Miraj Grbić

Miraj Grbić

프로필 사진

Miraj Grbić

참여 작품

분노의 질주: 라이드 오어 다이
Russian Bag Guy
돔과 그의 패밀리 앞에 나타난 운명의 적 단테. 과거의 그림자는 돔의 모든 것을 파괴하기 위해 달려온다. 단테에 의해 산산히 흩어진 패밀리들은 모두 목숨을 걸고 맞서야 하는 함정에 빠지고 마는데...
황홀하면서도 위태로운 고대 도시 바빌론에 비유되는 할리우드에서 전성기를 누리고 있는 당대 최고의 스타 잭 콘래드. 누구나 잭과 같은 성공을 꿈꾸지만 아무나 이룰 수 없던 그 때, 화려한 데뷔를 위해 당차게 야망을 좇는 넬리 라로이와 열정적인 청년 매니 토레스가 영화 같은 삶을 꿈꾸며 할리우드에 입성한다. 하지만 할리우드에서는 기존 영화 산업의 틀을 깬 새로운 변화가 시작되고 그 격변의 한가운데에서 잭과 넬리, 그리고 매니는 살아남아 각자의 꿈을 이루기 위해 고군분투하는데...
After Hours Trading
A shiftless malcontent teams up with a shady Eastern European con artist to make some quick cash, but ends up becoming an unlikely, and reluctant, Robin Hood when he discovers his new partner-in-crime has traveled halfway around the world to free a victim of human trafficking.
The Painter
The Painter
A starving artist struggles to meet an impending deadline as his upstairs neighbor does everything imaginable to distract him.
All That Remains
Two Bosnian brothers living in America make their way home for the first time since escaping the war in order to bury their father.
Short Circuits
Ahmet (segment "Podstanar")
Matea is a twelve-year-old whiner who hopes her birthday party will make her more popular at school. Nera is a girl at a crossroads in life. An incident in front of a shopping mall could give her a new perspective on things. Miran is a new husband, son-in-law, and a father-to-be who is simply trying to move his things to a new apartment with the help of neighbors who start giving him a hard time. Three neighbors on the verge of a breakdown on a winter's night.
Halima's Path
In order to recover the body of her son lost during the war in Bosnia, a grieving, but strong-willed Muslim woman, Halima, must track down her estranged niece, who we find carries a mysterious connection to him.
Lara's Choice: The Lost Prince
'Lara's Choice: The lost prince' is a 2012 Croatian movie based on the popular television show 'Lara's choice'. The plot is a direct continuation of the first season finale.
Body Complete
Austrian journalist asks her editor to send her to Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to investigate disappearance of girl.
미션 임파서블: 고스트 프로토콜
러시아 크렘린 궁 폭발 테러 사건에 연루되며 사상 초유의 존립 위기를 맞게 된 IMF. 국가적 분쟁을 피하기 위해 미 정부는 IMF 조직에 대해 고스트 프로토콜을 발동하고, 조직의 과거도 정체도 모두 지워버린다. 순식간에 국제 테러리스트가 되어 버린 특수 비밀요원 이단 헌트는 자신과 조직의 명예를 되찾기 위해 지상 최대의 불가능한 미션을 다시 시작한다. 누구도 좀처럼 믿지 않는 그이지만, 이번만큼은 현재 의지할 수 있는 유일한 동료 세 명과 함께 새로운 팀을 이뤄 임무에 나선다. 그들의 임무는 소련과 미국을 이간질해 핵전쟁을 일으키려는 매드사이언티스트를 막는 것인데...
As If I Am Not There
A harsh dose of cinematic realism about a harsh time – the Bosnian War of the 1990s – Juanita Wilson's drama is taken from true stories revealed during the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague. Samira is a modern schoolteacher in Sarajevo who takes a job in a small country village just as the war is beginning to ramp up. When Serbian soldiers overrun the village, shoot the men and keep the women as laborers (the older ones) and sex objects (the younger ones), Samira is subjected to the basest form of treatment imaginable.
Snipers Valley
Young Bundeswehr soldiers Tom and Charly are stationed in Kosovo with the KFOR peacekeeping force. Their mission is to secure peace. Although the brutal war between the enemy Serbs and Albanians is officially over, the hatred between people continues to smoulder. When Tom and Charly rescue the young Serbian Mirjana from the fatal shot of the young sniper Durcan, they get caught between all fronts. They lose their professional distance due to the resulting closeness to Mirjana - who has to learn that her father was a war criminal - but also to Durcan - whose entire family was wiped out. Soon they are entangled in a conflict about guilt, manipulation, love and revenge...
Frame for the Picture of My Homeland
Based on a true story, the film presents events similar to those in the Lukić indictment.
Summer in the Golden Valley
At the traditional Muslim funeral service for his father Fikret Varupa, sixteen year old boy from Sarajevo, learns that his father owes money to Hamid, a man he does not even know. The debt is considerable and Hamid does not want it to go to the grave with the body, so the debt automatically passes from the father to the son. Since in Bosnia this way of collecting debts, at a funeral, is considered to be utterly humiliating, it is never, ever applied. Fikret and his entire family become subjects of ridicule. Fikret, who is practically still a child, is decisive to "redeem his father's soul". Wishing to repay his father's debt and to secure the forgiveness, Fikret wanders into the real world of Sarajevo, the world that is ruled by post-war chaos, misery and poverty and becomes an ideal target for two corrupted policemen who wish to "help" him: they plant the kidnapped girl on him.
Hop, Skip & Jump
Two former lovers worlds collide during the tragic background of The Bosnian War.
The Tunnel
The plot of this film is set in an idyllic village in the middle of Bosnia, connected with outer world only with a tunnel. Story begins in 1996, when refugees in a police escort come close to their, due to war abandoned, homeland and a tunnel - their only connection with the world.