Kees Hulst

Kees Hulst

프로필 사진

Kees Hulst

참여 작품

older father Sara
파탄 난 결혼에 대한 기억, 그리고 딸과의 싸움으로 괴로워하던 여자. 휴가가 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가자 엄격한 자기 계발 수련회에 참석한다.
Vaders & Zonen
Two adult brothers set out to find a stand-in for their deceased father in order to keep living off his retirement income.
Angel is a shy, clumsy girl who can't say no to anything. When she finds a beautiful special watch, which can make all her wishes come true, she suddenly is incredibly popular but will her new life truly make her happy?
Rundfunk: Jachterwachter
Jezus van Nazereth
The harried manager of a rundown RV park gets pulled into chaos after a troubled former child star arrives with problems in tow.
Your Mother Should Know
Date #3
A young photographer moves back in with his mother and has to adjust to his old hometown. Things get more challenging when she appoints him as her dating coach in order to spend more time together.
Moos is a young woman who helps her father Maup in his shop. Then she is reunited with her old friend Sam, who encourages her to make her dreams come true.
Miracle Monks
Abbot Paulus van Liersen
Five monks live harmoniously in the monastery but suddenly their peace is disturbed by a gang of construction workers. The leader of the church sold the monastery to the town council, and now their beloved home is destined to become a spa! The monks' desperate attempts to stop this situation seem in vain, but then - a miracle! The monastery is saved. But that is just the start of their troubles...
Family Way
Arend de Roover
All the members of the De Roover family have ended up at a point of no return in their lives where crucial choices have to be made. Winnie wants a child. Her husband Rutmer wants to get in touch with his feelings. His brother Charlie doesn't want any responsibilities. Their brother-in-law Dick wants his deceased wife back. Head of the family Arend wants to be happy. Mother Jeannette wants somebody to want her. Written by Topkapi Films
Plan C
Ronald Plasmeyer (Ruben Van Der Meer) is a small-time Amsterdam detective, struggling with financial problems because of his gambling habit. When the Chinese crime boss Hao threatens Ronald's ex-wife and son to get his money back, Ronald comes up with a plan that will solve all his problems. Ronald enlists two petty criminals (Ton Kas and René Van 't Hof) to rob an illegal poker tournament he's taking part in, providing him with a perfect alibi. Quick, simple and non-violent; the plan is foolproof... until people start getting killed. Soon, Ronald's partners take off with the money, leaving him empty handed. To make matters worse Ronald's colleagues in the police force begin to suspect him of the robbery, setting the stage for a nerve-racking game of cat and mouse. Ronald is all-in... holding the worst hand of his life.
Back and Forth Day
The sun is shining, but it is not a cheerful day. Eight-year-old Linus sees it all happen. Mummy comes home with her nasty new friend to take away her stuff. Papa is sulking in the garden, while the neighbour peeps over the hedge. Even a pizza is no fun anymore. For a very short while, the familiar feeling of yesteryear is accidentally back, and then it is over. Big tragedy, captured in small details.
Sterke Verhalen
Man in Pakkenzaak
Comedy about the adventures of a group of friends in Amsterdam, who are planning a party during their summer holiday. When the ticket sales are disappointing they think of a new and exiting way to attract more people to the party.
In Radeloos heeft Yara al een poosje een oogje op Paco, die bij haar op school zit en als DJ plaatjes draait op feesten. Maar Paco heeft wat met Floor en ziet haar niet staan. Komt het misschien omdat ze te dik is? Yara's moeder wil dat haar dochter fotomodel wordt maar eigenlijk wil Yara naar de kunstacademie. Ze besluit af te vallen door minder te gaan eten. Zo slaat ze twee vliegen in één klap:
The Letter for the King
Brother Laurentius
Young Tiuri has to pass the final test before before being knighted by king Dagonaut. He has to pass a night in the chapel, what is suddenly disturbed by a strangers request of help. With his decision to help the stranger, Tiuri abandons his given task and starts into an adventure, that will shape the destiny of Dagonaut. On his journey he learns about the true meaning of love, friendship, courage and loyalty.
De Prins en het Meisje
Wim Kok
Hannah, the headstrong rebel of seven siblings, tries to avoid the preparations for her parent's wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along, and soon proves an ideal son-in-law, which arouses mixed feelings in her. The sister in law who for years tries to fit in but always felt ignored gets a fit because Victor is immediately invited to chip in and join the anniversary river cruise, so they take over the organization from her. Yet when he confides in her the bunch is miserable at communicating, she claims he can't judge after just one evening and seems suddenly uncertain whether to stay with Victor who proves quite patient and understanding...
Olivier etc.
Olivier calls himself a 'statistical miracle'. He is almost 27 years old but the doctors had predicted that, because of the heart disease he was born with, he would not get much older than 25 years. He doesn't seem to be suffering from the threat of death closing in on him. With unbridled energy, he parties, smokes, drinks and dances until deep into the night, and in the morning wakes up in bed next to girls he doesn't even know. His family and friends alienate from him because of this life style, and the fact that he doesn't have long lasting relationships, doesn't bother him. Olivier lives, day by day. Until new medical technologies make it possible to cure him, and a new future opens up to him. Everybody is happy, but Olivier doesn't know how to deal with the expectations and responsibilities of his new life.
A class of young drama students are led to believe that they are attending an actual masterclass of famous Dutch comedy actor Peer Mascini. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but to the increasing bewilderment of the students, Mascini confronts them with the most bizarre questions and assignments.
Meester Bijts
Years ago, Lepel's parents left an hot air balloon world tour. He stays with granny Koppenol, a mean bitch who constantly exploits him for domestic chores, in her buttons shop and even as accomplice in the department store where she steals the buttons from clothes. After she won't even leave him the balloon kind salesman Max gave him, Lepel, now 9, runs away. He meets Max's slightly older daughter Pleun. Schoolmaster Bijts is also looking for him, but only as arithmetics talent for an academic schools contest. Max accidentally finds out the sad truth about Lepel's family.
Ibbeltje is a funny, curious and enterprising girl who is not afraid of anything. She lives with her mother, father and talking cats in a sleepy town. When her mother climbed on a day in fear of a dog in a tree, Ibbeltje discovers that she used to be a cat. She wants to know everything about. Ibbeltje's father works at an umbrella factory and ever had a magical umbrella of a witch. Ibbeltje find the umbrella, but the director of the umbrella factory will have the umbrella for himself to be very important.
Ellis in Glamourland
Meindert Jan
An aging hippy and a beautiful young woman meet in Amsterdam and find love.
Meneer van Dam
밤중에 길거리에 떨어진 화학약품통 때문에 갑자기 사람으로 탈바꿈한 고양이 미노스양. 미노스는 친절한 남자 티베를 만나게 되고, 그의 일을 도와주게 된다. 동네 고양이들에게 입수한 정보로, 티베의 기자일을 도와주는 것이다. 이 과정에서 동네의 유력자에게 감춰진 비밀이 있다는 점을 알아낸다. 동화같은 상상력으로 그린 고양이의 모험담. 경쾌하고 유머러스한 에피소드와 아기자기한 고양이 캐릭터들, 그리고 호소력있는 연기와 연출로 작품은 흥미로움과 활력으로 넘친다.
The Cave
Psychological thriller. Geography teacher smuggles a case of heroin for a friend.
Seeing Through
Pieter Le Roy is in his thirties and still lives with his old mother. He doesn't work and kills time spying on his fellow man - actually, he's spying on them; he comes to a head when he is caught by a making out couple in the park as a voyeur. His life as a peeping Tom gets in more trouble when teacher Rappange comes to live with them.
마리 앙트와네트의 저주받은 다이아몬드처럼 사람들의 운명을 좌지우지하면서 세상을 떠도는 옷 한 벌에 대한 기발한 단상이 네덜란드에서 날아왔다.애인의 결별선언과 이웃의 다툼에 상처입은 디자이너가 그려낸 원색의 나뭇잎무늬 옷감. 이것을 가지고 변태적 성행위를 즐기는 또 다른 디자이너가 한 벌의 원피스를 만든다. 그리고 이 옷을 손에 쥔 이들은 생산과정에서 비롯된 일탈과 욕망에 전염되기 시작한다. 처음 이 옷을 산 노년의 스텔라. 이 노부부는 뒤늦게 성에 탐닉하고, 스텔라가 이유없이 죽어간다. 빨랫줄에 걸려있다가 바람에 날린 드레스는 조안나와 칸탈이라는 여자들을 거치고 관음증에 사로잡힌 검표원 디스메트가 두 여자를 탐한다. 결국 공원의 부랑자 여인 마리의 누더기 위에 입혀진 드레스는 마지막 주인과 함께 땅에 묻힌다.죽음에서 시작해서 죽음으로 끝난 기묘한 옷의 운명을 통해 욕망이 끝간 곳을 보여주는 날카로운 풍자, 무릎을 치는 신선한 상상력외에도 억눌려진 성적 욕망과 일탈의 갈망을 뒤집어지는 익살로 풀어낸 감독의 재기가 빛나는 영화. 비수기 일주일 개봉프로로 지나치기엔 너무 아까운 작품이었다.
Belle van Zuylen - Madame de Charrière
Mr. de Charrière
A biography of Isabelle de Charrière and her friendship with Benjamin Constant.
The Penknife
Meneer Hollenberg
Accidentally still in possession of his best friend's pocket knife after they move all the way to a different city, a young boy sets out to return it.
Above the Mountains
Six people are about to undertake a journey by foot from the very north of the Netherlands to the very south, in search of the mountains. Only two of them reach the destination.
The Johnsons
According to an ancient Indian tale a giant monster embryo residing in a crystal vase is predetermined to fertilize a blue-eyed woman. She will give birth to something evil to unleash horror and destruction upon human kind. Ugly septuplet brothers reproduced within the framework of mysterious genetic experiments terrorize a young innocent girl who seems to be chosen for the sinister predestination.
Han de Wit
Has is a strange kid: at school he's a nice student but at home he's dominating his parents... .
Frits Egters can't quite get a hold of himself. An intelligent and sensitive young man, repulsion and desillusion turned him cynical. According to Frits there should be more to life - he just doesn't know where to find it.
Lily Was Here
Lily works as a checkout girl at the local supermarket. She becomes pregnant, but before the child is born, the black father is attacked by skinheads and killed. Following his death, she flees to the city, where she soon finds herself under the wings of a pimp, Ted. Escaping Ted, she commences a one-woman spree of thefts, culminating in running from the police and the press. In the end, Lily must make a choice between freedom, and her baby.
A nun escapes the convent to discover the real world outside. Her parents however believe that she's kidnapped.
The Assault
At the end of WWII the Dutch resistance kills a German officer in front of the house of a Dutch family. Years after the war the young boy who witnessed the killing runs into the members of the resistance who committed the killing.
Private Resistance
Otto, a Jewish refugee who managed to escape from Berlin in the early days of WW2, is now the owner of an Amsterdam ice cream parlor. Otto's place soon becomes a microcosm of the city with its German invaders, Dutch collaborators and anti-fascist resistance groups.