Hans Hirschmüller

출생 : 1940-03-15,

참여 작품

Eight Hours Don’t Make a Day: A Series Becomes a Family Reunion
Documentary about the making of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1972 German television series EIGHT HOURS DON'T MAKE A DAY, featuring interviews with actors Hanna Schygulla, Irm Hermann, Wolfgang Schenck, and Hans Hirschmüller.
My Name Is Not Ali
Travelling between Germany, France and Morocco, Viola Shafik reconstructs and deconstructs the unknown life story of El Hedi Ben Salem through interviews with his companions and family members as well as archive material. With openness and slight naivety the interviewees explain how “Ali” became an oriental object of projection for the Fassbinder group, while El Hedi Ben Salem, the human being, was overlooked in order to establish the foreigner as “other.” A no-frills examination of a piece of German and Munich film history.
Yearning for Sodom
Made during the last months of actor Kurt Raab, who died of AIDS in 1988. Raab, who had worked in both theatre and film, most notably with Fassbinder, was in the process of making a series of video sketches for a new production when he learned that he had AIDS. Despite his deteriorating health, and with the caring support of his friend Hans Hirshmuller, he carried on working. This tape is his last testimony. Awarded with the Adolf Grimme Award and Cinéma du Réel Award
Yearning for Sodom
Made during the last months of actor Kurt Raab, who died of AIDS in 1988. Raab, who had worked in both theatre and film, most notably with Fassbinder, was in the process of making a series of video sketches for a new production when he learned that he had AIDS. Despite his deteriorating health, and with the caring support of his friend Hans Hirshmuller, he carried on working. This tape is his last testimony. Awarded with the Adolf Grimme Award and Cinéma du Réel Award
Yearning for Sodom
Made during the last months of actor Kurt Raab, who died of AIDS in 1988. Raab, who had worked in both theatre and film, most notably with Fassbinder, was in the process of making a series of video sketches for a new production when he learned that he had AIDS. Despite his deteriorating health, and with the caring support of his friend Hans Hirshmuller, he carried on working. This tape is his last testimony. Awarded with the Adolf Grimme Award and Cinéma du Réel Award
Last Five Days
At Gestapo head quarters a young woman establishes a relationship with another inmate. This young woman is Sophie Scholl who tells the story of her life and of her resistance movement′s courageous fight against Hitler′s Nazi regime.
Invitation to the Dance
Theo Gromberg is a bon vivant, apparently with built-in guarantee to failure. Faithful to his side is his friend Enno, an Italian guest workers. Both have a dream: to which they want to get into the trucking business its own trucks.
도시의 앨리스
Police Officer
미국의 풍경에 대한 글을 써야하는 필립은 글을 쓰지 못하고 대신 폴라로이드 카메라로 사진을 찍는다. 그는 독일로 돌아가는 공항에서 앨리스라는 소녀를 본의 아니게 맡게 되고 그녀와 동행하게 된다. 빔 벤더스의 초기 로드 무비 중 첫 작품으로 벤더스의 ‘Alter-ego’인 뤼디거 포글러가 처음으로 주연을 맡았다.
Kleiner Mann, was nun?
Tenderness of the Wolves
A German serial killer preys on boys and young men during the so-called years of crisis between the wars. Based on the true story of Fritz Haarmann, aka the Butcher of Hanover and the Vampire of Hanover.
사계절의 상인
Hans Epp
어머니 때문에 원하지 않던 인문교에 진학해야 했던 한스는 도시 뒷골목을 누비며 생계비를 벌어야만 한다. 게다가 아내가 이혼을 요구할 무렵엔 심근경색을 앓는다. 한스는 조수를 한 명 두지만 그는 아내와 공모하여 한스를 속인다. 하지만 새로 사귄 친구 덕분에 한스는 생활의 안정을 찾게 되지만 그 순간 한스의 존재감은 사라진 셈이다. 한스는 의사의 만류에도 불구하고 술을 마신다. 그리고 친구들이 지켜보는 가운데 쓸쓸히 죽는다.
Die Ahnfrau - Oratorium nach Franz Grillparzer
The Coffee House
Avant-garde adaptation of a Carlo Goldoni play. Well-to-do Venetians congregate in a coffee house and discuss their problems.
사랑은 죽음보다 차갑다
3류 포주 프란츠(라이너 베르너 파스빈더)는 범죄 조직 가입 권유를 받고 이를 거절했다가 조직원들에게 폭력을 당한다. 프란츠는 그를 구타한 조직원 중 잘 생긴 브루노(울리히 롬멜)를 사랑하게 되고, 연인이자 창녀인 요한나(한나 쉬굴라)를 그와 함께 나누고 싶어한다. 하지만 조직은 브루노에게 살인 임무를 맡기면서 프란츠도 동참하도록 계략을 짜고, 결국 이들은 함께 은행을 털기로 한다. 전형적인 헐리우드 범죄영화 스토리를 따르고 있으나, 건조한 캐릭터와 불친절한 내러티브 등 실험정신으로 충만한 파스빈더의 첫 장편 데뷔작.
파스빈더 자신의 동명연극을 영화로 만든 작품. ‘카첼마허’는 지중해 연안에서 독일로 이민 온 노동자를 가리키는 말이다. 뮌헨 변두리에서 무기력하게 살아가던 한 무리의 젊은이들은 그리스인 노동자 요르고스의 출현으로 변화를 맞이하게 된다. 남자들은 이방인을 적대하며 요르고스에게 집단폭력을 휘두르지만, 여자들은 그에게 복잡한 감정을 느낀다. 요르고스는 자신에게 호의를 보이는 마리에게 사랑을 느끼고 그녀를 고향에 데려갈 꿈을 꾼다. 뮌헨 변두리를 배경으로 독일사회의 경직성과 활력 없음을 보여주는 동시에, 사랑의 종속-착취 관계를 그려낸 작품. 단조로운 화면과 반복적인 행동, 소통되지 못하는 단속적인 대사들을 통해 위축된 소시민의 삶을 차갑게 그리고 있다.
Die Versöhnung
A man bored with his wife goes to the Munich Oktoberfest. He meets a pregnant student who discusses the problems of bourgeois marriage with him and finally returns home disappointed.