Dennenesch Zoudé

Dennenesch Zoudé

출생 : 1966-12-14, Addis Abeba, Etiopia


Dennenesch Zoudé was born on December 14, 1966 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She is an actress, known for Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast (1997), Meine Mutter tanzend (2006) and Vergiss nie, dass ich Dich Liebe (2011). She has been married to Carlo Rola since October 5, 2009.

프로필 사진

Dennenesch Zoudé

참여 작품

Das Märchen vom goldenen Taler
There is great sadness in the small village Everywhere. Since the Golden Thaler is no longer owned by the village, nothing grows there except cabbage and discouragement.
Frau Holles Garten
Frau Hahnenschrei
미녀 삼총사 3
LA Bosley
베일에 싸인 세계적인 사설 첩보 기관 타운젠드 에이전시. 그중에서도 최고의 실력을 자랑하는 '사비나'(크리스틴 스튜어트)와 '제인'(엘라 발린스카)은 전 세계 안보를 뒤흔들 사건을 해결하기 위해 한 팀으로 뭉친다. 독일의 전력회사 '브록'이 미래 전력 산업에 혁명을 일으킬 제품 '컬리스토'를 발명하지만, '컬리스토'의 치명적인 결점을 알고 있는 유일한 인물 '엘레나'(나오미 스콧)가 비밀리에 타운젠드 에이전시를 찾아 내부 고발에 나선 것. 하지만 이를 지켜보던 의문의 인물에 의해 습격이 시작되고, 사태의 심각성을 감지한 '사비나', '제인', '엘레나'는 본격적으로 한 팀이 되어 움직이기 시작한다. 세상을 움직일 새로운 엔젤들이 돌아온다!
A violent supermarket incident involving a refugee in East Germany is reenacted in a film studio. Ten citizens observe and comment on the case, which highlights the blurred distinction between civil courage and vigilante justice.
Der Zauberlehrling
GOLD. Der Film der Nibelungen
Nathalie Aurun, Brünhild, die Jüngere
Katie Fforde: Hexensommer
Gwen Reynolds
Götz von Berlichingen
Alle Macht den Kindern!
Katie Fforde - Eine teure Affäre
Daisy Shark
Familiengeheimnisse - Liebe, Schuld und Tod
Meine Heimat Afrika
Sumah Engel
Und Jimmy ging zum Regenbogen
Irene Waldeck
Meine Mutter tanzend
Stella Ahrens
Utta Danella - Das Familiengeheimnis
Madlon Goltz
Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old wounds in Jacob, who has only sad memories of his childhood. When his wife Madlon plunges into an affair with Jonas estate manager Rudolf, Jacob's worst fears seem to be reaffirmed: All those who are close to his mother become unhappy. But Jakob does not suspect that Jonah has a sad secret in him
Die schöne Braut in Schwarz
Sylvia Rosch is a woman with dangerous obsessions. Camouflaged by perfectly rehearsed masquerades, she wages a merciless campaign of revenge. Anyone who gets too close will succumb to an insidious murder. The marriage swindler's preferred victims are men worth millions. Barbara Lahn and Til Wegner from the BKA are facing a huge challenge. They are supposed to collect evidence against the angel of death.
Liebesau – Die andere Heimat
Ein Trick zu viel
Jana Hellberg
Der Hochstapler
Randy Gilges
Die blaue Kanone
A crime comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer.
Stan Becker - Auf eigene Faust
Moira Dingo
Tierärztin Christine III: Abenteuer in Südafrika
Landing (1997) is the story of a young Afro-German woman who wakes up to discover that she is invisible... something she has always dreamed of being.
Einfach nur Liebe