모험심 많은 12살 소년 ‘나노’는 할아버지가 나쁜 악당 교수에게 속아 ‘고봇’이라는 수상한 약을 먹고 그에게 조종 당한다는 사실을 알게 된다. 할아버지를 구하기 위해 ‘닥터 X’를 찾아간 ‘나노’, 그의 기술로 몸이 작아진 ‘나노’는 여자친구 ‘릴리’와 캡슐을 타고 할아버지의 몸속으로 들어가게 된다. 과연, 할아버지의 몸에선 어떤 일들이 벌어지고 있을까? 초미니 히어로 ‘나노’의 몸속 대탐험이 시작된다!
Death as a global service provider? Unthinkable! So far Death has thought that too. But then his nephew Cedric had the crazy idea of founding the company AFTER LIFE while his uncle was away. This company takes over the craft of death with the latest technology and markets it worldwide.
Former secret government agent Max Hecker (Sven Martinek) disguises himself with a clown mask in order to fight international crime. He hangs up his mask when one of his supporters, journalist Claudia (Diana Frank), is murdered. Four years later, he must put it back on as Claudia's sister Leah (Eva Habermann) is kidnapped by the same people that killed Claudia.