후 자신에게 남아있는 전부임을 깨달은 브뤼노는 어느 날 새로운 직장을 얻기 위한 최후의 수단을 떠올리게 된다. 그것은 자신의 회사가 존재하는 것처럼 허위로 구인광고를 낸 후, 경쟁자의 이력서를 받아 그들을 제거할 방법을 찾는다는 위험한 계획이었던 것. 결국 자신의 뜻대로 수많은 이력서를 얻게 된 브뤼노는 그 중 몇 명을 골라 취업을 위한 마지막 선택을 하게 되는데…
France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir.
Michel Moineau
A young man joins a team of experimented door-to-door salesmen, who teach him how to sell an expensive encyclopedia to modest homes that have no use for it.
De Renn
A clown from Romania (Ticky Holgado) has more than amusing tricks for children on his mind -- he has in his possession a computer disc with information wanted by the police, several organized crime figures and the European Agency for Atomic Energy.
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
Zac is a well-respected French filmmaker who creates a major uproar when for no apparent reason he suddenly vanishes from his posh Parisian apartment leaving behind his lover Helene, a popular star. Marcus, his producer searches for eight months before locating Zac who has since become a homeless street bum in an expensive neighborhood. Marcus sends Zac to a posh hotel. He then sends Daisy, an ambitious secretary and aspiring screenwriter to learn what happened to the great director. It takes a lot of mutual verbal sparring and false turns (which are presented as creatively filmed vignettes that are done using a variety of techniques) from Zac before he finally tells her the truth. The two then decide to turn the story into a film. As they write, Daisy and Zac slowly fall in love. At the same time, Marcus has his hands full trying to avoid some tough Russian Mafiosos who want the money they invested back.
시몬은 자신의 유일한 친구인 경찰 미키의 잠복수사를 돕다가 일어난 총격 사건 후 미키를 쏜 자들을 추적한다. 살인도 서슴지 않는 폭력배 막스는 순수한 청년 조니와 함께 지낸다. 성깔 있는 막스는 조니가 귀찮지만 대가 없이 자신을 따르는 모습에 그와 함께 지낸다. 거리에서 목숨을 연명하던 그들에게 조직은 청부살인을 제안한다.
Le président Monpouvoir
Monique Zimmer, in her sixties, killed her lover, Oscar Foulard, cut up the body of the corpse, and is now walking with a suitcase containing Oscar's trunk. This one continues to speak, and comes to testify during the trial of his widow.
The Teacher
A teenager, Ronald, unintentionally causes the death of a young girl on a beach. So that the police do not find him, his mother locks him in a cubicle, under the stairs of the house. On her death, the house was rented to an English family.