Cecil Johnson
A jaded reporter is demoted to a rural news station, but her cynicism is slowly transformed when she befriends a recovering addict as she works a news story about a church struggling to purchase a motel for homeless families.
Travis Fox is a returning veteran struggling with PTSD and his faith in God.
After becoming the youngest female, minority judge elevated to the bench in her state, Angela Sylvester quickly finds herself trapped into a 'Kids for Pay' prison scam orchestrated by her boss.
Security Officer Jordan
Mia Stone is faced with an eerie supernatural opportunity when a strange encounter with an eccentric man gives her a second chance at saving her company, marriage, family, and future.
Pastor Williams
With the impending foreclose of the family Ranch, Rebecca struggles with her rebellious daughter Grace who is still not over the death of her father Mike.
Cecil King
비극이 세 가족을 때리면, 운명은 운명의 도전이 그들의 신념을 부활시킬 수 있기 때문에 수렴 경로와 자비에 그들을 강요합니다.
Principal Joe Allen
Charlie Fitzpatrick is the most successful high school basketball coach in Georgia history. While many of his players think of him as a father, his relationship with his own "bookworm" son, Evan, is strained. With the help of his wife, Laura and Evan's wife, Heather, Charlie determines the best way to connect and bond is to take his son and grandson, Markie, who has just announced he's dropping out of college to tour with his folk band, to a rustic mountain cabin for a weekend retreat. Only this cabin is the same site where he took his many winning teams to test their mettle over a grueling military-style obstacle course, the same one Evan, as a student never got the chance to complete. This is Charlie's idea of fun, Evan's idea of a nightmare, and Markie's idea of-well he's young and idealistic; he's just going with the flow. .
David Waters
Suzanne Waters (Karen Abercrombie) has just passed the baton as the principal of the local high school. Having spent a lifetime teaching life lessons, the journey into retirement is about to bring her one of her greatest lessons. Her lesson plan will come from a troubled young man, Eli, as she invests in his life. Suzanne also becomes a first-time grandmother, and the new life of the baby brings renewed hope to the family as each member discovers their core value in God's path for their lives. As Suzanne reflects back on her life of faithfulness, we are reminded that there are no accidents in God's Kingdom, no chance meetings, no purposeless steps taken.
Tony Jordan
성공 가도를 달리고 있는 남편 ‘토니’, 사랑스러운 딸 ‘대니엘’과 함께 남부럽지 않은 삶을 살고 있는 부동산 중개업자 ‘엘리자베스’ 겉보기엔 완벽해 보이지만 위태로운 결혼생활을 이어가던 그녀는, 새로운 고객 ‘클라라’ 부인으로부터 하나님 말씀으로 진짜 적에게 맞서는 법과 함께 ‘기도에도 전략이 필요하다’는 특별한 조언을 받게 되는데… 용서와 치유, 사랑으로 나아가는 기도의 힘!
작은 도시에서 경찰로 근무하는 미첼은 9살의 딸과 한창 사춘기에 접어든 십대 아들을 둔 평범한 가장이다. 늘 긴장과 위험이 함께하는 업무에 지친데다 원래 보수적이고 무뚝뚝한 성격인 그는 아이들에게도 그리 자상한 아빠가 되어주지는 못한다. 미첼의 파트너 셰인은 이혼 후 아이들의 양육비를 대는 것만도 버거운 생활을 하지만, 미첼과 가장 가까운 동료로 서로의 고민을 나눈다. 애틀랜타에서 새로 부임한 헤이스는 1년차 신참 톰슨과 파트너가 된다. 헤이스는 소도시에서 아이들을 안전하게 키우고 싶어 그곳으로 왔고, 같은 팀인 미첼, 셰인과도 가까워진다. 한편 건설 노동자였던 하비는 실직 후 일자리가 없어 좌절하던 중 우연히 미첼의 집 수리 일을 맡게 되면서 용기와 희망을 얻는다.