Bobby Păunescu

출생 : 1974-09-08, Bucarest, Romania

참여 작품

Trying to find their luck, husband and wife, Lucian and Andra start a new business by managing a guesthouse hidden somewhere deep in the mountains.
클로저 투 더 문
A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of bank robbers to pull off a heist by convincing everyone at the scene of the crime that they are only filming a movie.
신의 소녀들
어린 시절 고아원에서 자란 두 소녀 알리나와 보이치타. 독일로 떠났던 알리나는 수도원에 있는 보이치타를 데려가기 위해 고향 루마니아로 돌아온다. 하지만 수도원 생활에 익숙해진 보이치타는 수녀로서의 삶을 원하고 그런 그녀를 설득하기 위해 알리나 또한 수도원에 머물게 된다. 보이치타의 사랑을 되찾고 싶은 알리나는 수도원의 믿음과 규율 사이에서 점차 갈등이 깊어진다. 결국 신부와 수녀들은 알리나의 몸 안에 깃든 악마를 쫓아내야 한다며 퇴마의식을 시작하는데…
디아즈: 이 피를 지우지 말라
2001년 제노바 G8 정상회담 마지막 날 자정 직전, 300명이 넘는 경찰들이 디아즈 학교를 급습하여 블랙 블록 시위대를 찾고 있었다. 학교 안에는 90명의 활동가들이 있었으며 대게는 유럽에서 온 학생들이었고 몇 명은 해외 기자들이었으며 이들은 그날 저녁 학교 바닥에서 잠 잘 준비를 하고 있었다. 경찰이 들이닥치자 젊은 시위자들은 손을 들고 항복했다. 하지만 시위대의 항복에도 경찰들은 남녀노소 가리지 않고 무차별적인 폭행을 하기 시작하는데…
An apartment kitchen: a man and a woman discuss Little Red Riding Hood, their voices hushed, mindful of waking the little girl sleeping next room. Waste land on the city outskirts: behind a line of abandoned trailers, the man silently watches what seems to be a family. The same city, the same man: driving through traffic with two hand-made firing pins for a hunting rifle. The man is 42 years old, his name - Viorel. Troubled by obscure thoughts, he drives across the city to a destination known only to him.
Wanting to follow the current trend, Francesca, a young teacher from Bucharest, is eager to emigrate to Italy. Unfortunately,whilst desperately seeking support from those nearest and dearest to her, various untold truths unravel.
Wanting to follow the current trend, Francesca, a young teacher from Bucharest, is eager to emigrate to Italy. Unfortunately,whilst desperately seeking support from those nearest and dearest to her, various untold truths unravel.
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
Mr. Lazarescu is a retired Romanian engineer, spending his time in the company of his cats and booze. When he starts feeling unusually ill, he first seeks painkillers from his neighbors. It soon becomes apparent that Lazarescu is indeed sick, and an ambulance arrives with a nurse who has a few ideas about what could be the problem. However, a major traffic accident and poor organization leaves little room in Romanian hospitals for the fading Lazarescu.
Pioneers' Palace
Set in Bucharest after the fall of Ceaușescu, Pioneers' Palace captures the chaotic essence of the time. Based on the director's own experience, the story follows a group of Romanian teenagers who, driven by the unprecedented freedoms of a free-market economy, open a disco in their high school. Surrounded by entrepreneurial opportunity and almost no limits, the teens visit Bucharest’s first-ever brothel and are exposed to the dark underbelly of an unregulated society when they are faced with potential exposure to AIDS.
Pioneers' Palace
Set in Bucharest after the fall of Ceaușescu, Pioneers' Palace captures the chaotic essence of the time. Based on the director's own experience, the story follows a group of Romanian teenagers who, driven by the unprecedented freedoms of a free-market economy, open a disco in their high school. Surrounded by entrepreneurial opportunity and almost no limits, the teens visit Bucharest’s first-ever brothel and are exposed to the dark underbelly of an unregulated society when they are faced with potential exposure to AIDS.