Leonardo Nigro
출생 : 1974-02-15, Manduria, Italy
Carlo Gabato
Under mysterious circumstances, the restorer Lukas Albrecht drowns in the Canale dei Marani in Venice. While the easy-going Commissario Santo sees no criminal offense, the victim's widow resents the details. Anna, who is traveling from Vienna with her eleven-year-old son, doesn't believe it was an accident: her husband didn't have any alcohol in his blood, he knew the lagoon and could swim
A mysterious lonely man and a young rebel woman, confront each other in a psychological drama about suspended identity.
In a small mountain valley in Italy, the former criminal Cesare discovers the corpse of his nephew Fausto.
시간이 멈춘 것 같은 아름다운 시골 마을 인비올라타. 라짜로는 이웃들과 함께 마을의 지주인 후작 부인의 담배 농장에서 일하는 순박한 청년이다. 요양을 위해 마을을 찾아온 후작 부인의 아들 탄크레디와 라짜로는 둘만의 우정을 쌓는다. 자유를 갈망하는 탄크레디는 자신의 납치극을 꾸며 마을을 벗어나려고 결심하고, 라짜로는 그런 그를 돕는다. 한편, 납치 신고로 마을을 찾아온 경찰에 의해 이웃들은 뿔뿔이 흩어지게 되고 라짜로는 홀로 남게 되는데...
Threatened by creditors, a newly unemployed man agrees to work for a debt collector, but soon discovers his deal with the devil has unexpected costs.
Becker is a German ex-con trying to hold down a job as a night watchman, but a chance encounter with the man whose family Becker killed 18 years earlier sends his new life spiraling out of control.
Roberto Rossi
Roberto Rossi
A boy must brave deep winter snow to obtain an important family keepsake. Before he can even start this difficult journey he must first help his family survive financial ruin, rescue his beloved pet goat, and with his best friend, outwit a bratty bully who seems out to get him at every turn. Will he make it back to the village in time to celebrate the end-of-winter holiday of Chalandamarz?
Giorgios Vater
Up until the middle of the 19Th century, poverty stricken mountain farmers from the Ticino area of Switzerland frequently sold their children to Milan as chimney sweeps or spazzacamini. That is also young Giorgios fate. He is forced to climb through pitch black chimneys, flinging down the soot with his bare hands. But he does not lose heart. Together with his buddies sharing in the same misery, he establishes the association of Black Brothers. They stick together, struggling against their penury and getting involved in fights with the street gangs of Milan. The film tells of the gripping adventures of the chimney sweep boys and their spectacular escape back to their native land.
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
Der 37-jährige Bamberger Brauerei-Marketingmanager Pitschi Greulich will weder mit seiner Freundin Sabine Kinder kriegen noch das von den Eltern geforderte Eigenheim bauen und schon gar nicht zum elften Mal in Folge mit seinen Kumpels in den Mallorca-Urlaub düsen. Also disponiert Pitschi am Flughafen kurzfristig um und landet mit einem Mal in Argentinien, wo er gedenkt, ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch in der Ferne merkt der krisengebeutelte Thirtysomething, dass all das, was er eigentlich sucht, längst zu Hause auf ihn wartet.
Marion Cipriano
Early evening - a big city. Two teenagers shyly flirt with each other, a housewife sits down to watch her daily soap, nurses in a hospital gossip before the nightshift starts, a trendy couple drives through rush hour, so excited they can hardly wait to get home - a man with a rifle enters a building seeking revenge. In the blink of an eye seemingly unrelated events turn upside down what were once secure, happy, 'normal' lives. Behind fear, beyond the unexpected, there is love and hope.
모녀가 버섯을 캐러 산에 올라갔는데 어린 딸이 버섯을 캐러 숲으로 들어가자 한 소년이 버섯의 위치를 거울로 알려준다. 어린 딸이 그 버섯을 캐다가 뼈다귀를 발견 하게 되면서 경찰이 출동하고 이야기는 과거로 넘어간다. 한마을에 사제가 목을 매달아 자살하는 사건이 일어나고 숲에 사제를 묻고 돌아 오는 길 마을에 지저분한 모습으로 아름다운 여인이 나타나고 마을 사람들은 실종된 산위에 오두막에 사는 가족의 실종과 타살로 의심되는 사제의 사건의 범인으로 그 여인을 모두 의심의 눈초리로 바라보고 목사마저 그 여인을 범인으로 몬다. 그곳에서 유일하게 경찰관 한명만이 그녀를 보호하려 하면서 그녀의 말도 못하고 아름다운 그 소녀에게 경찰관은 매료되며 가족을 찾으러 나서면서 실종자 명단에서 그 소녀와 똑같은 얼굴에 여인을 발견하지만 그 실종자는 몇 십 년 전의 사진. 목사는 그녀를 세넨툰치 악마라 생각하며 처치하려 하고 경찰관은 사건을 수사하며 그녀를 마을 사람들로 부터 보호 하려 한다. 한편 실종사건이 일어났던 오두막에서는 한 이방인이 일꾼으로 들어와 일을 배우며 함께하다 하루는 술에 잔뜩 취해 세넨툰치를 부르는 주술을 시행 하는데...
더 깊이...나를 깨워줘
거부할 수 없는 사랑에 몸과 마음이 흔들린다. 남편 알레시오와 함께 평온하고 여유로운 일상을 보내던 안나는 우연히 카페에서 일하는 도미니코를 만난 후 격정적인 감정에 사로잡힌다. 도미니코가 가족과 떨어져 혼자 수영장에 가는 매주 수요일 저녁 마다 그를 만나 은밀하고 뜨거운 사랑을 나누는 안나. 가질 수 없기에 더욱 간절히 서로를 원하는 두 사람의 위태로운 만남은 결국 서로의 가족에게 탄로나게 되고, 두 사람은 마지막일지 모를 밀월 여행을 떠나는데...
SINESTESIA chronicles the vicissitudes of four young adults in two moments of their lives which are in turn linked to two dramatic episodes three years apart. The intervening years see the characters confronted by the usual joys and difficulties of everyday life. However, they also find themselves having to react to a destiny which, every now and again, places a crossroads in our way. The main character is Alan (Alessio Boni). Around him are his wife, Françoise (Giorgia Wurth), his young lover Michela (Melanie Winiger), and Igor (Leonardo Nigro), his best friend.
Antonio Marcipane (jung)
When Jan decides to marry his girl-friend Sara, he is not aware of his opponent: her father, who is an Italian.
A department store security guard is secretly in love with a clerk in the store's bookshop. When he witnesses a seeming rival being attacked in the train, he gets off instead of helping him. Not being able to deal with his bad conscience, his formerly controlled life breaks down.
Renato Egger
Investment banker HP has allegedly ridden out the crash of the stock exchange. One evening, on a barbecue event with his banker friends and their wives, HP's Danish au pair girl threatens to blow the whistle on her love affair with HP's married boss. HP wants to please everybody but what was set out to be a gathering amongst friends spins out of control into a night of blackmail and intrigue.
Mike Duerst gets dumped by his girlfriend, because she is pregnant by her former boyfriend. In his despair Mike gets in contact with Gregor Frank, a psychologist, who, in his radio show, claims to know all about women.Gregor promises Mike to find the perfect woman, if he agrees to be the subject for his upcoming psychological advisory book. Mike accepts. So Gregor explains Mike the typical patterns of women's behavior.
A young photo-lab assistant falls in love with a guy in a picture he develops.