Victor Schefé

Victor Schefé

출생 : 1968-08-04, Rostock, Germany

프로필 사진

Victor Schefé

참여 작품

The Jonsson Gang
Klaus Müller
Following a failed heist, Charles-Ingvar ‘Sickan’ Jonsson ends up in prison. Once released, his gang have become law-abiding citizens and Sickan has to continue on his own. Crime broker Anita tasks him with a simple burglary, but it turns out to be something a lot bigger than Sickan thought it was. Now he needs the help of his past accomplices to carry out the most difficult heist in the history of the gang.
Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarves
After her father’s death, Snow White is at the mercy of her self-loving stepmother. Locked in a tower by the evil queen, Snow White repeatedly escapes and secretly helps the old blacksmith. There she meets Prince Kilian, who immediately falls in love with her. When the queen’s plan to marry Snow White to a rich noble backfires, she plots to kill her but Snow White is rescued by seven dwarfs, while Prince Kilian searches for her throughout the kingdom. An action-packed retelling of the famous fairytale, with a nod to Game of Thrones.
Die Galoschen des Glücks
Archduchess Ottilie and her servants are in the middle of preparations for the big birthday bash for Princess Aurora. Lowly servant Johann wants nothing more than to be "one of them".
007 스펙터
Clinic Barman
멕시코에서 일어난 폭발 테러 이후 MI6는 영국 정부에 의해 해체 위기에 놓인다. 자신의 과거와 연관된 암호를 추적하던 제임스 본드는 사상 최악의 조직 스펙터와 자신이 연관되어 있다는 사실을 알게 되고, 궁지에 몰린 MI6조차 그를 포기하면서 절체절명의 위기에 직면하는데...
스파이 브릿지
Soviet Translator
미국과 소련의 냉전으로 핵무기 전쟁의 공포가 최고조에 오른 1957년, 보험 전문 변호사 제임스 도노반은 소련 스파이 루돌프 아벨의 변호를 맡게 된다. 당시 미국에선 전기기술자 로젠버그 부부가 원자폭탄 제조 기술을 소련에 제공했다는 혐의로 간첩죄로 사형된 사건이 있었다. 미국의 반공운동이 극에 달했던 단적인 예로 적국의 스파이를 변호한다는 것은 자신의 목숨은 물론 가족의 안전까지 위협받는 일이었다. 여론과 국민의 질타 속에서도 제임스 도노반은 “변론의 기회는 누구에게나 주어져야 한다”며 자신의 신념과 원칙에 따라 아벨의 변호에 최선을 다한다. 때마침 소련에서 붙잡힌 CIA 첩보기 조종사의 소식이 전해지고 제임스 도노반은 그를 구출하기 위해 스파이 맞교환이라는 사상 유래 없는 비밀협상에 나서게 되는데...
Der Liebling des Himmels
Raoul Ammerbach
The famous Hamburg psychiatrist Dr. Magnus Sorel is in a deep crisis. Not only that his Serbo-Croatian patient Masha has reported him for sexual assault. Magnus is also struggling with blackmail: a stranger has stolen his diaries, which reveal his innermost desires and abysses. The well-known psychotherapist is an obsessional neurotic who can only with difficulty hide his disgust from his fellow man. After a failed appearance on "Günther Jauch", Magnus tried to use force to bring the stolen diaries back into his possession. But he has to rethink in order to solve his problems.
A dead girl at the Elbe beach gives riddle to Chief Commissioner Jan Fabel. However, it does not stop at this one murder. Alluding to the literary models of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, a bloody trail soon runs through Hamburg. In his new novel, writer Gerhard Weiss argues that the bloody fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were based on authentic models. Is the Hamburg fairy tale murderer inspired by Weiss's novel?
총통님 나의 총통님
Rottenführer Puffke
독일 최고의 유명 배우가 나치의 선전가 요제프 괴벨스로부터 제3제국 지도자 히틀러의 연설 준비를 도와달라는 의뢰를 받는다.
Das Zimmermädchen und der Millionär
Pura Vida Ibiza
School's over – and for brand-new high-school graduates Ben, Felix and Nick, it's time to party! But when Ben embarrasses himself in public trying to declare his love for the gorgeous Carola, he and his pals make a quick exit by taking jobs as hosts in a vacation club on Ibiza, the Mediterranean hot spot for oversexed boys and underdressed girls! Instead of sun, sea and sex, however, it's work, work and more work, as the three are kept busy around the clock by their sadistic boss Anna. And when Ben bumps into Carola and her super-cool DJ boyfriend, Ibiza starts feeling more like Alcatraz by the minute. Yet even as the mishaps pile up and the boys have to cope with stinging jellyfish, English hooligans and tequila hangovers, they refuse to give up their plan to throw the ultimate Ibiza party for the club, and especially for Carola. Summer is short, but these guys are going to make sure everyone remembers this one for a long time!
Drei Stern Rot
Das Baby-Komplott
Dr. Mehldorn
Life Is All You Get
After he loses his job, his father, and his girlfriend, Jan's life is a shambles. Then suddenly he meets freakish street musician Vera, and a bittersweet romance unfolds...