Janet Bartley

참여 작품

Black Christmas
A bittersweet drama on a familiar theme - the frictions forced to the surface during a Christmas family get-together - Michael Abbensetts' Black Christmas is an understated and affecting study of relationships, unexpressed pain and a tormented nostalgia for a distant home.
A young West Indian has to interrupt his rich international life to sort out some passport trouble at home. His lifestyle is very different from the simple one of his family in North London, leading to considerable tension.
Home Sweet India
Trinidad, 1949. ' Mass suicide!' shout the Indian residents who want free passage home now that India has its independence. But to a young girl like Kayshee, Trinidad is home - and she must fight her ebullient father in his crazy campaign.
어려우면 어려울수록
자메이카의 빈민가를 배경으로, 도시에 온 순진한 시골 청년이 레게 음악시장에 침투해 있는 부패한 경찰과 갱의 싸움에 끼어들게 되면서 벌어지는 이야기를 그린 작품.