Director of Photography
The film documents Bill Bennett's journey to find the source of a mysterious voice which saved his life. It features some of the world's leading experts on intuition spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality.
Still Photographer
The film documents Bill Bennett's journey to find the source of a mysterious voice which saved his life. It features some of the world's leading experts on intuition spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality.
The film documents Bill Bennett's journey to find the source of a mysterious voice which saved his life. It features some of the world's leading experts on intuition spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality.
The film documents Bill Bennett's journey to find the source of a mysterious voice which saved his life. It features some of the world's leading experts on intuition spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality.
The film documents Bill Bennett's journey to find the source of a mysterious voice which saved his life. It features some of the world's leading experts on intuition spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality.
The film documents Bill Bennett's journey to find the source of a mysterious voice which saved his life. It features some of the world's leading experts on intuition spanning the fields of science, religion, and spirituality.
Harry and Beth wanted a different kind of holiday so they chartered a boat to drop them off on a remote coral island on the Great Barrier Reef. The island was idyllic, surrounded by a wide reef, covered in palms and full of birds and other wildlife. It was small and totally deserted or so they thought. But when things go missing from their camp site and they discover someone else's footprints in the sand this quickly becomes disturbing as they realize the island has a ghost! Inspired by actual events.
Harry and Beth wanted a different kind of holiday so they chartered a boat to drop them off on a remote coral island on the Great Barrier Reef. The island was idyllic, surrounded by a wide reef, covered in palms and full of birds and other wildlife. It was small and totally deserted or so they thought. But when things go missing from their camp site and they discover someone else's footprints in the sand this quickly becomes disturbing as they realize the island has a ghost! Inspired by actual events.
Harry and Beth wanted a different kind of holiday so they chartered a boat to drop them off on a remote coral island on the Great Barrier Reef. The island was idyllic, surrounded by a wide reef, covered in palms and full of birds and other wildlife. It was small and totally deserted or so they thought. But when things go missing from their camp site and they discover someone else's footprints in the sand this quickly becomes disturbing as they realize the island has a ghost! Inspired by actual events.
It is a movie about three teen skaters, played by young Australian actors Richard Wilson, Sean Kennedy and Ho Thi Lu. Their characters Poker, Spasm and Blue Flame, are trying to escape the law, their school, their parents, their demons and a couple of low-life criminals to realise their burning ambition — to meet world class skating champion, Tony Hawk.
'The Nugget' looks at how instant wealth suddenly changes the lives of three working class men - not necessarily for the better, but always with hilarious consequences.
A wealthy man married to a beautiful younger woman puts her fidelity to the test.
A wealthy man married to a beautiful younger woman puts her fidelity to the test.
A wealthy man married to a beautiful younger woman puts her fidelity to the test.
젊은 영화감독 래피(제시카 네피어)는 12년 전 촬영이 중단된 영화 '피의 축제'를 완성시키고 싶다. 이 영화의 감독이었던 래피의 어머니가 살해당한 뒤 다시 친구들로 스탭을 꾸리고 옛주연배우를 다시 섭외해 순조롭게 일이 진행되려는 순간, 외마디 비명소리가 외딴 저택의 밤공기를 가른다. 영화의 핏빛 저주가 시작된 것이다.
Two anthropologists married to each other go to an island off of Papua New Guinea for field research in pre-World War II. Eventually the war breaks out and many lives are disrupted and complicated.
Two anthropologists married to each other go to an island off of Papua New Guinea for field research in pre-World War II. Eventually the war breaks out and many lives are disrupted and complicated.
Two anthropologists married to each other go to an island off of Papua New Guinea for field research in pre-World War II. Eventually the war breaks out and many lives are disrupted and complicated.
니키(Nikki: 프란체스 오코너 분)는 남자 친구인 알란과 작당해서 부유한 남자들을 호텔 방으로 유인해 약을 먹이고 돈을 훔치는 절도범. 어느 날 약물과용으로 죽어버린 폴이란 변호사와 그의 가방에 든 유명한 축구선수 지퍼의 정사장면을 담은 포로노테이프 때문에 졸지에 두 사람은 쫓기는 신세가 되고 경찰은 이들에게 지명수배를 내리고 뒤쫓기 시작한다. 니키와 알란은 도주 중에 머무는 호텔과 집마다 연쇄적으로 이상한 살인사건이 벌어지고 니키는 어릴 때 어머니가 방화범에게 살해 당하는 현장이 보이고 몽유병 증상을 보인다. 연쇄 살인사건을 수사하던 형사들은 원주민 해리의 도움으로 지퍼가 진범이라는 사실을 알게된다. 지퍼가 니키 일행을 쫓아 테이프를 회수하고 니키의 머리에 총을 겨누고 지시하던 중 니키는 발작 증세를 보이며 차를 몰고 마구 달리는데.
니키(Nikki: 프란체스 오코너 분)는 남자 친구인 알란과 작당해서 부유한 남자들을 호텔 방으로 유인해 약을 먹이고 돈을 훔치는 절도범. 어느 날 약물과용으로 죽어버린 폴이란 변호사와 그의 가방에 든 유명한 축구선수 지퍼의 정사장면을 담은 포로노테이프 때문에 졸지에 두 사람은 쫓기는 신세가 되고 경찰은 이들에게 지명수배를 내리고 뒤쫓기 시작한다. 니키와 알란은 도주 중에 머무는 호텔과 집마다 연쇄적으로 이상한 살인사건이 벌어지고 니키는 어릴 때 어머니가 방화범에게 살해 당하는 현장이 보이고 몽유병 증상을 보인다. 연쇄 살인사건을 수사하던 형사들은 원주민 해리의 도움으로 지퍼가 진범이라는 사실을 알게된다. 지퍼가 니키 일행을 쫓아 테이프를 회수하고 니키의 머리에 총을 겨누고 지시하던 중 니키는 발작 증세를 보이며 차를 몰고 마구 달리는데.
티격태격 말을 받으로 고속도로 위를 달리고 있는 프랭크(Frank: 데니스 레리 분)와 로즈(Roz: 산드라 블록 분)에게선 불안한 들뜸이 느껴진다. 수백만달러의 그림과는 어떤 관계도 없어보이는 이들의 차 뒷자석에는 유명한 화가의 작품인 듯한 미술품이 무관심하게 놓여져있다. 잠시 후, 아니나 다를까 그 불안의 정체를 밝혀줄득한 경찰차가 등장하고 연인의 당황한 모습은 심상치 않은 사건이 시작되고 있음을 보여준다. 아슬아슬하게 경찰을 따돌리고 아름다운 자연으로 둘러싸인 마을로 들어오게 된 로즈와 프랭크, 그들이 도착한 곳은 4백만달러에 달하는 마티스의 그림을 팔아먹기 위한 중간상을 만나기 위한 장소이다. 빈집을 찾아내 손쉽게 거처를 잡은 프랭크와 로즈. 프랭크가 일을 맡긴 사촌 베노(Beano: 웨인 롭슨 분)와의 연락을 시도하는 사이 로즈는 화려한 저택들이 즐비한 뉴잉글랜드의 꿈같은 풍경에 마음을 사로잡힌다. 늘, 보다 안정적인 삶을 바래온 로즈의 현실에 대한 불안이 싹트면서 이들의 사랑은 위기에 봉착한다. 설상가상으로, 흔들리는 로즈의 마음을 유혹하는 이웃집 남자의 등장으로 갈등은 점점 심해지고, FBI의 추적에 그림의 값어치를 알게된 베노일당의 추적까지 더해져 프랭크와 로즈는 불리한 게임의 주인공이 되어간다. 그림의 거래날이 다가오면서 프랭크와 로즈의 갈등은 극에 달하고 추적자들의 그물망에 갇히게 되지만. 귀여운 외도로 사랑을 확인하려는 로즈의 한바탕 소동과 돌아선 연인을 되찾으려는 프랭크의 애틋한 사랑찾기 게임이 시작되면서, 영화는 꼬이고 엉키는 정신없는 반전으로 귀여운 도둑을 보호한다.
A young ambulance driver befriends an elderly woman.
A young ambulance driver befriends an elderly woman.
Dave and Tina Dodd want to buy a house. They make a contract with shifty John Napper who suggests builder George Shooks.
Hec, a sacked taxation clerk, seeks fame and fortune using the world of credit cards. Unfortunately for him, and the banks, he has no concept of credit card limit.
Hec, a sacked taxation clerk, seeks fame and fortune using the world of credit cards. Unfortunately for him, and the banks, he has no concept of credit card limit.
Hec, a sacked taxation clerk, seeks fame and fortune using the world of credit cards. Unfortunately for him, and the banks, he has no concept of credit card limit.
This docudrama highlights the complexities of compensation through the legal system for medical malpractice. For when the mother attempts to investigate the hospital procedure of using forceps to deliver her now retarded child, her husband frowns upon this and would rather ignore the whole thing.
Two people who have had disastrous love affairs meet on a tropical island resort.
Two people who have had disastrous love affairs meet on a tropical island resort.
Two policemen track down and arrest an Aboriginal woman who has been accused of murder, and begin the trek back across the desert with her.
Two policemen track down and arrest an Aboriginal woman who has been accused of murder, and begin the trek back across the desert with her.
Two policemen track down and arrest an Aboriginal woman who has been accused of murder, and begin the trek back across the desert with her.
Two policemen track down and arrest an Aboriginal woman who has been accused of murder, and begin the trek back across the desert with her.
An Australian who has fought in Vietnam blames Agent Orange for his cancer, and sues for compensation.
An Australian who has fought in Vietnam blames Agent Orange for his cancer, and sues for compensation.