David Hilgers

참여 작품

프리 컨트리:살육의 땅
1992년, 경찰인 마르쿠스 바흐와 패트릭 스테인이 막 통일된 독일의 동독 지역, 외딴 마을에서 10대 자매 실종 사건을 조사한다. 자매는 다른 젊은이들처럼 서독의 베를린으로 향한 것으로 추정되는 가운데, 마을 사람들은 실종자 찾기에는 관심이 없고 모두 무언가를 숨기고 있다. 마을 사람들의 거짓말과 음모를 헤치고 범인을 찾는 일은 점점 힘들어진다.
Interdependence Film 2019
Original Music Composer
Started in 2018, the project – comprised of 11 segments by filmmakers from all around the world – reflects on the intertwined relationship between human society and nature that is aggravated by climate change on multiple scales, hinting at possible solutions.
Alles Chefsache!
Boom Operator
For decades, "Soups Hansen" was on everyone's lips, but now threatens the old-established operation of the end. The reasons for the decline are homemade: in modern times the tastes have changed, the soup of the idiosyncratic manufacturer unfortunately not. The bank wants to save the traditional house, but the new loan is subject to one condition: company boss Theo Hansen must hand over the business to his son, who now cooks his own soup ... Edzard Onneken staged this comedy with Günther Maria Halmer in the role of aging patriarch who can not let go.
Sound Designer
베를린으로 떠난 연인을 찾아간 마이클. 하지만 연인의 집엔 연인이 아닌 좀비로 변환 수리공만 있었고 연인을 찾기 위해 좀비와 싸우는데..
Der Letzte macht das Licht aus
"The Last One Put Out the Light" - The Berlin construction workers Micha, Silvio and Norbert are out of work. The way out spells - Norway. Because over German craftsmen are in demand. The three with 17 other desperate people are bawling Norwegian and preparing themselves for "it's always just salmon" and fearing the darkness. Too bad that their wives have other plans.