General Khadyakov turns sixty. He decides to ditch Moscow for a day and celebrate his birthday in an authentic Russian village with an immersive countryside experience. Fishing, a jolly feast, a visit to the banya, and a farm-style spa - that's the plan, and all of his beloved friends are coming. But the party goes awry: the rich guests manage to turn the whole village against themselves, get into a nasty quarrel and lose all the food.
Spouses Mark and Nadya come to a quiet deserted place on the seashore. There they find themselves in aworld outside of time and space, where they find the reason for their repeated unsuccessful attempts to have a child.
Ira Osipova, Nicoletta and Elisha's mom
Your desires must be treated with caution. Romka, Yarik, Nikoletta and Yelisey made their own wishes at the magic tree in the Artek camp. The tree took them 30 years ago - to 1988, where they meet their parents, who then also rested in Artek. Now the guys need to make friends with their parents and, acting together, find a way back to the future.
Follows Georgian ex-wrestler’s journey to Brooklyn, New York. His aim is to get his son out of a gambling debt. He meets people who help him and people who ignore him.
The story of the journey of an adult hero to his Bata, a stern Russian peasant who became a father at the dawn of the nineties and raised his son the way all Soviet people did.
In the future, all diseases have disappeared, and people don't need medicines. They come to the pharmacy for spiritual joys: a languid look, an anti-scandalous vaccine and vitamins against lies.
The story of several Russian emigrants who moved abroad forever. Despite the complete change of scenery and immersion in another culture, they cannot get rid of their love for their motherland, no matter how hard they try.
What happens in fairy tales after the wedding of the prince and princess? Figure skater Nadia and hockey player Sasha got married and more than anything else they dream of a child. True, the price they will have to pay for this dream will be unimaginably high. After such upheavals, it seems impossible to count on a happy ending. But if you think so, you do not know anything about real tales...
Russia accepts a huge number of migrants who come by whatever means to earn money and find their place. The main character, the Thai Narak, has come to Russia with her husband Sagda to earn money and help their relatives in Thailand. Thai women find a job in Russia much easier than Thai men. Narak works as a nanny, Sagda doesn’t work, starts gambling and loses all her earnings. Fate grants to Sagda a second chance to change their story.
Russia accepts a huge number of migrants who come by whatever means to earn money and find their place. The main character, the Thai Narak, has come to Russia with her husband Sagda to earn money and help their relatives in Thailand. Thai women find a job in Russia much easier than Thai men. Narak works as a nanny, Sagda doesn’t work, starts gambling and loses all her earnings. Fate grants to Sagda a second chance to change their story.
Russia accepts a huge number of migrants who come by whatever means to earn money and find their place. The main character, the Thai Narak, has come to Russia with her husband Sagda to earn money and help their relatives in Thailand. Thai women find a job in Russia much easier than Thai men. Narak works as a nanny, Sagda doesn’t work, starts gambling and loses all her earnings. Fate grants to Sagda a second chance to change their story.
There is an urban legend that a seat in the local cinema theater is cursed and whoever takes it ends up dead. A group of high school friends start to believe the legend when some mysterious deaths occur after a day of skipping school at the cinema. The police begin their investigation while the teenagers start to suspect each other.
There is an urban legend that a seat in the local cinema theater is cursed and whoever takes it ends up dead. A group of high school friends start to believe the legend when some mysterious deaths occur after a day of skipping school at the cinema. The police begin their investigation while the teenagers start to suspect each other.
Soviet Georgia, 1983. Preparations for Nika and Ana's wedding are in full swing and it's a big day for both of their elite families. For the newlyweds and their friends, however, the celebrations are in fact part of a cover-up, as they plot an audacious escape from the Soviet Union.
From odd situations to complicated emotions, various obstacles test a group of people in their pursuits of true love in this collection of stories.
The film is based on the early songs of Viktor Tsoi. This is a story about a young slacker, easy and fun going through life. He strumming a guitar and composing songs. Drinks with idle friends. The usual, almost domestic, history of betrayal changes everything radically. So the poet is born.
Пассажиры вечернего рейса пристегнули ремни и приготовились к взлету.Но полет отложили до утра. Пассажиры отстегнули ремни и вышли из аэропорта. Под светом фонаря поблескивали капли косого дождя. В луже отразились два женских силуэта. Две женщины, две случайные попутчицы отправились в путешествие длиной в московскую ночь…Они меняют машины и настроение, мчатся по кольцевым и бульварам, смеются и плачут. Кажется, они могут позволить себе все в эту странную ночь, словно выпавшую из реальной жизни. Они могут все: страдать, любить, ненавидеть. Они не могут только одного — разойтись. Ими движет одна идея, одна мысль, одна страсть, и имя ее МУЖЧИНА.
Nadya Kotova
The final part of Mikhalkov's trilogy about Divisional Commander Kotov finds him returning home during World War II having been betrayed, narrowly escaped execution for treason and nearly reduced to dust in a prison camp. Only to discover that everything has changed and he will have to fight again for his name, for his honor, and for his love.
Nadya Kotova
Epic film about WWII, a sequel to Utomlyonnye solntsem (1994). Evil Stalin is terrorizing people of Russia while the Nazis are advancing. Russian officer Kotov, who miraculously survived the death sentence in Stalin's Purge, is now fighting in the front-lines. His daughter, Nadia, who survived a rape attempt by Nazi soldiers, is now a nurse risking her own life to save others. In the war-torn nation even former enemies are fighting together to defend their land. People stand up united for the sake of victory. Written by Steve Shelokhonov
Masha / Her Twin
Moscow Year New Year's Eve 1987. In the 25th hospital on duty are the obstetrician and the nurse. They make the rounds, after which sit down to celebrate the New Year. Suddenly, the hospital ambulance arrives with a pregnant woman - daughter of the general, who had an accident and she started the premature birth. Despite the exhortations of doctors that gestational age is a tragic turn for the child, a fierce general, threatening with a pistol, forcing him to take delivery. A child is born dead, and intimidated doctor decides to replace it for a living. On the same day another woman gave birth to twin-girls, one of which is changed. Ironically, the two girls called Masha.
모스크바 행 기차에 한 무리의 사관 생도들이 승차한다. 몇 명의 생도들이 비좁고 더러운 3등 칸을 피해 1등 칸으로 몰래 숨어 들어간다. 친구들의 장난으로 한 객실에 혼자 남겨진 사관 생도 안드레이 톨스토이(올멕 멘쉬코프)는 객실에 있던 미국 여인 제인 칼라한(줄리아 오몬드)에게 매혹된다. 제인 또한 순수한 안드레이에게 끌린다. 안드레이가 부른 모차르트의 '피가로의 결혼식'을 들은 제인의 마음은 설레인다. 그러나 제인은 사관학교의 교장이며 러시아 황제의 오른 팔인 레들로프 장군(알렉세이 페트렌코)을 유혹해 맥클레컨이라는 발명가의 실험 중인 벌목기를 러시아 정부에 납품시키기 위해 고용된 여인이었다. 레들로프를 유혹하는 데는 성공했지만 제인의 마음은 어느샌가 안드레이에게 끌린다. 한편 안드레이는 제인에 대한 자신의 사랑을 졸업식날 고백하기로 마음 먹는다. 그러나 레들로프 장군 역시 제인에게 청혼하려 하고 그는 안드레이에게 자신의 청혼의 연서를 그에게 읽게 한다. 어쩔 수 없이 장군의 청혼서를 읽던 안드레이는 갑자기 제인에게 자신의 마음을 고백해버린다.
Nadya Kotova
1936년 어느 긴 여름날. 스탈린의 제플린 건설 프로그램의 새로운 출발을 기념하고 있는 다차(러시아식 전원 별장). 음악가, 작가, 배우 등 특권 계층 예술가들의 별장이 모여있는 이곳에 드미트리(올렉 멘쉬코프)가 10년만에 마루샤(잉게보르가 다프쿠나이테)의 집으로 돌아온다. 만약 10년전 자취를 감춘 드미트리가 이곳에 나타나지만 않았더라도 언제나처럼 이들의 여름은 조용히 흘러갔을 것이다. 10년만에 재회한 드미트리와 마로샤. 드미트리는 자신의 음악선생 집에서 성장기를 보냈고 마로샤는 바로 선생의 딸이었던 것. 한 때는 애인이기도 했던 두 사람에게 과거의 감정이 되살아나고 어쩔 수 없는 안타까움은 침묵으로 겉돈다. 그가 사랑하던 마로샤는 이미 혁명 영웅 세르게이(니키타 미할코프)와 결혼해 나디아(나데즈다 미할코바)란 어린 딸까지 낳았기 때문이다. 세르게이는 동요하는 아내로부터 과거의 추억을 더듬기 시작한다. 그가 사랑의 한을 풀기 위해 찾아오지 않았나 생각하는 사이, 사태는 전혀 엉뚱한 방향으로 전개되어 간다. 10년간 행적이 묘연했던 드미트리는 스탈린의 비밀 경찰로 일하고 있었던 것이다. 누렇게 익은 밀밭, 그 위에 태양이 작렬하는 어느날, 세르게이는 모스크바에서 자신을 데리러 온 KGB의 차에 오른다. 나디아 만큼이나 천진한 마을 사람들의 배웅과 마루샤와 나디아의 작별의 키스를 받고 길을 떠나는 세르게이. 마을을 벗어난 길을 달리는 차안에서 그는 무참히 두들겨 맞고, 이를 목격한 트럭 운전사는 총살당한다. 이때 들판 너머 스탈린의 초상이 그려진 대형 열기구가 하늘로 떠오르고 드미트리는 그 앞에 경례를 붙인다. 아무 것도 모르는 나디아는 노래를 부르며 아름다운 들판을 뛰어논다.