Laëtitia Spigarelli

Laëtitia Spigarelli

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Laëtitia Spigarelli
Laëtitia Spigarelli
Laëtitia Spigarelli
Laëtitia Spigarelli
Laëtitia Spigarelli
Laëtitia Spigarelli

참여 작품

The Other Louis
Who remembers Pierre Céran? Nobody except Louis, his old friend, who is worried about not having any news. Especially since the last time he saw him, Pierre Céran was not well. Louis goes to look for him.
Arrival of the Sun in Your Sign
On the ferry taking her to Corsica, Karine meets Sylvain. She has work to do; he would like to get to know her.
My Best Part
The nun
Jérémie, a young man reaching a breaking point on all fronts, decides to leave behind Paris and return to Limosin, to the home of his intrusive mother.
My Heart Invents Memories
Across an oneiric journey, a woman remembers or invents her own memories with a man, object of her fantasies.
Ève and Henri are among the happy few of the French community in Vienna. They are “la crème de la crème”. The perfect picture crumbles when Ève discovers that Henri is cheating on her. On an impulse, she finds revenge with Jonas, a perfect young Austrian guy. But he’s not who she thought he was. This will lead them to an irreversible spiral.
80 000 이어스 올드
Céline Lefebvre
It’s summer. Celine, in her thirties, archaeologist, spends a weekend in her childhood home. Her archaeological research are mixed up with her memories of adolescence and some random reunions from her walks.
Up the Mountain
Hugo, Stan and Bérénice grew up together then grew apart. They were inseparable. Fifteen years later, they meet again as adults. But life has been tough on them. Will they reignite the crazy sparks of their childhood ?
'종이책과 E북 사이에서 고민에 빠졌다' 성공한 편집장, 알랭. '부부는 욕망만으로 살지 않는다' 아름다운 스타배우, 셀레나. '나의 연애사를 책에 썼다' 작가, 레오나르. '남편의 연애를 눈치챘다' 정치인 비서관, 발레리. '종이책의 시대를 바꾸고 싶다' 젊은 디지털 마케터, 로르. 모든 게 완벽한 쿨한 파리지엥들의 지적인 토크가 폭죽처럼 터진다!
Summer in Paris. A woman cat-sits for people who have gone on vacation. She wanders between the human and animal worlds. She observes, is amazed, unintentionally encounters people, and is open to whatever comes her way.
Summer in Paris. A woman cat-sits for people who have gone on vacation. She wanders between the human and animal worlds. She observes, is amazed, unintentionally encounters people, and is open to whatever comes her way.
Why did I write the Bible
Francis, a man in his sixties, is found in a diving suit, swimming in a river in the city center. Even his children, accustomed to their father's escapades, are surprised: since Francis knows he is condemned, it seems really unmanageable. Samuel and his sister must therefore find a way to accompany him at any cost.
Entre Elles
A scorching summer. A large, dilapidated villa lost in the heights of a village in Southern France. Agneshka has invited three to spend a girls-only vacation together. Then Marie turns up, six-months pregnant. A strange uneasiness, made up of frustration, jealousy, and anxiety, then settles on the group.
Hélène and Paul, early 30s and long-term singles, have been living in a two-person flat for years. Currently, graphic designer Paul wants to escape the digital constraints of his time and has acquired an age-old phone on which only "real" friends can reach him. One evening Paul gets from a friend at a party, his future predicted: Soon he will meet the love of his life, but also commit a murder. A short time later, when he meets the stunning Camille and falls in love with her, he begins to doubt with all luck. Could the prophecy really be true?
If the Photo Is Good
In a small town of France, Martin shares his everyday life between his family and the local brass band. At the fanfare, Francis disturbs his well-ordered life. To stop the impulses, Martin will try to go to the end of his fantasies.
La terre penche
A tiny seaside resort, out of season. Thomas returns after being away for quite some time. Adèle is an estate agent, who has a tendency to fall asleep. The tide turns towards the beach and the dunes, scooping up jellyfish, sheep and ghosts in its ebb and flow. The tide turns, just like Thomas towards Adèle and Adèle towards Thomas.
July. Major holiday departures. TGV Paris-Brest. Alex does her first steps as a train controller on a great line, flanked by her colleague Antoine. During an inspection, she crosses the way of a passenger who diverts her from her new functions.
Drift away
The Hounds
Friends Franck, Hugo and Philippe attend a housewarming party in a Parisian apartment. At the door, two uninvited men try talking their way inside. The tension escalates.
Portraits rêvés
(le rêve d'Eli)
Virginie ou la capitale
Marie-Caroline Cavallo
1970년대 냉전시절 대형암살과 테러사건으로 유명한 희대의 테러리스트 카를로스 더 재칼에 대한 일대기 영화. 그는 1994년 수단에서 체포돼 프랑스에서 종신형을 살고 있는 현존 인물. 영화는 끝이 없는 투쟁의 소용돌이에 휩싸이게 된 한 인간의 삶을 조명한다.
À l'est de moi
A young woman travels to Moscow, speaking with the people she meets of the region's recent past.
Les vacances de Clémence
Clémence Didier
마르셀린은 투르게네프의 희곡을 토대로 한 연극에서 딸의 가정교사와 사랑에 빠지는 역을 맡는다. 아이에 대한 갈망과 배우로서의 갈등으로 갈팡질팡하는 그녀
Heartbeat Detector
A psychologist discovers troubling links between Nazism and modern-day big business.
Lovers of the Café Flore
In 1924, Simone de Beauvoir, a girl with polished appearance, prepares for her final examination in philosophy and meets Jean-Paul Sartre. He seems to know her true personality and considers her the only woman worthy of his intellect. Their chaotic love serves as the premise for her magnum opus The Second Sex.
평범한 연인들
1968년 5월혁명 이후, 크리스티앙과 친구들은 아편을 피워대며 하루하루를 보낸다. 혼란스러운 혁명을 겪었지만, 그들의 일상은 여느 때와 다를 바 없다. 어느 날 크리스티앙은 첫눈에 릴리에게 반하고 사랑에 빠지지만, 한순간 타올랐던 불같은 사랑의 결말은 비극적이다.
캐나다에서 공연중인 록가수 리와 그의 아내 에밀리. 그들은 음악을 사랑하고 부모님이 돌보고 있는 어린 아들을 위해 열심히 살려고 하지만, 한 번 빠져든 마약의 세계를 헤어나오기란 쉽지 않다. 어느 날 두 사람은 말다툼을 하고 에밀리는 모텔을 뛰쳐나가는데, 그날 밤 리가 헤로인 과다복용으로 숨지게 된다.다음 날 아침 돌아온 그녀에겐, 죽은 남편과 마약소지죄로 선고받은 6개월형이 남아있을 뿐이다. 형을 마치고 세상에 나온 에밀리. 그녀는 사랑하는 아들과 새로운 삶을 꾸리려는 희망으로 가득 차 있지만 시부모는 쉽게 이를 허락하지 않는다. 에밀리는 아들과 다시 만날 수 있다는 소망으로 지금까지와는 다른 삶을 살기 위해 노력하기 시작한다.가끔은 약의 유혹을 받지만, 아들에 대한 사랑과 미래에의 희망으로 차차 극복해가는 에밀리. 주변의 든든한 지원자 덕분에 그녀가 하고 싶어했던 음악 작업 또한 다시 시작하게 되고, 그토록 원하던 아들과의 소중한 시간 또한 누리게 되는데…