Jorge Luke

Jorge Luke

출생 : 1942-01-01, Mexico City, Mexico

사망 : 2012-08-04


Jorge Luke was born in 1942 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico as Jorge Oscura Lango. He was an actor and director, known for Clear and Present Danger (1994), Salvador (1986) and Ulzana's Raid (1972). He was married to Gloria Palacios Guzman. He died on August 4, 2012 in Mexico City.

프로필 사진

Jorge Luke

참여 작품

Norte Sin Horizonte
Borrar de la Memoria
Armando Megido
A love story turned assassination against the backdrop of the 1968 student massacre whose unresolved status is finally resolved in tense life threatening conditions. The story of a stubborn journalist who undertakes the clarification and bringing to justice of the heinous murder of one student forty years later represents a dedicated effort to force a country from denial to reconciliation and closure of tragic social and political events in a country´s history. A nation cannot allow official cover-ups that seek to delete and erase from the collective memory events that prevent a nation´s march towards social justice.
Once Upon a Time in Durango
In the plains of Durango, the old west town still exists where Mexican and foreign westerns used to be filmed. Old Antonio takes care of the place. One day, Gabriel Navárez, a 13-year-old boy from a small nearby community, secretly gets into the old west town and discovers a fascinating world.
Perros de dios
Direct-to-video action movie: Iraq veteran goes after kidnappers who have his wife hostage.
El chrysler 300: Chuy y Mauricio
It was a car from Chrysler. Mark 300. Chuy y Mauricio got on very happy. They never imagined themselves getting off... ...DEAD!
Daniel is a scientist who just got married to April, an attractive, immature and extroverted youth who reveals a side of herself which he has not yet seen, unleashing conflicts with the inhabitants of her hometown.
El Zacatecas
María Navajas
Víctimas de la Mafia
Some police officers seize a drug shipment from a cartel, but the cartel will try to recover the drug
Ritmo, traición y muerte: La cumbia asesina 2
Cabezas rapadas II
Sangre de Jinete
Reencuentro mortal
A Gulf War veteran returns to find his wife and daughter dead due to AIDS and his father murdered, and he hunts down those responsible.
Asedio criminal
Containing gore, snuff movies, zombies, the Mafia and the supernatural, this was one of the most notorious "solo para adultos" direct-to-video releases in Mexico during the 90s.
해리슨 포드의 긴급명령
CIA 분석가 잭 라이언 박사(Jack Ryan : 해리슨 포드 분)는 그리어 국장(Admiral James Greer : 제임스 얼 존스 분) 밑에서 일하고 있다. 어느날 한 요트에서 하든이란 사람의 일가족과 승무원이 살해되는 사건이 일어나고 대통령과 친분이 있는 하든에 대한 수사는 점점 열을 더해가게 된다. 이때 그리어 국장이 암 선고를 받게 되어 병원에 입원하자, 라이언은 이 사건의 수사에 뛰어들게 된다. 라이언은 하든에게 거액의 돈이 해외로부터 입금되어 있는 것을 알게 된다. 이를 계기로 라이언은 하든이 마약 조직인 칼텔 조직과 연계하여 그들의 돈 세탁에 관여했고, 대통령은 하든이 자신의 친구였다는 사실과 하든의 구좌에 들은 돈을 국고로 돌릴 셈으로 일을 추진한 것을 알게 된다. 카르텔에 대한 무력 보복이 조용히 시작되고, 이에 화가 난 카르텔의 보스인 애스케베도(Ernesto Escobedo : 미구엘 샌도발 분)는 다른 보스들의 짓이 아닌가 의심하게 되는데...
The Throne of Hell
A group of archeologists excavating Aztec ruins in Mexico City uncover a bizarre statue, which unleashes satanic powers and possesses the chief archaeologist. The demonized man goes on a rampage of bloody murders while being pursued by one of his female colleagues and a police officer. Horribly burned in an explosion, he still continues his ungodly crimes, including crucifying a woman upside down. A bishop sends for a mystic called “The Angel”, a character who dresses in medieval clothing and is armed with a demon-destroying sword. The possessed archeologist transforms into a club-wielding monster and challenges The Angel in a duel to the death.
Capo: Jefe de Jefes
A drug dealer discovers that a double-crosser is the one who is responsible for exterminating the great leaders in the business.
A group of undocumented Mexican farm workers must fight against Neo-Nazis in the United States.
Río de sangre
The Devil's Sacristan
Creatures from hell pursue and kill their victims.
The Devil's Sacristan
Creatures from hell pursue and kill their victims.
The Subway Killer
Mauricio Ramos
An already-busy police force are facing not only a wave of recent inner crime but now face a psycho who kills women in one of the multiple lines of the Mexico City Metro.
프록터의 행운
미국 굴지의 보험회사 회장의 딸 발레리(Valerie: 셔일라 켈리 분)는 하는 일마다 불운이 따라 아버지 하이스미스에겐 근심 덩어리와 같은 존재였다. 그녀는 혼자 멕시코로 휴가를 떠났다가 휴양지에서 소매치기가 잡아채는 카메라 끈에 걸려 넘어져 기억상실증에 걸린 채 행방 불명된다. 그녀를 찾기 위한 모든 노력이 수포로 돌아가자 마지막 수단으로 정신과 자문의 모노쓰프 박사(Monosoff: 해리 셔러 분)는 발레리의 행동 패턴을 전형적인 불운증후군으로 진단, 그녀를 찾을 수 있는 유일한 길은 불운을 타고 난 사람으로 하여금 불운을 뒤쫓게 하는 수 밖에 없다고 한다. 즉, 발레리와 똑같이 재수 없는 사람을 보내 같은 불운을 겪게 함으로서 추적의 실마리를 찾게 한다는 것. 그래서 찾아낸 사람이 회사 경리부 직원인 프록터(Proctor: 마틴 쇼트 분)였다. 그리고 그와 함께 실종자 수색 전문가 레이먼드(Raymond Campanella: 대니 글로버 분)가 프록터의 감시자 겸 조수로 이번 임무에 동행하게 되는데...
Nacidos para morir
Rhythm, Betrayal and Death: The Killer Cumbia
El Combi
Mexico City. Starved Punks & corrupt cops in a world of drugdealing & prostitution.
Mente Criminal
Newlywed couple Andres and Gabriela would love to live a happy life at their beach home in San Antonio del Mar. However, their wedded bliss soon turns into a nightmare once Andres is accused of committing a series of gory murders.
Hacer el amor con otro
The Assassin
The basic plot of this film concerns a secret service-esque man in Mexico battling personal demons who discovers a conspiracy behind an assassination attempt on a visiting American senator.
La zona del silencio
Several fantastic stories occur in the Mexican "Zone of Silence." It begins in the 1920s when a man steals a train and then flees to enter the present. Another man finds a colonizer guarded by a ghost treasure, two girls are attacked by an evil car and finally a man steals money, then he flees to enter the past.
Don't Panic
Lt. Velazco
On his 17th birthday, a boy named Michael has a surprise party thrown by his friends, where a session with a Ouija board accidentally unleashes a demon named Virgil, who possesses one of them to go on a killing spree. Michael, now plagued by violent nightmares and premonitions, sets out to try and stop the killings.
Reto a la vida
Inspector Vélez
Carlos has spent four years in prison for selling drugs. When he's released he finds out his brother has become a drug addict and is locked in a psychiatric hospital. Carlos starts working to cure his brother when he befriends a street kid and falls for social worker Elena.
Camino al infierno
Happily married Jorge takes his family on vacation to the beach but three nuts show up to spoil their fun by raping his wife and killing everyone. Jorge manages to survive the ordeal and decides to take justice in his own hands.
El Ansia de matar
The Captain
This is a true story. Kicho and Maria come to Mexico looking for a better life but Maria gets killed by the guerrilla before she gets to sign the papers at the border. Kicho promises himself he will get revenge one day. At the same time a family of four gets kidnapped during a hunting trip by the same "red beret" guy who commands the guerrilla and left the father thinking hes dead. He is an experienced hunter and with Kichos help, who knows the woods very well, track down the guerrilla to rescue the rest of the family.
La Alacrana
Those involved in the making of an amateur porn video end up getting slashed to death with a cane sword. It's up to the brave policewoman Eugenia aka The Scorpion (Maribel Guardia) to stop him.
The Son of Peter the Knife
El Buitre
The legend of "Peter The Knife" continues in this popular sequel to one of Mexico's all-time blockbusters. Following in his infamous father's footsteps, Peter, Jr. manages to get more than his fair share of the love of beautiful women...and the hatred of his enemies. Action and drama from New York to Acapulco.
COlonel Julio Figueroa
사진기자 리차드(제임스 우즈)는 20여년을 싸움터를 찾아다니며 극한 상황 속에서의 인간의 삶과 죽음을 카메라에 담아왔다. 하지만 지금 리처드는 월남전과 캄보디아전에서 받은 충격을 극복하지 못한 채 샌프란시스코의 빈민가에 처박혀 지낸다. 그런 그를 다시 부른 곳은 엘살바도르 내전. 리처드는 친구인 의사 록(제임스 벨루시)과 함께 엘살바도르로 간다. 엘살바도르의 현실은 월남전의 재탕, 그 자체다. 미국의 지원을 받는 군정 당국의 부패한 모습이나 연일 수십 명이 사살되거나 실종되고 있다. 심지어 반정부 발언을 하던 추기경 로메로까지 제단에서 총격을 받아 숨지는 상황이다. 리처드는 그 상황에서 사진 기자로서의 역할을 충실히 실행한다. 그러나 도움을 주었던 옛친구 존 캐시의 눈밖에 나서 가짜 서류를 만들어 옛친구인 마리아와 함께 탈출을 감행한다. 그러나 국경에서 마리아는 살바도르로 되돌아가야 했고, 리처드는 아직도 마리아를 찾아 헤맨다.
Toda la vida
Murieron a la mitad del rio
Luis Álvarez
Escape sangriento
Five men escape from prison to get revenge on the accomplices who set them up for arrest.
데스 게임
Jairo / Jaime
론바이 가족과 친구들은 몬테 카를로에 위치한 카지노의 바에서 술을 마시던 중, 손님으로 가장한 강도들이 카지노 금고를 탈취하여 경찰과 총격전을 벌이는 모습을 보게 된다. 강도들은 경찰을 피해 달아나지만 대부분 총에 맞아 죽고 마지막 남은 강도는 론바이의 부인과 딸을 인질로 잡아 비행기를 이용해 도망치려 한다. 한차례의 격렬한 총격이 끝난 후 범인과 경찰은 죽게 되고 비행기 조종을 못하는 론바이 부인은 위기에 몰린다.
Narcotráfico: Sentencia De Muerte
It’s the Feds vs. the Cartel as both sides of the law race through the desert to snag a hidden dope stash in New Drug City.
Death Squad
Loco Ordonez
Mario Balbuena, a honest cop, becomes the victim of an ambush by drug dealers and dirty cops, after that, he recruits a group of sleazy criminals in order to strike his revenge.
The Vengeance of the Winged Serpent
An international intrigue with terrorists threatening to blow up the presidents of the most powerful countries.
Cillero, Molloch's Chauffeur
프로 킬러인 홀랜드(Holland: 찰스 브론슨 분)는 헥토 로메린(Dr. Hector Lomelin: 조지 페러 분)으로부터 충격적인 사실을 알게 된다. 일명 닥터라 불리우는 몰로코(Dr. Clement Molloch: 조셉 마러 분)가 라틴 아메리카를 중심으로 자신의 정적들을 납치하여 혹독한 고문과 살인을 저지른다는 것이다. 이에 홀랜드는 무보수로 그를 쳐단하기로 결정하는데.
Los ojos de un niño
Raúl Martínez
Little boy learns of his stepmother's infidelity and later witnesses a murder... but the shocks have thrown him into a hysterical paralysis, and it's almost impossible for him to communicate anything to anybody.
Muerte en el Río Grande
Red Bells Part I: Mexico on Fire
Emiliano Zapata
A chronicle of the Russian and Mexican revolutions in the early 20th century.
When the boss' unlucky daughter is missing in South America, Campana is sent to watch the boss' most unlucky employee who is sent as a private detective in hopes he can duplicate the daughter's mistakes.
Morir de madrugada
Adolfo Gutiérrez
A successful lawyer has his life shattered when his beautiful wife is found murdered. An investigation reveals she was lying to him and leading a double life... but who killed her?
The Shark Hunter
A crusty recluse on a Caribbean island who is dedicated to destroying sharks gets involved in a hunt for buried treasure.
At the beginning of this century some owners of rubber plantations in the Amazonas jungle convert a village into one big prison. But the inhabitants have other plans...
A model and a private eye help a New York insurance investigator on a deadly case in Acapulco.
Eagle's Wing
Two men, an aging Native American and a ne'er-do-well trapper from North America, race to claim the stallion Eagle's Wing in antebellum Mexico, meeting marauded stagecoach travelers and garrisoned Mexicans along the way.
The Holy War
Coronel Ursino Valdes
Through the humble potter Celso we will know one of the most dramatic events in the history of Mexico in the twentieth century, in which the federal government and Catholic believers, fought a bloody struggle. Time passes and the Church and the State agree to peace. Celso and his companions are rejected by both sides.
Lo blanco, lo rojo y lo negro
All kinds of crimes are being committed in a frontier settlement; if you blame it on the Chiricahuas afterwards, you can get away with anything. One Chiricahua hooks up with a white guy and a black woman who have been victimized by the status quo, and the three of them whoop some righteous-vengeance butt.
The Illegal
Deceived over and over again by the whole world, a woman does not want to give up in the face of life's adversities.
En defensa propia
The leading edge of working-class discontent in a Mexican village is a troop of bandits hiding out in the hills; when the bandit leader is killed, the whole town rises up.
La hora del jaguar
Héctor Salazar
Police officer dismissed from the force for excessive use of force, is hired as a hitman for some unnamed shadow organization.
La puerta falsa
Young heroin addict dies in the pursuit of his calling, and his brother goes on a vendetta against the narco gang that supplied his drugs.
El mexicano
말이라 불리운 사나이 2
Running Bull
1821년, 영국 귀족 존 모간 경(Lord John Morgan)은 미국 평원 지대 다고타 지역(Dakota Territory)으로 사냥을 나왔다가 수오족(Sioux Nation)의 한 부족인 노란손 부족(Yellew Hands)에 체포되어 노예가 된다. 그는 노예로서 말(Horse)이라는 뜻의 숀카와칸(Shunkawakan)이라는 이름을 가지게 된다. 숀카와칸의 용맹에 탄복한 노란손 부족들은 그들 동족으로 인정한다. 그리하여 숀카와칸은 돌아갈 때까지 5년 동안 노란손 부족들과 함께 살며 영적인 삶을 체험하게 된다. 신비스럽고 평화로운 인디언의 정신 세계를 접했었던 존 모간은 영국에서 돌아온 뒤 서구 문명의 무상함을 느껴 끝내는 마음의 평정을 되찾기 위해 노란손 부족이 살던 곳으로 돌아온다. 그러나 노란손 부족은 백인들한테 사주를 받은 릭크족에게 기습을 당해 몇몇 생존자만 간신히 남아 도주한 사실을 발견한다. 모간은 노란손 부족의 땅을 되찾아주기 위해 지략을 발휘하기로 마음을 먹는데...
Conflicts in town force a guy to escape to a hiding-place in the countryside.
A Romanian aristocrat retreats to a desert isle with his wife and servants on the eve of World War II.
Nevada Smith
Two Moon
A half-breed gunslinger and a friend he hasn't seen in years join together to escort a shipment of explosives across Utah.
The Encounter of a Lonely Man
Alberto is a journalist who remembers an event 15 years ago, when his friend Gabriel saved a girl from a fire suffering third-degree burns. When he tells the story to his friends, one of them asks him to write it with realism, so Alberto comes back to his old town to meet Gabriel again.
El desconocido
Disenfranchised drifter finds a home, working on a young orphan woman's ranch.
The Holy Inquisition
Luis de Carvajal
A Jewish family suffers persecution and suffering in the 16th century when they are accused of practicing witchcraft.
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa
A gunfighter is appointed sheriff of a town that is terrorized by a gang of criminals.
울자나의 습격
인디언 보호구역에서 탈출한 아바치족 추장 울자나와 그 부족의 전사들은 보란 듯이 약탈을 감행하며 어딘가로 향하고 풋내기 중사와 노련한 정찰병 맥킨토시(버트 랭카스터)는 서둘러 그들을 추적한다. 아직 현실과 괴리된 이상에 빠져있는 중사는 서로 죽이고 죽는 과정이 되풀이되는 상황들을 이해하기 힘들어한다. 거칠고 위험한 추격전에 계속되는 사이 맥킨토시는 중사에게 폭력을 퇴치하기 위한 방법을 몸소 가르쳐준다. 점차 잔혹한 폭력성과 야만성을 드러내는 아파치족과 맞서기 위한 유일한 방법, 그것은 그들의 힘보다 훨씬 더 강한 힘 뿐이라는 것이다.
The life of peaceful rancher John Benedict is torn apart when his family is massacred by a gang of marauding outlaws and his farm is destroyed. He assembles a team of mean, lawless convicts to act as his posse as he pursues the gang responsible for the deaths of his loved ones.
Aunt Isabel's Garden
A ship carrying Conquistadors is wrecked and the survivors are thrown ashore to struggle through the Yucatan jungle.
The Gates of Paradise
Due to betting problems, Andrés and his lover, Blanca, flee the city and travel through several states of the country; During their journey they get involved with a couple of hippies with whom they live for a time until the tragedy is complete.
Eye for an Eye
Judd Carson
A vengeful widow hires a professional killer to train her son so that he can hunt down and kill the men who murdered her husband. The quest for revenge soon becomes an obsession.
Siempre hay una primera vez
Invitado a fiesta (segment "Isabel")