Carol van Herwijnen

Carol van Herwijnen

출생 : 1941-06-21, Laren, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

사망 : 2008-07-07

프로필 사진

Carol van Herwijnen

참여 작품

Dennis P.
Comedy inspired by the true story of Dennis P, who became Holland's biggest diamond thief, when he walked away with the entire 20 million euros stock of an international diamond trader, using a microwave oven as a swagbag.
마리 앙트와네트의 저주받은 다이아몬드처럼 사람들의 운명을 좌지우지하면서 세상을 떠도는 옷 한 벌에 대한 기발한 단상이 네덜란드에서 날아왔다.애인의 결별선언과 이웃의 다툼에 상처입은 디자이너가 그려낸 원색의 나뭇잎무늬 옷감. 이것을 가지고 변태적 성행위를 즐기는 또 다른 디자이너가 한 벌의 원피스를 만든다. 그리고 이 옷을 손에 쥔 이들은 생산과정에서 비롯된 일탈과 욕망에 전염되기 시작한다. 처음 이 옷을 산 노년의 스텔라. 이 노부부는 뒤늦게 성에 탐닉하고, 스텔라가 이유없이 죽어간다. 빨랫줄에 걸려있다가 바람에 날린 드레스는 조안나와 칸탈이라는 여자들을 거치고 관음증에 사로잡힌 검표원 디스메트가 두 여자를 탐한다. 결국 공원의 부랑자 여인 마리의 누더기 위에 입혀진 드레스는 마지막 주인과 함께 땅에 묻힌다.죽음에서 시작해서 죽음으로 끝난 기묘한 옷의 운명을 통해 욕망이 끝간 곳을 보여주는 날카로운 풍자, 무릎을 치는 신선한 상상력외에도 억눌려진 성적 욕망과 일탈의 갈망을 뒤집어지는 익살로 풀어낸 감독의 재기가 빛나는 영화. 비수기 일주일 개봉프로로 지나치기엔 너무 아까운 작품이었다.
Richting Engeland
Kapper Oostinga
A man from the province looks back on his graduation year, some teachers, the parental home and especially his father.
Thomas en Senior op het Spoor van Brute Berend
Als Senior op een dag wat doelloos door de stad slentert, wordt zijn aandacht getrokken door slopers die een oud pand neerhalen. Tussen het puin ontdekt Senior een oud scheepsmodelletje. Hij neemt het mee naar huis en begint met het bestuderen van oude scheepsjournalen en zeekaarten. Thomas toont ook belangstelling en voordat hij het weet belandt hij samen met zijn vrienden en Senior in een nieuw avontuur.
Four-part musical about the life of Dutch actress Fien de la Mar, chronicling her earliest days on stage with her father, her glory days as a stage and movie star and the building her own theatre, up until the tragic end of her life.
Private Resistance
Otto, a Jewish refugee who managed to escape from Berlin in the early days of WW2, is now the owner of an Amsterdam ice cream parlor. Otto's place soon becomes a microcosm of the city with its German invaders, Dutch collaborators and anti-fascist resistance groups.
The Kingmaker Connection
The reconstruction of a Dutch political scandal from the 1960s when a PR specialist managed to gain unhealthy influence in government circles. Eventually he became the biggest victim.
Still Smokin
Hotel Manager
Cheech & Chong are invited to a celebrity party in Amsterdam. When they get there, however, it turns out that the guy who invited them has taken off with all the money. They are actually expecting Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton, so our heroes get to be Mr. Burt and Mr. Dolly.
Black Rider
A border guard faces a crisis of conscience when he learns that an old comrade is smuggling butter across the border.
School for Princes
King George
TV adaptation of Eduard Douwes Dekker's 1872 stage play.
Professional gambler Rufus convinces an ex-girlfriend to help him pull one over on a corrupt casino owner.
A group of people are having a party. The host has invited concert pianist Johan van Spek to perform one of his own compositions, which leaves the piano in such a state that a tuner arrives shortly to care for it.
De klop op de deur
As years pass, the Craets-Goldeweyn family must cope with the disappearance of the familiar and the inescapable new that imposes itself.