Paolo Pierobon

Paolo Pierobon

출생 : 1967-01-13, Castelfranco Veneto, Treviso, Italy

프로필 사진

Paolo Pierobon

참여 작품

The Girl From Tomorrow
Dona Zaina
It’s 1965 and Lia, a spirited young woman living in a small Sicilian town, is initially attracted to Lorenzo, the son of the most prominent (and possibly Mafia-tied) local family. His possessiveness eventually repels her. But soon after, he appears with his cronies to kidnap, rape and force her into a shotgun marriage, all with the collusion of the town’s authorities. Lia and her family refuse to accept this barbaric ‘tradition’ and, despite the constant intimidation and violence, they take their fight for Lia’s rights to court.
Carlo Conforti
The old and overcrowded penitentiaries are just a memory. Inmates now serve their sentence in a state of deep sleep that renders them harmless, and has drastically reduced recidivism. Until one day, a psychologist in charge of monitoring the mental state of inmates finds himself confronted with a prisoner over whom he's lost all control.
La caccia
Esterno Notte
Monsignor Cesare Curioni
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
웃음의 왕
Gabriele D'Annunzio
20세기 초, 벨 에포크(the Belle Époque)의 나폴리에서는 극장과 영화관이 증가하고 있다. 위대한 코미디언 에두아르도 스카페타는 흥행왕이다. 성공은 그를 매우 부유한 사람으로 만들었다. 그의 태생에서 비롯한 겸손함으로, 그는 그의 희극과 나폴리 관객들의 가슴에서 풀치넬라를 대신할 펠리체 스키오시아모카의 가면과 캐릭터로 현장에 자신을 확고히 했다. 20세기 초 나폴리 출신의 위대한 코미디 배우이자 극작가인 에두아르도 스카페타에 관한 영화이다.
Our Ghost
Valerio and his six-year-old son, Carlo, live in the attic above the apartment they've been evicted from. Every time new tenants arrive, they terrify them by pretending to be ghosts, in the hopes of being able to move back "downstairs". To Carlo, it's just a game that protects him from their poverty and his motherless condition. It even works, for a while, until Myriam and her daughter Emma arrive, in flight from her abusive husband. And Myriam's not afraid of ghosts…
Welcome Venice
Pietro and Alvise come from a long line of fishing families from Giudecca, Venice's most 'working-class' island. But they don't see eye to eye on the seemingly unstoppable transformation of the lives of the Venetians and the city's very identity. Indeed, the far-reaching impact of global tourism has changed the relationship between Venice and its residents, and the pandemic has only thrown this critical situation into relief. Pietro would just like to keep fishing the typical crabs found in the Lagoon, lonely as that lifestyle is, while Alvise believes their home on the Giudecca itself is the ticket to joining the elite managing the city's real estate assets, hence running Venice. This clash of views will involve the entire family, in an ensemble film about how our world is changing.
랜드 오브 더 선스
Il padre
Civilisation is coming to an end. The death of his only relative gives a feral boy the pretext to journey beyond the confines of his home environment; only by doing this will he be able to decipher his father's journal, the most valuable artefact in his legacy. This singular contribution to the post-apocalyptic sci-fi genre tells of a humanity in crisis, while at the same time conveying the adventurous spirit of adolescence.
베라를 찾아서
Vera's Father
천문학에 꽂힌 리비에라 바닷가에 사는 열 살배기 소녀와 아타카마 사막 알마 천문대 전파망원경 보안 경비원인 전직 군인의 공통점은? 를 만든 벤야미노 카테나 감독은 별 말고는 딱히 공통점 없는 이 둘 사이에 미스테리한 인연을 엮어낸다. (이안) 리비에라에 있는 절벽에 강아지 유골을 뿌리러 나선 어린 소녀 베라가 감쪽같이 사라지더니 거기서 지구 반대편 12,000km 떨어진 칠레 천문대에서 심장마비로 쓰러져 죽은 줄 알았던 전직 군인 엘리아스가 구급차 안에서 느닷없이 되살아난다. 그렇게 2년이 지난 뒤 아무리 찾아도 흔적도 없던 베라의 가족 앞에 갑자기 벌거벗은 채 나타난 젊은 아가씨는 누구일까? DNA 검사로는 그 아가씨가 베라 맞다는데 정말 베라일까? (이안)
In the northeast of Italy, the workers of a lingerie factory are about to be fired. Not far away, a handful of nuns, skilled in the art of embroidery and devoted to the Blessed Armida, risk being removed from their beloved convent. To oppose a destiny already marked, workers and nuns join forces and start a "business" outside the rules in the hopes that a miracle will help them keep the convent and the factory.
The Order of Things
Corrado Rinaldi
An immigration agent is torn between the job and his humanity.
How to Grow Up Despite Your Parents
Rick De Ponte
More and more parents take competitive behavior towards the teachers of their children: deny votes and programs, vaneggiano of likes, dislikes, and conspiracies. So, instead of helping in the training of their children, they become insurmountable obstacles to their growth. Presumptuously they think: "We know better than anyone else our children and we know what they are worth and how and what you have to teach."
도박과 술에 빠져 방탕한 삶을 사는 피에트로. 하나뿐인 아들 도메니코와의 관계는 서먹하기만 하다. 그러던 어느 날, 마을에 악명높은 곰 '디아올'이 나타나 마을이 공포에 휩싸인다. 피에트로는 거액의 돈이 걸린 '디아올' 사냥에 나선다. 도메니코는 그런 아버지를 찾아나서고, 마침내 숲에서 마주한 그들은 함께 시간을 보내며 숨겨왔던 어두운 과거와 마주하게 되는데...
Where Am I Going?
ricercatore scientifico
Checco is 39 and lived his entire life with his parents. He loves his job where he does nothing the whole day, until something happens that will change his behavior and his life forever...
Nadine is a French young woman. Fausto is an Italian young man trying to make it in Paris as a restaurant waiter. They accidentally meet at a five-star hotel. Both are fragile, alone and obsessed with the idea of an unattainable happiness. Their intense love is challenged by their own individual ambition and desperation.
La solita commedia - Inferno
Dio, Cliente bar, Giorgio, SWAT, Medico chirurgo, Produttore musicale del Ministero
Hell can't take the new types of sinners.
휴먼 캐피탈
zio Davide
이탈리아 최고 상류층과 그 삶을 꿈꾸는 중산층이 한자리에 모인 날, 의문의 뺑소니 사고가 일어났다. 유일한 용의자는 상류층의 외아들 ‘마시’. 어떻게 해서든 상류층에 끼고 싶었던 중산층의 가장 ‘디노’는 ‘마시’를 도와줄 방법을 모색한다. 그 방법이 자신의 하나뿐인 딸 ‘세레나’에게 독이 되더라도 말이다. 과연, 돈으로 환산한 인간의 가치는 얼마일까?
La prima neve
Michele is eleven years old and lives in a small town in the mountains of Trento, with his mother and his paternal grandfather Pietro; his father has recently died. The boy’s pain meets that of Dani, a boy from Togo, who is a total ‘stranger’ to that place covered in snow which he has never seen before in his life.
My Tomorrow
La leggenda del bandito e del campione
Biagio Cavanna
This is the story of two poor, hungry young people, as well as their desire for social reward in Italy in the early twentieth century. This is the story of the passion for the cycling that joined them, and the adventurous events that shared them forever. The two boys were called Constant Girardengo and Sante Pollastri. But for all, they were the "Campionissimo" and "Bandito Numero 1".
Giulio Bernardi
무솔리니에게 첫눈에 반한 이다는 그가 발간하는 사회주의 일간지 ‘라반티’를 적극 지원한다. 우파로 돌변한 그가 파시스트당의 전신 ‘포폴로 디탈리아’를 창설하는데 전 재산을 쏟아 붓지만 자신이 낳은 아들이 인정받지 못하게 되면서 투쟁이 시작된다. 무솔리니의 내연관계를 처음 스크린에 담아 칸에서 화제가 됐던 거장 마르코 벨로키오의 신작.
Fuga dal call center
Datore di lavoro
As the Shadow
Claudia, a single bored Milan travel agent in her thirties, takes evening classes in Russian and tries to get to know her teacher Boris from Kiev. Boris says that he is reluctant to get involved with his student, but asks Claudia to put up his beautiful Ukrainian cousin Olga for a few days while he is away on business. The women get along quite well, but Claudia is distressed when Olga disappears without taking her suitcase, money or passport.
Italian Dream
London-based Italian Antonio bets on everything, from the lottery to horses and soccer matches without ever winning or losing the hope of winning; so convinced that his luck is going to turn that his betting companions have started to call him "Win tomorrow". One day Antonio notices that he's being followed by a suspicious looking stranger, well - dressed and obviously rich. This happens frequently, causing Antonio to become very concerned. Alarmed, he tells wife and gambling companions about the situation, but they all just make fun of him, convincing him he's the victim of his imagination.
Mi fido di te
Two different men living in Milan lose their job at the same time. They will become a funny couple of thieves thanks to the poorest of them that was already a thief.
Salty Air
Fabio's work consists in helping ex prisoners to find their way in the outside world, but his quite life changes after he meets Mr Sparti, now he has to fight his own ghosts.
L'uomo perfetto
Light of My Eyes
Antonio is a fallen angel, a rootless chauffeur in Rome, who relates only to the lonely heroes in the science fiction novels he grew up with. Only through a chance meeting with Maria, a woman struggling to hold onto her daughter and her business, does he discover a hope that's been in his detached existence.
Guarda il cielo: Stella, Sonia, Silvia
Three situations about women's lives in three different periods.
The Conversion
The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his family to be raised as a Christian. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.