Maike Meijer

Maike Meijer

프로필 사진

Maike Meijer

참여 작품

Candy & Bonita
Determined to launch their sexual wellness startup with a bang, two friends set out to produce a female-friendly adult film.
Housemaid #2
When 52-year-old Nora plays her supporting role for the umpteenth performance and again undergoes the toxic behaviour of the theatre company and the bullying of the male lead actor, she decides to take matters into her own hands.
So What Is Love
Cato is given the opportunity to become a partner in a commercial office where there is a need for change. Cato seems to be the right person to teach the grumpy lawyers a bit of morale.
Jack's Wish
Jack Oei (8) has two moms, is an only child and feels lonely. Jack’s biggest wish is a brother. But no matter how much he begs his moms, the little brother just doesn’t arrive. Jack decides to take matters in his own hands….
Lieke and Millad are best friends. Milad land his family have been living in the Netherlands for years. Suddenly, Milad is told that he and his family have to leave, because they don't have a permit to stay. Lieke is upset. She wants to find a way to solve this problem. Together with Milad, she begins an exciting journey.
The Happy Housewife
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
Anna II
Not a single word is spoken in the mini-drama Anna II. The sounds and glances produced by the leading character, the cow Anna II, are telling enough. Her mooing and smacking minutely convey her displeasure with her farmer's budding conjugal bliss. When, on the morning after the wedding night, he enters the cowshed but does not pay enough attention to his prize cow yet, Anna II has had it. The cow's sultry gaze registers how the bride brings the farmer a cup of coffee.
Jonkvrouw Hinde Baldon
King Olaf of Haland is an albino who lives in a gloomy castle. Abraham Mogèn, an alchemist, wants to aid the king. But on his way to the castle he is murdered by the highwayman Wogram and his servant Onorg. Wogram disguises himself as the alchemist and wins the favor of the king.
마리 앙트와네트의 저주받은 다이아몬드처럼 사람들의 운명을 좌지우지하면서 세상을 떠도는 옷 한 벌에 대한 기발한 단상이 네덜란드에서 날아왔다.애인의 결별선언과 이웃의 다툼에 상처입은 디자이너가 그려낸 원색의 나뭇잎무늬 옷감. 이것을 가지고 변태적 성행위를 즐기는 또 다른 디자이너가 한 벌의 원피스를 만든다. 그리고 이 옷을 손에 쥔 이들은 생산과정에서 비롯된 일탈과 욕망에 전염되기 시작한다. 처음 이 옷을 산 노년의 스텔라. 이 노부부는 뒤늦게 성에 탐닉하고, 스텔라가 이유없이 죽어간다. 빨랫줄에 걸려있다가 바람에 날린 드레스는 조안나와 칸탈이라는 여자들을 거치고 관음증에 사로잡힌 검표원 디스메트가 두 여자를 탐한다. 결국 공원의 부랑자 여인 마리의 누더기 위에 입혀진 드레스는 마지막 주인과 함께 땅에 묻힌다.죽음에서 시작해서 죽음으로 끝난 기묘한 옷의 운명을 통해 욕망이 끝간 곳을 보여주는 날카로운 풍자, 무릎을 치는 신선한 상상력외에도 억눌려진 성적 욕망과 일탈의 갈망을 뒤집어지는 익살로 풀어낸 감독의 재기가 빛나는 영화. 비수기 일주일 개봉프로로 지나치기엔 너무 아까운 작품이었다.
Richting Engeland
A man from the province looks back on his graduation year, some teachers, the parental home and especially his father.