Carina Wiese

Carina Wiese

출생 : 1968-02-26, Dresden, Germany

프로필 사진

Carina Wiese
Carina Wiese

참여 작품

더 사일런트 레볼루션
Irmgard Lemke
Stalinstadt, East Germany, 1956. While the Hungarian uprising against Soviets is taking place, teenage members of a classroom of the local school perform a seemingly harmless act that causes unexpected consequences.
Dengler - Die schützende Hand
Zwei Leben. Eine Hoffnung.
Regina Regener
Barbara Steiner
나치가 기승을 부리던 1938년의 독일, 어린 소녀 리젤 메밍거(소피 넬리스)가 한스(제프리 러쉬)와 로사(에밀리 왓슨) 부부에게 입양된다. 엄마와의 이별과 남동생의 죽음을 겪은 리젤은 따뜻하고 자상한 한스에게 글을 배우고, 함께 책을 읽으면서 마음의 위안을 찾는다. 또한 흑인 육상선수 제시 오언스를 영웅처럼 생각하는 또래 소년 루디(니코 리어쉬)와 단짝 친구가 되어 새로운 생활에 적응해간다. 그 후 한스는 은인의 아들인 유대인 청년 맥스(벤 슈네처)를 지하실에 숨겨주게 된다. 리젤은 세상과 고립되어 지내는 맥스에게 책을 구해다주고 자신만의 단어로 바깥 풍경을 들려준다. 그런 리젤에게 맥스는 글을 써볼 것을 격려해준다. 이처럼 두 사람이 특별한 우정을 쌓아가는 동안, 2차 대전은 점점 격렬해지고 유대인에 대한 핍박도 더욱 거세지는데…
Shores of Hope
In this vivid historical drama set in 1980s East Germany, two dockworkers and best friends who dream of escaping the repressive regime are forced to choose their loyalties when the state police promise them safe passage out of the country — if they inform on their co-workers and union leader.
그림자 속의 색채
74살의 동갑내기 부부 프레드와 아니타는 두 명의 자녀를 키우며 50년 동안 부부로 행복하고 평범하게 살아왔다. 하지만 지난 시절과 최근의 변화들을 돌아보며 삶과 죽음을 생각하던 부부는 ‘잠시’ 떨어져 지내기로 한다.
Schwester Ruth
Hanna and Simon are in a 20 year marriage with an unexciting relationship. By chance, they both meet and start separate affairs with Adam. Adam has no idea that his two lovers are married, until they are all found out when Hanna becomes pregnant, with the natural doubts stemming from their situation.
에브리원 엘스
Schwester von Chris
While on a Mediterranean vacation, a seemingly happy boyfriend and girlfriend find their connection to one another tested as they bond with another couple.
Effi Briest
Frau von Crampas
Following her parents' wishes, spirited seventeen-year-old Effi Briest marries Baron von Innstetten – a former admirer of her mother – who is twenty years Effi's senior. This marriage of prudence heralds the beginning of a humdrum life, far from home, for Effi. Innstetten devotes himself entirely to his political career, and the sleepy small town of Kessin has very little to offer in terms of variety. But then, one day, Innstetten's old regimental comrade, Major Crampas – a charming womanizer – arrives on the scene.
Max Minsky and Me
Nerdy Jewish Nelly Sue Edelmeister, daughter of a New York mother and Berlin musician in Berlin gets straight A's, except for gym. When she hears her dream prince, actual royal Edouard, a fellow astronomy buff who studies in Luxemburg, patronizes the basketball tournament hosted there by a European school she wants to join her school's girls team.
Your Happiness Depends on Me
When the hard-working bread-winner Katja and Hendrik the intellectual meet Saida, an illegal immigrant from Algeria, and accept to organize a "passport marriage" between her and Hendrik, they are caught up in a chain of events and feelings over which they have no control.
The Cloud
DIE WOLKE (The Cloud) is about a breakdown of a nuclear power station in Germany and the story of two teenager-lovers Hannah and Elmar who take refuge. 38.000 people die and Hannah unfortunately becomes contaminated.