Wang Wei

Wang Wei

프로필 사진

Wang Wei

참여 작품

Don't Walk Away
The young woman of literature and art, Zeqing, went to middle age, and at the same time she was preparing for the exhibition in her hometown, she taught in the art class of the college entrance examination. Her erudition and intellectualism were deeply loved by students. But in the face of the complicated society and daily life, her confusion about family, love and parting has always been with her, and she was most afraid of separation when she was young.
Wrong Way Driving
Police received a distress call that the daughter of a real estate tycoon was kidnapped, but it turned out to be a prank call.... or so it seemed! Unexpectedly the daughter came into real danger and now the Police are scrambling to uncover this mystery. With their best agent on the case, he soon discovers there's more to the story and works vigorously to unravel this web of secrets, lies & deceit.
Lover Agent
A story between a CEO who pretends to be a Uber driver and a lovely girl.
Double Exposure
Rookie film – plum, because looks like a popular movie star Ice was invited “Bana” crew became Ice avatars, crew seemingly calm, but in reality each person heist: salty director, producer wretched, mother shot makeup artist …… everyone with their own personal way of demonstration plums What is a “host”, “an off fame” and “hidden rules”! Under immense pressure, plum, it is often seen as a Grudge white woman appeared in the night, and this bloody white woman even others can not see.
Mark tells the story of the hero lose yourself in the maze of paper drunk fast-paced world, the first girlfriend from college was abandoned and then fell in love with wealthy daughter Coco, the last monarch of Columbia because coco father strongly opposed and insults, Mark decidedly left coco, vowed to become a high society people, since then they disappear, two years after the re-emergence of Mark drove a Ferrari, lived in luxury, who do not know him in the end what has been done in two years? Wang Wei, the emergence of wealthy few, let Coco, Mark, and he's turned into a love triangle relationship, a strong Wei insidious little in order to get coco, exhausted all means! After the king's brother against Wei less vertical cross grab gear, marks the final decision of the prodigal son with coco fly away, but God did not give the prodigal son and a look back ...
켄 파크
거꾸로 쓰면 Krap Nek이 되는 스케이트보드장의 이름을 딴 켄 파크의 자살 이후, 함께 스케이트보드를 타던 그의 친구들과 그 친구들의 가족 간에 숨겨져 있던 이야기들이 하나 둘 전개되기 시작한다. 조부모님과 함께 살고 있는 테이트는 언제나 주변사람들에게 가시를 세우고 알 수 없는 분노로 세상에 불만을 토로한다. 조용하고 내성적인 성격의 클로드는 폭력적인 아버지에게 휘둘리며 괴로운 인생을 살고 있다. 지루할 정도로 평범해보이는 숀은 여자친구인 한나의 엄마 론다와 지속적인 성관계를 맺고 있다. 그리고 신심이 두터운 홀아버지와 살고 있는 피치스는 자라면서 점점 엄마를 닮아가는 자신의 외모 때문에 자신에게 집착하는 아버지의 속박으로부터 벗어나고 싶은 마음이 간절하다.