Florian Lukas

Florian Lukas

출생 : 1973-03-16, Berlin, Germany


Florian Lukas (born March 16, 1973) is a German actor.

프로필 사진

Florian Lukas
Florian Lukas

참여 작품

Die Drei ??? - Erbe des Drachen
Titus Jonas
During the summer vacations, the three friends are about to take a trip together to Romania, where they are allowed to complete an internship on the film set of "Dracula Rises", arranged for them by Peter's father, who is responsible for the special effects during the filming. No sooner do they arrive in Transylvania than mysterious events begin to pile up at Countess Codrina's old castle, which serves as the original setting for the film. The three detectives want to find out what all this may have to do with a boy who has been missing for over 50 years, a mysterious brotherhood and an enigmatic undead. Soon, not only the filming and Peter's relationship with his father are at stake, but also the friendship of the three investigators.
Sweet Disaster
Frida unexpectedly falls pregnant and Felix, the father of her child, breaks up with her to reunite with his ex using methods which are absurd, exaggerated and often hilarious.
Heinrich Vogeler - Aus dem Leben eines Träumers
Heinrich Vogeler
At the center of the family story is 13-year-old titular protagonist Madison, for whom cycle racing means just everything! She gives her all to emulate her cool and successful cycle-pro father. But when the talented and ambitious young racer has to unwillingly swap saddles for a mountain bike, things go haywire.
Tödliches Erwachen
The lover of a policeman is strangled in his house.
Ganz oben - Die diskrete Welt der Superreichen
더 사일런트 레볼루션
Principal Schwarz
Stalinstadt, East Germany, 1956. While the Hungarian uprising against Soviets is taking place, teenage members of a classroom of the local school perform a seemingly harmless act that causes unexpected consequences.
Hinter Glas
Coma patient Maya has her mind uploaded to a camera through neurotransmitters. This way she is still capable to communicate with the world from behind the glass. Her husband Leon puts up a lot of effort to keep her alive and make her virtual existence more or less tolerable, but Maya does not want to be a virtual wife and demands Leon to shut the system down and let her go. Tension between the couple rises. Will Leon dare to end the life of his loved one he has struggled to keep with him for so long?
The Invisibles
Werner Scharff
Four young Jews survive the Third Reich in the middle of Berlin by living so recklessly that they become "invisible."
Der König von Berlin
Carsten Lanner
Full of anticipation, the young and ambitious Commissioner Carsten Lanner (Florian Lukas) is moving from Berlin Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony for a further education. However, he did not expect the outspoken chutzpah of the Berliners and, above all, the rude nature of his colleagues, who in no way received him with open arms. And so he slips more accidentally than wanted shortly after his arrival in Berlin in his first case.
Silvia S.: Blinde Wut
Andreas Schubert
Tag der Wahrheit
David Kollwein
The truth about the ailing state of the Haut-Rhin nuclear power plant in the tri-border region is to come to light - this is the goal of the assassin David Kollwein. He brings the power plant in his power and extorted policy and operating company. The German prosecutor Marie Hoffmann has only three hours to procure explosive information together with the French policeman Jean-Luc Laboetie and to prevent the meltdown in the reactor ...
Alles muss raus
Frank Landers
Wir tun es für Geld
It is not out of love that Ines gives her boyhood friend Moritz the vow, not even because he is rich. On the contrary. For the financial expert the dreamy loser type is interesting as a low-income earner. The fictitious marriage with him brings a lot of tax savings for Ines. On paper, everything is perfectly sophisticated, except for the last place after the comma. Unfortunately, a conscientious financial officer moves into the same apartment building. In order not to be unmasked as unscrupulous tax evaders, Ines and Moritz must play him the newly in love couple - with unimaginable consequences.
그랜드 부다페스트 호텔
1927년 세계대전이 한창이던 어느 날, 세계 최고 부호 마담 D가 그랜드 부다페스트 호텔에 다녀간 지 얼마 지나지 않아 의문의 살인을 당한다. 그녀는 유언을 통해 가문 대대로 내려오던 명화 사과를 든 소년을 전설적인 호텔 지배인이자 연인 구스타브 앞으로 남긴다. 마담 D의 유산을 노리고 있던 그의 아들 드미트리는 구스타브를 졸지에 유력한 용의자로 지목하게 되고, 구스타브는 충실한 호텔 로비보이 제로와 함께 누명을 벗기기 위한 기상천외한 모험을 시작한다.
피노키오의 모험
말썽꾸러기 나무 소년 피노키오의 유쾌한 모험이 시작된다! 제페토 할아버지가 만들어낸 나무 인형 피노키오는 파란 요정의 마법으로 진짜 소년처럼 살아 움직인다. 귀뚜라미 요정 코코와 함께 사악한 여우 사기꾼, 어린이를 모두 당나귀로 만드는 마술사, 잔인한 서커스 단장들에 맞서 파란만장한 모험을 겪는 피노키오. 그러던 어느 날, 피노키오는 자신을 찾아 바다로 떠난 제페토 할아버지가 고래에게 잡아 먹혔다는 이야기를 듣고 할아버지를 구하기 위해 위험한 바다로 떠난다. 과연 피노키오는 제페토 할아버지를 구하고 다시 행복해질 수 있을까?
Cyborg #1
Neukölln gangs are mixing up the film world!
Horst Schopis
2차 세계대전이 한창인 1940년, 혹독한 겨울의 추위 속에서 영국군과 독일군은 팽팽한 접전을 치르고 있다. 땅에서는 독일군과 영국군의 목숨을 건 총격전이, 하늘에서는 독일 폭격기와 영국 전투기의 항공전투가 벌어지는 숨막히는 상황. 눈보라가 몰아치는 이곳에서 이제 극한의 전쟁이 시작된다!
천재 사기꾼 돈: 세상을 속여라
Jens Berkel
아시아 지하세계를 평정한 ‘돈’은 이제 유럽으로 자신의 악명을 뻗치려 한다. 그러나 인터폴과 마피아들로부터의 위협을 감지한 ‘돈’은 쿠알라룸푸르에서 특수팀을 지휘하던 ‘비샬 말릭’에게 계획적으로 접근해 자수를 하고 수감된다. ‘돈’은 수감되어 있는 동안 자신을 향해 복수의 칼날을 갈고 있던 ‘바르드한’과 연합해 탈옥을 감행, 스위스와 독일 등지에서 사상최대 규모의 범죄 행각을 계획한다. 돌아온 암흑가의 제왕 ‘돈’과 그를 체포하기 위해 혈안이 된 여 형사 ‘로마’와의 예측할 수 없는 추격. ‘돈’과 경찰간의 한판 승부! 과연 이 게임의 승자는 누가 될 것인가?
Anduni - Fremde Heimat
Armenian Belinda feels at home in Germany, where she was born, lives and studies just like any other German girl her age. But when she loses her father, she is suddenly drawn into the traditional Armenian lifestyle of her migrant relatives. Her aunts require her to work in their seamstress shop and secretly plot to marry her off to one of her kind. While Belinda is becoming increasingly curious about her roots, their traditional ways also threaten her relationship with Manuel, a German. She embarks on a journey into the past and the present to find out who she really is. ANDUNI shows a culture that is exciting and complex, and a love story that reaches beyond family traditions.
Hans von Eidem
1944년 폴란드, 나치 강제수용소에 수감된 ‘토마슈’는 유태인인 자신의 연인 ‘한나’와 깊은 사랑에 빠지고 그녀와 함께 목숨을 건 탈출을 시도한다. 탈출에 성공한 두 사람은 새로운 삶을 시작하려 애쓰지만 전쟁의 혼란과 오해 속에 서로를 잃게 된다. 그리고 30년 뒤 뉴욕… 단란한 가정을 이룬 채 행복하고 평범한 삶을 살아가던 한나는 어느 날 우연히 TV에서 옛 연인 토마슈와 닮은 사람을 보게 된다. 그 순간부터 30년 전 토마슈와의 사랑의 기억이 마치 눈 앞에 펼쳐지듯 생생하게 떠오르기 시작하며 현재의 삶과 단 한 순간도 잊을 수 없었던 첫 사랑 토마슈에 대한 마음 사이에서 갈등하게 된다. 결국 한나는 토마슈가 살아있다는 것을 확신하고 그를 찾아 나서기 시작 하는데…
I Phone You
Ling, in his 20s, lives in Chongqing, the largest city in China. There she meets Yu, a Chinese business traveler who lives in Berlin. As a farewell, he has given her an iPhone. They start a tender relationship by phone. When Ling flies to Berlin to see Yu, another man, Marco, is waiting for her. He is Yu's German bodyguard. He should take care that Ling flies back again.
그녀가 떠날 때
이스탄불에 사는 우마이(시벨 케킬리)는 진정한 삶의 의미를 빼앗긴 불행한 결혼생활로부터 벗어나기 위해 아들 챔과 함께 고향 독일로 떠난다. 하지만 갑작스런 그녀의 등장은 오랜 관습을 지켜온 가족들에게 큰 파장을 불러일으킨다. 전통적 가치와 그녀에 대한 사랑 사이에서 갈등하던 가족들은 결국 챔을 이스탄불로 돌려 보내기로 결정하고, 우마이는 또 한번 가족의 곁을 떠나기로 결심한다. 언젠가는 가족들도 자신을 이해하고 사랑으로 받아줄 것이라 굳게 믿는 우마이. 하지만 그녀는 상처의 골이 얼마나 깊은지, 자신의 선택이 얼마나 위험한 결과를 초래할지 깨닫지 못하는데…
Die Gänsemagd
Prinz Leopold
Princess Elisabeth, the beautiful only child of a widowed queen is sent off to marry the prince Leopold to whom she is betrothed. Before she leaves, her mother presents her with a small token. This token provides her with magical protection. However, the maidservant Magdalena, who accompanies the princess treats her very brutishly, and when circumstances cause the princess to lose her token, the maid seizes the opportunity to force the princess into trading places. She makes the princess switch clothes with her.
Warten auf Angelina
Paparazzo Maik Tremper
Andreas Hinterstoisser
아이거 북벽은 알프스의 3대 북벽 중 하나로 현재까지도 가장 등반하기 어려운, 등반 역사상 사망자가 가장 많은 곳이다. 1936년 독일은 올림픽 개회를 앞두고 국위 선양을 위한 죽음의 아이거 북벽 초등을 위해 전세계 등반가들을 부추긴다. 군에서 산악병으로 복무 중이던 토니 (벤노 퓨어만)와 앤디(플로리안 루카스)도 처음엔 너무 위험한 일이라 망설이지만, 아이거 북벽 초등에 성공하고 싶다는 일념으로 등반을 결심한다. 이 사실이 알려지자 기..
Special Escort
The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male underdogs who promulgate themselves as female escorts in the city of Munich. Of that group, we meet policeman Gy, in hot water with his insurance company and enduring the vicissitudes of an on-again, off-again romance with comely Daphne; twentysomething Lasse, who lives with his mom and is pathetically henpecked by her; Giselher, a chronically unemployed former manager; Frank, a philologist who spends his days as a house husband; and Olli, a deli proprietor whose business is rapidly going under. These five conjure up the wild idea of charging for liaisons with emotionally needy women, but the scheme doesn't exactly go as planned - as none can even begin to anticipate the eccentricities or oddities of the female clients who turn up in response to their offer.
Military Academy
The movie deals with a guy who gets to join the German Bundeswehr involuntarily because a colleague loses his denial papers in order to get the chance to get down on his girlfriend. When entering the Bundeswehr he acts like a giant idiot and of course gets in one room with some of the biggest losers around. The loser turns out to be a hero and leads his loser-colleagues to win a contest with the local US army squad.
FC Venus
Steffen Hagen
Die Nacht der großen Flut
Horst Sahm
Keine Lieder über Liebe
Tobias Hansen
As Tobias, a young director, supposes that his girl-friend Ellen had an affair with his brother Markus, front man of "Hansen", one year ago, he decides to shoot a documentary about the band's next tour. When Ellen joins the project, everybody's emotions boil over, although they are observed all the time.
One Day in Europe
One day in Europe shows stories set in four European countries. All of them involve thievery in some way or the other. The protagonists are strangers in the respective country. For none of them their stay turns out as planned.
Die letzte Schlacht
Rochus Misch
The 13 days from April 20th to May 2nd, 1945, are unique in the history of Germany: They are the final act in the history of the third Reich which was supposed to last for a thousand years and succumbed after twelve in an orgy of violence and fire. In the catacombs of his bunker under the Reich Chancellery in the capital city of Berlin, which Adolf Hitler wanted to make to the centre of the world, the dictator operates with ghost divisions during the final days of the war. Only in the final moment, he takes his own life. Meanwhile, On the streets, in the ruins, and the basements of the destroyed city, the final battle wages on: Adolescents are sacrificed without purpose, women get raped, loyal party comrades commit suicide in the thousands, Jews who were in hiding for years hope for the liberation.
Sergeant Pepper
Sergeant Pepper (voice)
A dog who was named after the Beatles album, inherits his master's fortune. His owner's two children, however, devise a plan to make off with his wealth.
Off Beat
Traumatised paramedic looks for the woman of his dreams.
Der Auftrag
Passport Forger Ricki must appease a principal Rickis parolee sister Jenny and the German-Russian Mitja should help. But everything turns out differently: The outsider Jenny and Mitja discover their common ground - and a lot more ... The delicate and excellently staffed love story gets under your skin.
Learning to Lie
18-year-old school boy Helmut falls in love with fellow pupil Britta. He starts working for a Peace movement to get to know Britta. Britta, however, suddenly moves to San Francisco to live with her father and whilst there, finds a new boyfriend. Helmut studies, literature and politics in his home town and have a relationship with another girl from his former school, now studying medicine at the same university but they break up after having an affair with her roommate. Helmut begins a lot of short affairs with different women but still searches for his first girl.
Der Aufstand
Fritz Schenk
굿바이, 레닌
동독의 열혈 공산당원이자 교사인 크리스티아네는 베를린 장벽 제거를 주장하는 시위대에서 아들이 끌려가는 모습을 보고 그 충격에 쓰러져 혼수 상태에 빠진다 . 그 후 8개월 후... 그녀는 사회주의 동독이 이미 사라진 통일 독일하에서 의식을 되찾게 된다.. 아들 알렉스는 기뻤지만 그 기쁨도 잠시, 엄마는 심장이 약해져 조금의 충격이라도 받으면 목숨이 위험하다는 의사의 경고를 받게 된다. 이때부터 엄마를 위한 아들의 지상최대 거짓말 프로젝트가 시작된다. 우선 엄마가 사는 아파트를 과거 동독 시절의 모습으로 되돌려 놓는 것은 물론, 쓰레기통을 뒤져가며 엄마가 찾는 구 동독 시절 오이피클 병을 구하고, 급기야는 엄마를 위해 동독의 발전과 서방의 붕괴를 담은 TV 뉴스까지 친구와 함께 제작하기에 이른다. 알렉스의 거짓말 시리즈가 매일 부풀어가는 무렵 엄마는 심장마비에 걸리게 되고 알렉스에게 소원을 부탁 하는데...
Liberated Zone
Michael Resser
A financially devastated German town receives an encouraging boost with the arrival of a popular soccer star, though a heated love triangle threatens to overshadow the good vibes in this sexually liberated comedy from filmmaker Norbert Baumgarten.
Das Paradies ist eine Falle
Liebe darf alles
Daniel Glaser
Planet der Kannibalen
Adam Singer
A television reporter searches for alien life forms and gets entangeled in a web of intrigue.
Das Glück sitzt auf dem Dach
A feature film about the life and death of the famous Bavarian actor Walter Sedlmayr, who was murdered in 1990 and who tried all his life to hide his homosexual tendencies from the public. The life story is told from the perspective of his professional environment and - sometimes in a documentary style - his fellow actors report on him. His sexual preferences in the BDSM area are also discussed.
걸스 온 탑
빅토리아(펠리시타스 울)와 리나(캐롤라인 허퍼스), 그리고 잉켄(다이아나 앰프트)은 단짝친구들이다. 사춘기 소녀인 그녀들의 소원은 오직 하나! 바로 '첫 오르가즘'을 느껴보는 것이다. 그러나 오르가즘을 느끼는 일은 생각만큼 쉽지 않고, '오르가즘'에 대한 그녀들의 환상은 점점 커져만 간다. 그러던 어느 날, 잉켄은 '자전거가 한 가지 용도만으로 쓰이지 않는다(?)'는 사실을 우연히 발견하게 된다. 자전거를 타다가 오르가즘을 느낀 잉켄은 빅토리아와 리나에게 이 사실을 알리고, 이들은 생애 최초로(!) 오르가즘을 경험한다. 그러나 기구에서 느끼는 오르가즘은 진정한 오르가즘이 아닌 법. 오르가즘을 향한 이들의 험난한 여정은 계속된다. 인터넷 레즈비언 대화방에 들어가 레즈비언과 대화를 나누고, 입으로 호박에 콘돔을 씌우는 연습을 하는 등 이들의 노력은 점점 처절해진다. 물론 새로운 남자 만들기는 기본 사항. 하지만 이를 지켜보면서도 마음을 고백하지 못하는 플린(맥스 리멜트)과 더크(마틴 레인홀드)의 마음은 답답하기만 하다. 시간이 흐를수록 이들의 오르가즘 찾기는 여의치 않고, 대신 남자들에 대한 혐오감만 커져간다. 그러나 모든 것을 포기할 무렵 그녀들의 인생을 확 바꾸어줄 무언가가 찾아오는데.
Emil and the Detectives
The twelve-year-old Emil and his father are haunted by bad luck. To take a break from a series of family disasters, Emil is allowed to spend a few days with a friend of the family, the female priest Hummel in Berlin. In the train he runs across the slick Max Grundeis who anaesthetizes Emil and steals his savings of 1500 DM. When he finally arrives in Berlin, Emil and a gang of street kids, led by the cheeky girl Pony Hütchen, try to find the gangster, who haunts the posh Hotel Adlon as a hotel thief. Meanwhile, to prevent anyone from finding out about Emil's mishap, Gypsi, a member of the gang of kids, passes himself off as Emil, thus wreaking havoc on the home of the priest.
Zoom - It's Always About Getting Closer
Tom Walter
Geteiltes Leid
Benny Dunckel
절대 거인
함부르크에서 살던 세 친구들이 도시를 떠나기 전 마지막 하룻밤을 같이 묵게된다.
St. Pauli Nacht
Sometimes your fate lies in the hands of those you meet. Filled with promising ambitions, shattered dreams, love and revenge and in the end hope, the story reveals how tangibly interconnected our induividual fates really are. Cabby Robby drives in and around St.Pauli, Hamburg, from sunset to sunrise. He is surrounded by stories of the night. Drowning in human incidents.
The Polar Bear
Four characters become involved in one dramatic story: Nico has a mission to drive a car containing a live bomb to a specified destination, park the car and escape as quickly as she can. Leo has become his client's target, having carried out a "contract" that unfortunately had already been cancelled. Fabian and Reza want to enjoy themselves without any money, bringing themselves into contact sooner or later with the police. Sooner or later all four will meet up in dramatic circumstances....
Das vergessene Leben
A drama directed by Claudia Prietzel
Jonas is in his mid-twenties, still lives with his parents and gets dumped by his girlfriend. He soon gets to know Lena, a tough young woman with ideals, and immediately falls in love with her. However, to prove he is worthy of her love, he has to pass an endurance test.
Dumm gelaufen
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick
Willy Wormser
Tut mir leid wegen gestern
60 Minuten Todesangst
Uwe Lederer
Dazlak – Skinhead
Is Mausi Coming Out?
Kati leaves her hometown - a small provincetown in northwestern Germany - to live in the city of Hamburg. Being about 18 years old she has just finished school and seeks her freedom away from home. She knows she loves women but never dared to live accordingly. In Hamburg she soon finds a lover and a good friend, too, and the strength to face the narrow-minded people at home. After struggling with it for some time she returns for a visit to tell at least her mother and best friend.
Operation Medusa
A drama directed by Peter Welz
Der Kleine und der alte Mann
Banale Tage
Michael Wagner
In East Berlin in the late 70s, two boys meet one evening in a disco: Thomas, who is from a working class family and is doing an apprenticeship, and Michael, a 16-year-old school pupil from an educated middle-class family. They both miss the tram home and walk together instead, ending up at Michael’s house where they discuss God and the world into the early hours. Following this encounter the two boys enter into an unusual friendship, united by their mutual desire to get away from the phoniness, the limitations and the restrictions of their parents and of society.
8 Days in August
Two happy families, a quiet beach and a house in the hills above the Adriatic Sea. It could be so perfect. But when teenager Finn has a breakdown it brings turmoil not only to the friendship between the families but also to the relationship between his parents Helena and Adam. Eight days in August that change everything.
In Liebe, eure Hilde
Sechs auf einen Streich - Die Gänsemagd
Prinz Leopold