Maria Simon

Maria Simon

출생 : 1976-02-06, Leipzig, Germany

프로필 사진

Maria Simon

참여 작품

Der Zeuge
Yesterday, we still were kids
Anna Klettmann
The Klettmanns‘ life was quite normal - until Peter kills his wife and his childrens‘ mother…
Zwerg Nase
히든 라이프
무자비한 학살과 의미를 잃어버린 희생의 연속이었던 2차 세계대전, 한적한 오스트리아의 시골 마을에서 농사를 짓던 ‘프란츠’(오거스트 딜)는 나치군에 징집된다. 하지만 평범한 농부이자 독실한 가톨릭 신자였던 ‘프란츠’는 그의 신념에 반하는 군인 선서를 거부하고 이로 인해 투옥된다. 군의 명령에 불복종한 ‘프란츠’는 투옥과 동시에 갖은 고초와 고문을 겪게 되고 평화로웠던 그의 삶은 위태롭기만 한데…
Curling für Eisenstadt
Petra Glewitz
Break-Out to the Unknown
Sarah Schneider
In the near future: Europe is in chaos. Right-wing extremists have taken power in many countries. The democratic state that once was Germany has become a totalitarian system that persecutes dissenters, Muslims and homosexuals. Jan Schneider has stood as a lawyer on the side of dispossessed victims. When he learns that the regime wants to jail him again, he decides to flee with his family. His goal is the South African Union, which enjoys political and economic stability after an economic boom. A freighter is to bring him, his wife Sarah and the two children Nora and Nick together with other refugees to Cape Town, but the tugs abandon their passengers in much too small boats off the coast of Namibia. On rough seas, it comes to disaster, the little Nick is lost, and no one knows if he could reach the shore...
Ich gehöre ihm
15-year-old Caro is one of the inconspicuous students in her school. One day she get noted by a handsome, wealthy Turkish guy who is 5 years older than her. Since they start seeing each other she turns into a totally different person
Im Tunnel
Maren Adam
Das Geständnis
In 1988, the East Berlin homicide squad again and again encounters crimes that - according to the opinion of party leadership and state security - do not exist in socialism.
Das Geständnis
In 1988, the East Berlin homicide squad again and again encounters crimes that - according to the opinion of party leadership and state security - do not exist in socialism.
Silvia S.: Blinde Wut
Silvia Schubert
Der Geruch von Erde
Ellen Bischoff
While Dr. Ellen Bischoff celebrates success in her career, her family life is not at its best. Once she quarreled with her father Anton and turned her back on the local dairy farm. But now Anton is in the hospital after a severe heart attack. Ellen returns home to keep the operation going. There she meets her childhood sweetheart Felix again, whom she never forgave that he cheated on her with her former best friend Karin. In addition, Ellen struggles with serious problems: The father's farm is highly indebted and should be auctioned. The situation seems hopeless.
Death on the Baltic
Evelyn Kossack
A man goes over a girl and is in a village on the Baltic Sea henceforth as a "murderer" - until he lies dead in his garden. An accident, everyone says. But the autopsy shows that Ralf Kossak was killed. The police consider Stefan Hansen, the father of the dead Lisa, for the murderer, because he has the strongest motive: revenge. But Hansen was not, his wife Meike not. In the village begins a veritable witch hunt on Kossak's widow and her sons. The police discover what a shattering drama is in the Kossak family.
Die Tote im Moorwald
Josefine Mehdorn
After the surprising death of her mother, budding artist Josefine hastily leaves the city of Munich and moves to an old, abandoned dairy farm in the countryside. She also escapes from her friend Simon, who, contrary to his assurances, has still not separated from his wife. And Josefine finally wants to find out who her father was. Her mother had left the village and raised Josefine in the city.
Ellen Roth
Engel der Gerechtigkeit
Sonja Danner
Oberleutnant Nicole Ziegler
Nicki Ziegler, Oberleutnant der Feldjäger, wird zu einem Auslandseinsatz in den Ostkongo geschickt. Gemeinsam mit ihrem forschen Kollegen Werner Malinckrodt soll sie den Selbstmord des Soldaten Wenz klären. Tatsächlich deutet zunächst alles auf Selbstmord hin: Wenz kam mit den verstörenden Verhältnissen in dem afrikanischen Krisengebiet nicht klar und zudem wollte ihn offenbar seine Frau verlassen. Als Nicki auf dem Handy des Toten ein sonderbares Video findet, tendiert zu allerdings zu Mord...
Es war einer von uns
Johanna Schröder
Blessed Events
A few weeks after palliative nurse Hans spends New year's eve completely with new acquaintance Simone, she finds herself pregnant, unplanned. At another surprise meeting, handsome Hannes surprises her by reacting to the news by offering her to move into his fine home. While Hannes devotes himself further to terminal hospital patients, Simone lazily renovates the house, but somehow gets jealous of the neighbors and compromises everything.
Tinka Sanchez
With provocative dresses and a lot of make-up, the 19-year-old Melanie defies her bleak hospital stay in Masserberg in Thuringia. For years, she suffers from a very serious eye disease that will lead to blindness without expensive therapy and expensive drugs. Mel dreams of freedom in the West and is convinced that they could be treated there as well. So you only the new doctor Carlo Sanchez remains as a worldly glimmer of hope. As their escape plans fly up and Carlo is to spy on behalf of the Stasi, begins for the unequal pair a race for life and death, love and freedom.
Civil Courage
Monika Keller
For almost 30 years, bookseller Jordan has lived and worked in a neighborhood in Berlin that has become a social hotbed. As Jordan witnesses a teenager brutally beating up an older man, he intervenes and files a complaint - with unimaginable consequences ... Director Dror Zahavi ("Everything for my father", "My life - Marcel Reich-Ranicki") succeeded after a screenplay by Jürgen Werner ("Tatort - With a steady hand", "Schimanski - layer in the pit", also with Götz George) an atmospherically tightly staged and outstandingly played portrait of a so-called problem district. Here nothing is glossed over, but instead the reality shown and the powerlessness of our judicial system mercilessly layed bare. A highlight of 2010!
Romeo und Jutta
Dr.Annette Meerkatz
Jürgen Stoll is not only a Filou and life artist, but the darling of many women. When the marriage swindler is given the choice, prison in the GDR or a career as "Romeo" in the FRG, he decides to go to the West. Stoll now plays in the big game of secret agents until he realizes that the Stasi still has very different plans with him.
16세기 루마니아, 아름다운 외모와 막강한 부로 권력의 중심에 있었던 백작부인 엘리자베스 바토리(줄리 델피). 다른 귀족들의 질투로 고립된 삶을 살던 어느 날, 그녀는 파티에서 만난 젊고 매력적인 귀족 청년 이스트반(다니엘 브륄)과 운명 같은 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그러나 그와의 사랑이 깊어질수록 그녀는 점점 늙고 추해지는 자신이 불안하기만 한데… 한편, 바토리의 숙적인 튜르조 백작(윌리엄 허트)의 계략으로 이스트반은 그녀를 떠나게 되고 그 사실을 모르는 채 그가 떠난 이유가 자신이 더 이상 아름답지 않기 때문이라 생각한 그녀는 깊은 절망에 빠진다. 우연히 하녀의 피로 자신의 얼굴이 더욱 젊어진 것을 느낀 바토리는 처녀의 피만이 자신의 젊음과 아름다움을 유지할 수 있는 유일한 방법으로 여기게 되고 본격적인 처녀 사냥을 시작하는데….
Tod in der Eifel
Lona Schanz
Fürchte dich nicht
Katrin Bischof
Nichts als Gespenster
Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.
Nicht alle waren Mörder
Lona Furkert
Based on the childhood memories of actor Michael Degen, the movie deals with the everyday struggle to survive as a Jewish boy in Nazi Germany. As his father had died in 1940 after being released from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Michael and his mother fear to be deported themselves. They manage to live in Berlin with false names and faked papers, hidden by several, often broken, people...
Die Pathologin - Im Namen der Toten
Leo Herzog
Carola Stern - Doppelleben
Erika Assmus aka Carola Stern
Autobiographical movie about the publicist Carola Stern.
16세기 유럽, 교회는 로마 교황의 성경 해석을 법전처럼 여기며 부흥을 위해 면죄부를 판매하고, 민중에게 하나님은 두려움과 경외의 존재라는 것을 강요한다. 독일 청년 마르틴 루터는 하나님에 대한 두려움으로 인해 아버지의 반대를 무릅쓰고 신부가 된다. 원장의 서신을 전하기 위해 로마에 가게 된 루터는 물질화되어 타락한 교회의 민낯을 마주한다. 하나님의 구원을 절실히 원했던 자신과 가난 속에서도 면죄부를 사는 것에 매달리는 성도들을 보며 루터는 신앙의 길을 바로잡기 위해 [95개조 반박문]을 게시한다. 교회에 혼란을 가져온다는 이유로 로마 교황과 독일 정부로부터 반박문을 철회할 것을 강요받고, 결국 종교 심판까지 오르게 된 루터는 “나의 양심을 철회할 수 없다”고 외치며 목숨까지 위협에 처하게 된다. 수많은 군중의 도움으로 간신히 목숨을 건진 루터는 사제 이상만 읽을 수 있도록 허락된 성경을 모든 신자들이 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해 독일어로 번역하기 시작한다. 한편, 루터가 죽은 줄로만 아는 민중 중 일부는 그의 사상을 잇는다는 이유로 종교 반란을 일으키고, 그로 인해 많은 사상자가 발생하자 루터는 깊은 고민에 빠지게 되는데…
Fast perfekt verlobt
Nika Kreschninski
Best prospects for young Nika Kreschinski: She is an assistant in the PR department of the renowned Seckbach Bank and is engaged to Fritz , the son of the house. But shortly before the planned wedding , the orderly life of the career woman is thoroughly shaken up: her father Herby,an old hippie, appears on the scene because the Seckbach Bank wants to turn his Greek dropout island into an amusement park ...
Spurlos - Ein Baby verschwindet
Andrea Bär
굿바이, 레닌
Ariane Kerner
동독의 열혈 공산당원이자 교사인 크리스티아네는 베를린 장벽 제거를 주장하는 시위대에서 아들이 끌려가는 모습을 보고 그 충격에 쓰러져 혼수 상태에 빠진다 . 그 후 8개월 후... 그녀는 사회주의 동독이 이미 사라진 통일 독일하에서 의식을 되찾게 된다.. 아들 알렉스는 기뻤지만 그 기쁨도 잠시, 엄마는 심장이 약해져 조금의 충격이라도 받으면 목숨이 위험하다는 의사의 경고를 받게 된다. 이때부터 엄마를 위한 아들의 지상최대 거짓말 프로젝트가 시작된다. 우선 엄마가 사는 아파트를 과거 동독 시절의 모습으로 되돌려 놓는 것은 물론, 쓰레기통을 뒤져가며 엄마가 찾는 구 동독 시절 오이피클 병을 구하고, 급기야는 엄마를 위해 동독의 발전과 서방의 붕괴를 담은 TV 뉴스까지 친구와 함께 제작하기에 이른다. 알렉스의 거짓말 시리즈가 매일 부풀어가는 무렵 엄마는 심장마비에 걸리게 되고 알렉스에게 소원을 부탁 하는데...
Distant Lights
Lichter is an episodic tale from Hans-Christian Schmid about the life on the border between Germany and Poland. The film sheds light on the everyday stories of escape and desperateness.
Erste Ehe
Against All Evidence
Police arrest a woman for the murder of his five years son. She claims to have drunk the night before and not knowing what happened to his small son, but the gun crime appears in her bed and have their fingerprints. Everyone, including the husband, who that morning was on duty in the hospital, it suspect.
Jonathan's Liebe
Nina Buchwald
Verbotene Küsse
Passing Summer
A woman faces a variety of emotional crises as she spends the summer interacting in various ways with friends, family, and lovers.
Mord im Swingerclub
Susanna Bach
Mädchen mit Kind