Franco Volpi

참여 작품

자니 스테치노
여위고 개성 없는 얼굴이나 마음씨가 착한 단테(Dante/Johnny Stecchino: 로베르토 베니니 분)는 파티장에서 아름다운 여자들에게 접근을 시도하지만 모두 실패한다. 파티장 밖으로 나오던 단테는 고급 차에 부딪히는데 여기에서 마리아(Maria: 니콜레타 브라스치 분)를 만나게 된다. 마리아는 어리숙한 단테에게서 그만의 독특한 내면의 진실을 발견하고, 어울리지 않는 두 사람은 가장 가까운 친구가 된다. 그러나 단테에 대한 그녀의 강한 불쾌감 때문에 그녀의 곁은 떠나게 되어 슬픔과 절망의 나날을 보내던 단테는 마리아로부터 연락을 받고 시실리행 열차를 탄다. 마리아는 당뇨병으로 고생하는 변호사인 그녀의 아저씨와 멋진 빌라에서 살고 있는데, 단테는 마리아의 아저씨와 친해지면서 쉽게 새로운 환경에 적응해 간다. 그러나 그곳 지하실에는 마리아의 연인인 자니 스테치노라는 사람이 숨어있는데, 그와 단테는 놀랍게도 너무나 흡사한 모습이다. 마피아로부터 도망 중이던 자니는 서로의 닮은 점을 이용해 은밀한 계략을 꾸며 단테를 궁지에 몰아넣는다.
Perched on a Tree
Henry Roubier, a French promoter, and Enrico Mazzini, an Italian, have signed an agreement guaranteeing them a stranglehold on European highways. While driving on the roads of the south, Roubier takes two young hitchhikers, but an unfortunate swerve the car rushes by Henri and its occupants on the top of a pine tree onto the side of a cliff.
The One Man Band
Le marquis
Evan Evans, the director of a ballet troupe, is rehearsing his next show in Monaco, in preparation for a worldwide tour. When one member of his troupe leaves to get married, Evans imposes a regime of strict discipline on his remaining dancers. The latter get their revenge by presenting Evans’ nephew Philippe, the only male member of the group, with a baby and a note claiming he is the father…
Le tardone
Claudio Cianci (episode "L'armadio")
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
I terribili sette
l'avvocato, padre di Cervellone
Some kids find by chance an infant in swaddling clothes left in a meadow. Initially, after having led in their lair, they think of selling it to a caravan of gypsies.
A Queen for Caesar
Story of the power struggle between Egyptian queen Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy, and how a common soldier risks his life to serve her.
Lo smemorato di Collegno
pubblico ministero
A man is hospitalized in a neurological clinic, suffering from amnesia. After seeing his photo in the newspaper, Mrs. Ballerini realizes that he is her husband and brings him home; then Mrs. Polacich recognizes him as her husband.
Duel of the Titans
Twin brothers were raised by wolves, revolt against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and then come to a parting of the ways as they lead their people toward the founding of a new city, the founders of Rome.
Pastasciutta nel deserto
seniore della M.V.S.N.
South Wind
Guido Lo Gozzo
Antonio Spagara, a young Sicilian worker, has been assigned by the Mafia to murder a nobleman, Marquis Macri. But at the last minute Antonio reneges on his commitment and instead of killing the father, he flees to Palermo with Grazia, his daughter. Life is not a bed of roses in the Sicilian capital, as the young man must impose himself to face his godfather and Grazia's despotic sister Dorotea. To make matters worse, the Mafia is not going to tolerate Antonio's desertion...
L'importanza d'essere Franco
Giovanni Worthing
Italian version of the Oscar Wilde play The Importance of Being Earnest
Il mago per forza
In the prison of San Vittore there is, among other detainees, a strange type that they call "Il Cavaliere". The latter suffers a conviction for theft and his fellow prisoners have a certain respect for him.