Rossella Drudi

Rossella Drudi

출생 : 1963-10-19, Roma, Italia

프로필 사진

Rossella Drudi

참여 작품

The Once and Future Smash
Rossella Drudi
In 1970, Mikey and William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can wear the mask.
Karate Man
Dialogue Editor
Karate Man
Karate Man
Dialogue Coach
Karate Man
Karate Man
Karate Man
Italian Horror Stories
Italian Horror Stories
Hell on Earth
Director Claudio Fragasso and writer Rossella Drudi talk about the making of the infamous Italian zombie flick Hell of the Living Dead.
Omega Rising: Remembering Joe D'Amato
Delves into the career of the notorious Italian filmmaker, Aristide Massaccesi aka Joe D'Amato, the infamous director behind the legendary Video Nasties Anthropophagus: The Beast and Absurd.
The Great Rage
Operazione vacanze
Le ultime 56 ore
Le ultime 56 ore
Le ultime 56 ore
Milano-Palermo: Il Ritorno
Concorso di Colpa
La banda
Operazione Odissea
Operazione Odissea
Murderous Couple
Thriller anticipating dependence on today's technologies.
Palermo-Milano Solo Andata
Palermo-Milano Solo Andata
Esercizi di stile
The end of a love story, told in fourteen different styles: from comedy to western, from noir to thriller, silent movie and so on.
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights 4
Sarah Asproon returns to New Orleans to act as executrix of the estate of a millionaire whom she was once the mistress of. She must decide which one of his surviving family members will inherit his fortune. It's not a decision that she's willing to make alone....
The Crawlers
People from a small town are attacked by evil radioactive tree roots growing in the forest.
트롤 2
When young Joshua learns that he will be going on vacation with his family to a small town called Nilbog, he protests adamantly. He is warned by the spirit of his deceased grandfather that goblins populate the town. His parents, Michael and Diana, dismiss his apprehensions, but soon learn to appreciate their son's warnings. Guided by his grandfather's ghost, will Joshua and his family stand a chance in fighting off these evil beings?
Three for One
Kerry Grant, an ugly girl shunned by all her college friends, including Lou, Miles and Ben, takes revenge a few years later, winning them over in the form of an irresistible vamp with different identities. Before revealing herself, she tests the weasels, promising to choose only one. When Lou, Miles and Ben undergo the final judgment, they are met by the ugly Kerry they picked on in high school.
Jessica Hamilton goes to Venice for a piano competition, but she's running a little late. On arrival in Venice, she finds that she has no room reservation and that she has been taken out of the competition. She is befriended first by Luca Renosto a same-age Venetian boy and secondly, Alvise Contrarini, the director of the competition. The two compete for her love throughout the movie until one gets disqualified in a surprise ending.
Night Killer
Melanie Beck is the only surviving victim of a killer-rapist who wears a Freddy Krueger-esque mask and claw. Despite having seen the killer's face, Beck has blocked it from her memory. Becoming suicidal, she tries to kill herself on the beach but is saved by Axel, another rapist sleazeball who keeps her locked in his hotel room. All this builds to a mind blowing conclusion.
비욘드 다크니스
미국 동부의 뉴잉글랜드 지방 여자형무소에서 한 중년의 여자가 사형 당하게 된다. 사형직전 죠지 신부는 그 여자 사형수로부터 자신이 악녀의 화신이며 다시 부활할 것이라는 말을 듣는다. 그 말에 쇼크를 받은 죠지는 성직을 버리고, 술에 빠진 방탕한 생활로 연명해 가고 있었는데...
After Death
A woman goes back to the island where her parents were killed. They had been working on a cure for cancer and accidentally raised the dead by angering a voodoo priest. With the woman is a group of mercenaries and they meet up with some other researchers. They raise the dead again and all hell breaks loose
After Death
A woman goes back to the island where her parents were killed. They had been working on a cure for cancer and accidentally raised the dead by angering a voodoo priest. With the woman is a group of mercenaries and they meet up with some other researchers. They raise the dead again and all hell breaks loose
Shocking Dark
In a polluted future Venice researchers work to improve the situation. One day, unknown forces start killing them. A team of soldiers and a couple of civilians is sent to investigate. Soon, they encounter strange murderous creatures.
본 투 파이트
마릴린 케인은 샘 우드란 남자를 찾아가 VSI의 기자라며 인터뷰를 요청한다. 메콩강 부근에서 인터뷰를 하던 마릴린과 샘은 베트콩에게 공격을 당하고, 간신히 도망친 그들은 어느 모텔에서 잠시 피신을 한다. 마릴린의 아버지인 웨버장군은 베트콩들에게 붙잡힌 상태였고 그녀는 아버지를 구하려고 샘에게 부탁을 하지만 샘은 동료에 관계된 일로 웨버장군에게 유감을 가지고 있었다. 모텔에서 다시 베트공의 공격을 받아 그곳을 빠져 나온 마릴린은 샘 대신 브로스에게 부탁을 한다. 그러나 브로스는 이미 웨버 장군을 배신하였고 듀안 록 또한 돈 때문에 장군을 배신한다. 브로스의 집에 몰래 들어간 샘은 자신의 동료를 죽게한 사람이 웨버 장군이 아니고 듀안 록이었음을 알게 되는데...
좀비 3
도시전역에 기괴한 전염병이 돌기 시작하더니 사람들이 하나둘 죽어간다. 더구나 죽은 시체들은 육체가 다시 살아나 가족, 애인 심지어 자식까지 잡아먹는 끔찍한 일이 여기저기서 벌어진다. 죽어도 육체만 살아나 떠다니며 사람을 식육한다는 좀비들이 도시를 온통 대혼란에 빠뜨린 것이다. 홀더박사팀과 여자, 군인 몇 명만이 도시에서 탈출한다. 이들은 전염병해독제를 개발하고, 감염지역에 소독을 한다. 곧이어 희생자를 위한 특별구급대가 형성된다. 도시에는 비상경계령이 내려지고, 군당국이 관할하는데 모든 시민들의 출입을 금지시킨다. 궁당국은 좀비들이 곧 소탕되어 정상회복은 시간문제라지만 희생자는 늘어만 간다.
좀비 3
도시전역에 기괴한 전염병이 돌기 시작하더니 사람들이 하나둘 죽어간다. 더구나 죽은 시체들은 육체가 다시 살아나 가족, 애인 심지어 자식까지 잡아먹는 끔찍한 일이 여기저기서 벌어진다. 죽어도 육체만 살아나 떠다니며 사람을 식육한다는 좀비들이 도시를 온통 대혼란에 빠뜨린 것이다. 홀더박사팀과 여자, 군인 몇 명만이 도시에서 탈출한다. 이들은 전염병해독제를 개발하고, 감염지역에 소독을 한다. 곧이어 희생자를 위한 특별구급대가 형성된다. 도시에는 비상경계령이 내려지고, 군당국이 관할하는데 모든 시민들의 출입을 금지시킨다. 궁당국은 좀비들이 곧 소탕되어 정상회복은 시간문제라지만 희생자는 늘어만 간다.
Top Model
Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new book. Peter finds out and blackmails her by demanding sex for his silence. Meanwhile Sarah develops feelings for computer whiz Cliff, who struggles to resolve his own sexual orientation.
Top Model
Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new book. Peter finds out and blackmails her by demanding sex for his silence. Meanwhile Sarah develops feelings for computer whiz Cliff, who struggles to resolve his own sexual orientation.
인간 로보트 오메가 1호. 그는 최고의 게릴라 였던 마틴 우드링의 두뇌와 컴퓨터가 혼합된 오메가로 극비리에 만들어진 전투요원이다. 실전에 투입되어서는 중앙 기억 장치의 고장으로 아군을 공격하게 되는데. 급기야 특수요원으로 구성된 '사생결단'이 오메가 1호를 찾기위해 섬에 파견된다. 그러나 모두 오메가의 전법에 휘말려 죽음을 당하고 소령과 유엔봉사자로 병원에 근무차 왔던 버지니아만이 살아 남는다. 소령은 살인무기 오메가1호의 머리부분이 자신의 친구였던 마틴 우드링이라는 사실을 알고 경악을 금치 못하는데...
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights
In eleven days time, Michael is due to wed his fiancée Helen. However, a chance meeting with Sarah, a total stranger, threatens to destroy all his plans as he is seduced on the spot and finds himself unable to resist her.
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights
In eleven days time, Michael is due to wed his fiancée Helen. However, a chance meeting with Sarah, a total stranger, threatens to destroy all his plans as he is seduced on the spot and finds himself unable to resist her.
Humans fight mutants in a post-holocaust world.
Monster Dog
Victor Raven, a famous rock star, returns to his childhood home to shoot a music video. Believing his presence is responsible for the return of a monstrous hound that killed folks when he was kid, the locals decide to do something violent about it.
제 3세대
One hundred years after a nuclear war has devastated the planet, society has been reborn into two factions; the underground society and the scavangers above in the wastelands. A group of scavangers on bikes come across a town infested with flesh eating rats, and soon the gore is spilling everywhere.
Night of the Zombies
A tough female reporter and her cameraman boyfriend team up with a four-man commando unit in the New Guinea jungle whom are fighting flesh-eating zombies.