In 1998, Beavis and Butt-Head are sentenced to Space Camp by a “creative” judge. Their obsession with a docking simulator (huh huh) leads to a trip on the Space Shuttle, with predictably disastrous results. After going through a black hole, they re-emerge in our time, where they look for love, misuse iPhones, and are hunted by the Deep State. Spoiler: They don’t score.
In 1998, Beavis and Butt-Head are sentenced to Space Camp by a “creative” judge. Their obsession with a docking simulator (huh huh) leads to a trip on the Space Shuttle, with predictably disastrous results. After going through a black hole, they re-emerge in our time, where they look for love, misuse iPhones, and are hunted by the Deep State. Spoiler: They don’t score.
Executive Producer
In 1998, Beavis and Butt-Head are sentenced to Space Camp by a “creative” judge. Their obsession with a docking simulator (huh huh) leads to a trip on the Space Shuttle, with predictably disastrous results. After going through a black hole, they re-emerge in our time, where they look for love, misuse iPhones, and are hunted by the Deep State. Spoiler: They don’t score.
Executive Producer
가상의 인물 듀이 콕스의 일대기를 그린 코미디. 듀이 콕스는 8살 때 실수로 형을 죽인 아픔을 안고 음악을 시작해 성공한다. 그 과정에서 그는 수많은 사람과 잠자리를 하고 수많은 여자와 결혼을 해서 수많은 아이를 낳고 세상에 있는 모든 마약에 중독되고, 엘비스 프레슬리, 비틀즈, 버디 홀리를 비롯해 많은 뮤지션들을 만나는 등 파란만장한 인생을 산다. (캐치온)