Klaus Doldinger
출생 : 1936-05-12, Berlin, Germany
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Klaus Doldinger (born 12 May 1936) is a German saxophonist, especially well known for jazz and as a composer of film music. He was the recipient of 1997's Bavarian Film Awards.
Doldinger was born in Berlin, and entered a Düsseldorf conservatory in 1947, originally studying piano and then clarinet, graduating in 1957. In his student years, Doldinger gained professional performing experience, starting in 1953 in the German Dixieland band The Feetwarmers, and recording with them in 1955. Later that year he founded Oscar's Trio, modeled on Oscar Peterson's work.
During the 1960s he worked as a tenor saxophonist, working with visiting American jazz musicians and recording in his own right.
Doldinger is perhaps best known for his film scores to the acclaimed German U-boat film Das Boot (1981) and later The NeverEnding Story (1984).
Doldinger married Inge Beck in 1960; they have three children, Viola, Melanie and Nicolas Doldinger. Since 1968 they have resided in Icking, a small Bavarian village, south of Munich.
Doldinger's jazz band Passport (2008)
Doldinger's recurring jazz project Passport, started in 1971 (then called "Klaus Doldinger's Passport"), still enjoys huge success in Germany. In its influence it was sometimes called the European version of Weather Report.
At various times members of Passport included Peter O'Mara (guitar), Roberto DiGioia (keyboards), Patrick Scales (bass, since 1994), Ernst Stroer (de:Ernst Ströer) (percussion, since 1989), Christian Lettner (drums, since 2000), Michael Hornek (keyboard since 2009), Biboul Darouiche (percussion, since 1995) and others. Guests include Brian Auger (1973), Johnny Griffin (1973) and Pete York (1973).[3] The first true Passport album had strong ties to Amon Düül II containing contributions from Olaf Kübler, Lothar Meid and Jimmy Jackson, it remains an off-the-radar Krautrock essential.
Self - Das Boot Music Composer
In 1981, a film about the misadventures of a German U-boat crew in 1941 becomes a worldwide hit almost four decades after the end of the World War II. Millions of viewers worldwide make Das Boot the most internationally successful German film of all time. But due to disputes over the script, accidents on the set, and voices accusing the makers of glorifying the war, the project was many times on the verge of being cancelled.
ManDoki Soulmates: Wings Of Freedom Live at Berlin, Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt 2017.
Original Music Composer
After eight years Udo Lindenberg started his comeback in early 2016 with the new album "Stärker als die Zeit". After the release of his new album the panic rocker No. 1 went on a big tour, where he - among other locations - also stopped in Leipzig. The live recording “Stärker als die Zeit - Live” documents this gigantic show. The recording from Leipzig is a colorful mix of Udo classics and hits from his new album, including "Cello", "Wozu sind Kriege da", "Der Greis ist heiß", "Ich mach mein Ding" and "Durch die schweren Zeiten". At least as impressive as the tracklist is the list of guest singers who were at Udo's side during the various appearances. Participants include Clueso, Helge Schneider, Till Brönner and Stefanie Heinzmann, Gentleman, Daniel Wirtz and Ole Feddersen, Axel Prahl, Otto Waalkes, Johannes Oerding, Jan Delay, Stefan Raab, Klaus Doldinger, Adel Tawil, Max Herre, Bülent Ceylan and many more.
In Germany, jazz had a voice: Inge Brandenburg. This is the story of a woman in the 1950s and 1960s, when there was no place in Germany for self-assured women with international aspirations, a dramatic performance style and an emancipated attitude to love.
Germany, mid-1950s. Dr. Gerd Vorweg, Lord Mayor of a district town, can be completely satisfied with his life. A few years after the end of the war, he helped his town to regain prosperity and prosperity by setting up a large textile company. He is popular with the locals and has a showcase marriage with his wife Katharina. When Katharina suddenly disappears without a trace, this idyll is suddenly destroyed.
Original Music Composer
The celebration of Joachim 'Blacky' Fuchsberger's 80th birthday. A biographical documentary.
Original Music Composer
플로리다의 한적한 해변 마을 팔메토, 뉴스 리포터인 해리(Harry Barber: 우디 해럴슨 분)는 만성적으로 부패한 그 마을에서 관리의 부당 이득을 파헤치려다 2년 동안 아무 죄도 없이 감방에서 썩는다. 혐의 없음으로 출소한 해리를 그의 여자친구인 니나(Nina: 지나 거숀 분)는 격렬한 키스로 환영한다. 마치 지난 2년간 아무 일도 없었던 듯. 우연히 술집에 들른 해리는 리아라(Mrs. Donnelly aka Rhea Malroux: 엘리자베스 슈 분)는 신비스런 금발과 뇌쇄적인 아름다움을 지닌 그야말로 침을 꼴깍 삼키게 하는 여성을 만난다. 그로서는 도저히 저항할 수 없는 제안과 함께. 그 제안이란 실은 아주 간단하다. 그저 5만 달러라는 가격표가 붙은 사기일 뿐. 리아는 펠릭스(Felix Malroux: 롤프 홉 분)라는 엄청난 부자의 아내이고 불행하게도 늙은 그녀의 남편은 암으로 죽어가고 있었다. 엄청난 재산에 비해 펠릭스는 구두쇠였고 그 때문에 늘 불만족스러웠던 리아와 그의 딸 오데뜨(Odette: 크로 세비그니 분)는 결국 엄청난 계획을 세우게 되는데. 이 계획에서 해리가 해야할 일이라곤 그저 그가 오데뜨를 납치했다는 전화 한 통화 뿐이다.
Original Music Composer
A comedy directed by Helmut Förnbacher.
A businessman books a Santa Claus with his wife from the student employment service for his children on Christmas Eve. He appears too late and when he realizes that he should only be the mess clown for the children so that they can go to bed quickly, because business friends are supposed to come to dinner, he calls his colleagues.
A Scottish woman who attends school in Paris comes home for the summer and helps take in the straw, where she meets an attractive and simple man. They begin a torrid affair despite the differences in their lifestyles. He asks her to marry him but she refuses, and they continue their separate lives but also continue their affair through the years, loving each other despite their differences.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
The filmmaker René Perraudin made five comedic short films with Otto Sander in the leading role and knits them into a feature film.
The filmmaker René Perraudin made five comedic short films with Otto Sander in the leading role and knits them into a feature film.
Original Music Composer
어머니가 돌아가신 바스티안(Bastian : 바렛 올리버 분)은 상상력이 풍부하고 몽상을 좋아하는 국민학생이다. 등교길에 못된 아이들에게 시달리게 되자 어느 서점에 숨게 됐는데 거기서 '끝없는 이야기(The Neverending Story)'라는 아주 이상한 책을 발견하게 된다. 바스티안은 그 책을 가지고 나와 학교 다락에서 읽기 시작한다. '환타젠'이라는 환상의 세계에 나씽이라는 괴물에 의해 점차 호수와 산들이 하루 아침에 없어지고 있었다. 이곳에 살고 있는 수 많은 종족들이 공포에 떨고 있고, 이것을 여왕 '천진한 소녀'에게 보고키 위해 요귀와 난쟁이가 길을 떠난다. 하지만 여왕은 이름 모를 병에 죽어가고 있는데, 여왕의 병을 고칠 방법을 찾기 위해 소년 아트레이유(Atreyu : 노아 해서웨이 분)가 단신으로 구세주를 찾아 기나긴 여행길에 오른다. 근심의 늪에서 애마 알텍스도 잃고, 펠콘(Falkor)이라는 행운의 용을 타고 마침내 거울문에 당도한다. 그곳에는 진실된 인간의 아이 바로 책을 읽고 있는 바스티안의 모습이 비친다. 그리고 여왕의 병을 고치기 위해서는 인간 세상의 아이가 여왕의 새로운 이름을 지어주어야 된다는 비법을 알게 된다. 아트레유는 환타젠을 구할 수 있는 인간의 아이를 데리러 가기 위해 환상의 나라의 끝으로 날아가지만 폭풍에 휘말려 펠콘에서 떨어진다. 아트레유는 동굴 속에서 나씽의 부하 괴물을 처치하지만 결국 환타젠을 구할 임무를 완수하지 못하는데...
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Michael Landon stars in this real life story about a journalist in Laos, and the extent to which he will go for his girlfriend.
Original Music Composer
{1941년 9월 프랑스 라 로셀(La Rochelle). 히틀러가 영국 봉쇄를 위해 편성한 잠수함대가 열세를 보이기 시작했다. 영국 상선을 호위하는 구축함은 갈 수록 무장을 강화하여 독일 잠수함에 타격을 가했다. 그래도 독일군 최고사령부는 잠수함을 포기하지 않아 시간이 지날 수록 오히려 어린 수병들을 태워 점령지 프랑스로부터 출격시켰다. 결국 대서양을 지배하려는 싸움은 독일을 외면했다. 2차대전 중 4만 명의 수병이 유보트(U-Boats)라 불리는 잠수함에 투입되었다. 그리고 3만 명이 돌아오지 못했다.} 독일군의 패전 기미가 감돌던 1941년. 대부분 전쟁을 경험하지 못한 젊은 신참 병사들이 승선한 잠수함 U-96. 영화는 먹고 마시고 춤추는, 마치 내일이 없는 듯한 병사들의 모습에서부터 시작된다. 그러나 시간이 흐를 수록 잠수함이라는 한정된 공간에서 오는 답답함과 우울함이 이들을 엄습하기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날 처음으로 적군의 군수물자운반선을 호위하는 영군군함과의 교전이 벌어지고, 아수라장의 싸움을 간신히 승리로 이끈 이들은 비로소 전쟁의 진실과 맞닥뜨리게 되고 공포에 사로잡힌다. 크리스마스가 다가올 무렵 그들에게 또 하나의 명령이 떨어진다. 그들로서는 도저히 불가능할 것만 같은 작전. 영군군의 본거지인 지브롤터 해협을 통과해야 하는 것이다. 자살 명령이나 다름없는 작전을 수행하기 위해 적지한 가운데로 향하는 U-96. 그러나 마음의 준비도 되어있지 않은 상태에서 적군(영국군)은 공중에서 폭탄을 투하하기 시작하고, U-96은 크게 파손되고 만다. 설상가상으로 기계는 고장이 나 심해 깊은 곳으로 처박히고 마는데.
Original Music Composer
A scientist who swore off playing chess after a nervous breakdown as a boy wunderkind, creates an undefeated chess program. But the Russian world champ beats Tommy Rosemund's masterwork in a televised match. So the West German mathematician becomes a top chess pro himself, which the West German media boast will prove the superiority of Germany and democracy. The jowly, white-faced Rosemund believes that the entire Red Communist bloc is out to stop him from vanquishing their atheist pretty boy, Stefan Koruga, to become the next Bobby Fischer and a symbol that capitalism is preferable to socialism.
Three people rob a bank to help a day care center that's in debt. Wolf is captured, Werner identified, police suspect Christa is the third. She and Werner ask Hans, a clergyman, to launder the money and give it to the kindergarten. He refuses. They try Ingrid, Christa's friend, who tries to help, but the school rejects the money. When tragedy strikes Werner, Hans helps Christa bolt to a collective in Portugal. Ingrid visits her; their relationship makes the collective nervous, so she returns to Germany and ceases living in hiding. The police are still looking for her and so is a witness to the robbery, Lena, a bank clerk. Lena's interest brings Christa's second awakening.
Pepe is 15. His life in social misery changes completely when he is chosen as the main character of a film production. Shot on location where he lives with his primitive, brutal and authoritarian father, a pig farmer.
Original Music Composer
One evening, the once successful architect Helmut is tired of the recession giving no jobs, he gets the idea of robbing a bank. He recruits members of his golf club that are not paying their fees.
A Swiss bank discovers some of its clients are becoming the victim of a brilliant blackmailer. The bank's president contacts David Christopher, a former agent with the U.S. Treasury, to help discover who the blackmailer is and to foil his plot. As Christopher delves into the mystery, he uncovers a complicated web of intrigue, car chases, and shoot-outs that takes all of his wits to unravel.
Original Music Composer
The aging writer Aurelio Morelli is disillusioned: although the critics like his books, they are barely read. He develops hatred on youth and their depraved moral. One night he goes with a callgirl - and kills her. The police doesn't have a clue, only the unscrupulous sensational journalist Bossi suspects him. Instead of naming him to the police, he persuades Morelli to write about the murder for his paper. Morelli uses the occasion to write his memoirs, in which he confesses lots of other crimes before this last one...
Original Music Composer
15 years ago Paul Jordan was a star in Hollywood musicals. But then he retired from showbiz and married the rich Joan. Now, after being dependent on his wife's money for many years, he's sick of it and wants to work again. A romantic affair with his stepdaughter, Shirley, gives him the guts to ask for a role. His former agent gets him one but it's with a small company in Vienna, Austria. The stress worsens his alcoholism; the tablets he takes to hide the effects lead him to hallucinations. When his wife and girlfriend appear at the same time, he's no longer capable of handling the situation.
Psychological thriller that focuses on the intense conflict between a university professor and a blackmailer.
Original Music Composer
An intriguing Hans Christian Anderson-style fairy tale aesthetic and voice over narration. Sudden Wealth is a despairing chronicle of a group of starving peasants who finally seize governmental wealth like a dysfunctional group of Robin Hood's Merry Men, only to be betrayed by their inescapable selves and systematically dehumanized (think bucolic Orwell) and reprogrammed by what we'll put under the rubric of God and Country.
Original Music Composer
Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’
The wife of a international spy arrives in Berlin for a holiday. While her husband is away, she falls in love with a British photographer.