Sibiu, December 1989. In the chaos and panic generated by the protests of the crowd against the authorities, a unit of the militia becomes the target of a violent assault that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, militiamen, security agents, and civilians. Trying to escape the siege, Captain Viorel of the militia is captured and accused of being a terrorist.
Based on the Hungarian novel "Our Street" by Sandor Tar, the film deals with a post-apocalyptic Hungarian-Ukranian village where everything is rotten, planes randomly crash, and only alcohol moves people around - no money, no electricity, only barter. In this wasteland, Ocsenas is the only hero, the one trying to survive amidst the savages and war, the one who helps everyone out, all while caught up in a love triangle that will define his future.
1981년 콜로라도 주, 의문의 폭발 사고! 사라진 아버지를 찾아 미국으로 돌아 온 페터는 아버지가 '라 팔로마'라는 연구시설에서 일했으며 폭발사고와도 관계가 있다는 충격적 사실을 알게 된다. 감마선 폭발을 일으켰던 우주 기술의 비밀을 알게 된 페터. 이제 지구의 운명이 그의 손에 달렸다.
After a young soldier sides with a troupe of travelling actors in a fist fight that erupted while they are performing a play, he is forced to flee and the troupe decides to take him in.
The story of five secretive characters, told with Klezmer music. Five 21st century young and not so young men someplace in the world. They are musicians in search for someone and something which might have been born in their imagination. Once upon a time in the beginning of the 20th century there lived a Klezmer musician and storyteller Prince Nazaroff. Many people don’t believe he ever existed, but these five do. They have imagined him, and imagination can be stronger than reality. To this day, Nazaroff lives in them. They can’t except that something could disappear forever. They call themselves ‘The Brothers Nazaroff’. A deeply emotional story told through Klezmer music about identity, emigration, inner emigration, brothers and godbrothers, religion and belief, faith and disbelief. A modern story about our strange world we live in.
야심한 밤, 부다페스트의 아파트 옥상에서 한 노파가 뛰어내린다. 참혹하게 죽었어야 할 그녀는 파손된 안경다리를 주섬주섬 들고 고장난 엘리베이터를 지나 아파트 계단을 오른다. 한 층을 오를 때마다 아파트 곳곳에 위치한 방들에서 벌어지는 만화경 같은 이야기가 상연된다.
This is a story of a special relationship between two women, a writer and her maid.
A film where anything can happen - the hero and the heroine changes their faces, age, look, names, and so on. The only same thing: The love between man and woman... in an archetypical love story cut from 500 classics from all around the world.
2009년 회고전을 가졌던 예르지 스콜리모프스키 감독의 최신작. 미군에 의해 아프가니스탄에서 붙잡힌 모하메드는 유럽의 비밀 구류 시설로 옮겨지는데…. 빈센트 갈로 주연의 베니스영화제 심사위원특별상 수상작. (2011년 제12회 전주국제영화제)
19-year old Dani Papp lives with his father Tibor, a sex-obsessed and hedonistic gynecologist who pushes his young son to follow in his footsteps. Dani is his exact opposite, shy and romantic, looking for true love instead of sex. A trip to France to visit his musician uncle helps him to understand his own personality and his relationship to his father.
2차 세계대전에 참전했던 할아버지 벤델은 상사인 중위의 부인과 사랑을 나누다 상사에게 살해당한다. 여기서 태어난 아들은 칼만. 먹는 데 소질을 타고난 그는 음식을 계기로 가정을 꾸린다. 먹기대회에서 만난 ‘초콜릿 와퍼 먹기’의 최고 기록 보유자 지젤라와 결혼을 하게 된 것. 하지만 이들 사이에서 태어난 아들 라요스는 먹는 것과 전혀 관계가 없어 보인다. 그는 몸무게가 500g도 채 되지 않는 미숙아다. 라요스는 박제사가 되어 자신의 결함을 보상받으려 하고, 점점 더 큰 일을 꾸민다.
Documentary in which Réka Kincses explores the life of her father, the politician Elod Kincses who served as the second chairman of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
As if we were in a small town. An ordinary day in a kid’s life. An incredibly hot day. Here everything is unique. One gang. One game. One field. One girl. In the span of one day, how can this boy arrive at such a changing point in his life from which there is no return?