Leon Edery

참여 작품

Seven Blessings
Marie was just two years old when her mother gifted her to her infertile sister, a common Moroccan custom at the time. 40 years later, Marie travels from France to Israel, where her family now lives, to marry her one true love. Her warm and excited family is preparing for the custom of "Seven Blessings"- a week of festive meals in honor of the bride. But Marie has also come to open old wounds. Between intoxicating family meals, secrets and lies are revealed. Marie is desperate for an apology although her family is sure she should be thanking them. This week turns into a sad comedy about family crimes, forgiveness and loss.
The life of Avihao (Morris Cohen), a television personality with an excessively big mouth, is getting more and more complicated: his mother Sarah (Levna Finkelstein) stopped talking, fell into complete silence and his father does not understand why. Aviv (Oshari Cohen), his beloved former student, unexpectedly becomes the leading candidate in the prime ministerial elections even though no one knows what he has to say. He doesn't give interviews, doesn't talk, doesn't give speeches - he just stays silent all the way to victory, a silence that challenges Avihao to the point of risking his career and his family.
Wait for Me
Sixteen-year-old Maya loves sailing, which she was taught to do by her captain father. She misses her father very much, and runs away on a sailboat in order to reach Cyprus and meet him. But in Cyprus, she misses the cargo ship where her father is supposedly working.
"Boy" is growing up, questioning what becoming a man is all about. On the one hand, he can't wait to leave his traumatic childhood behind, and on the other hand, he is growing up in a far off village with no real friends his age.
Don't Wait for Me
Matan arrives in a crime neighborhood after his father goes bankrupt and loses their home.
Executive Producer
2020 트라이베카 영화제 출품작. 뉴욕에서 텔아비브를 오가는 게이 여행작가에게 매력적인 젊은이가 그의 장기적인 관계를 바라볼 수 있도록 도와준다
내가 떠난다면
텔 아비브에 살고 있는 50세 수의사 요람은 사춘기 딸 로니의 자살 시도 후, 딸과의 관계를 다시 점검해 보아야 하는 상황에 놓였다. 요람은 딸과 함께, 사해를 둘러싸고 있는 사막 지역에 사는 아내의 가족을 방문하기로 결심한다. 이 여행은 그에게 있어 자신을, 그리고 서로를 발견하는 여정이 된다. (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제) “내가 떠났다면 어떻게 하셨을 거 같아요?” 사춘기를 겪는 소녀와 이를 바라보는 아버지, 이 불편한 사이에서 응어리진 상처들은 여행의 형식을 통해 응시의 대상이 되고 해결의 실마리를 찾아간다. 롱테이크로 지긋이 응시하는 엔딩의 대관람차 씬은 인상적이다. 이스라엘 로드무비 버전의 . (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제/ 변혜경)
The days are wartime in southern Israel. It is the beginning of the Jewish year, according to Jewish religious law, ten days of repentance are the days of asking forgiveness. Nissan an Orthodox Jew, feels that he will not be able to continue his life unless he receives forgiveness from his friend Shaul.
That's the Way You Love
amara, a successful career woman, lives in a world of high expectations and perfect performances. When she gives birth to her first daughter, the change shakes her world, altering the power dynamics in Tamara and her husband's marriage and sex life. While she struggles to maintain her place at work, their intimacy becomes more and more demanding. But Tamara continues the race, crossing her own boundaries again and again. She is torn between her many roles-as a motherwife, and career woman. When her home becomes a battlefield, Tamara realizes she is a queen trapped in her own castle.
거미줄에 걸린 남자
과거의 실수로 인해 정부의 신뢰를 잃게 된 베테랑 스파이 ‘애더러스’. 그는 자신의 과오를 만회할 수 있는 유일한 방법으로 시리아에서 벌어진 화학 무기 테러의 결정적 단서를 찾아야 하는 마지막 기회를 얻게 된다. ‘애더러스’는 자신을 감시하기 위해 파견된 국가 요원 ‘대니얼’과 사건의 핵심 단서를 제공할 환경 전문 변호사 ‘앤절라’의 도움으로 테러의 배후에 대한 결정적인 증거를 확보하게 되지만 작전은 점차 예기치 못한 방향으로 흘러가게 되는데…
Working Woman
부동산 업계에 새로 취직한 올나는 얼마 지나지 않아 회사의 중책을 맡을 정도로 인정받는다. 하지만 해외출장 중 상사로부터 부적절한 관계를 강요받는다. 당장 회사를 그만두고 싶지만 새로 오픈한 남편의 레스토랑이 어려운 상황에 놓이게 되자 고민에 빠지게 되는데….
저주받은 자들
이스라엘의 '지바티 여단'은 새로운 지역의 탐사를 수행하고, '토머'와 '마카쉬'는 현장 취재를 온 IDF 대변인인 '아비브'와 팀을 이뤄 옛 베두인족의 정착지였던 지역을 탐사한다. 하지만 아들을 찾는 미스테리한 여인의 등장과 함께 정체를 알 수 없는 꼬마와 개가 나타나고, 세 명에게는 설명할 수 없는 이상한 일들이 일어나는데...
Junction 48
Executive Producer
Set against a backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Palestinian rapper Kareem and his singer girlfriend Manar struggle, love and make music in their crime-ridden ghetto and Tel Aviv's hip-hop club scene.
패스트 라이프
Two Israeli sisters delve into the dark mystery of their father’s former life in Poland during World War II.
Wounded Land
Police officer Kobi Amar and his Region Commander Yehuda Neumann have been partners at the Haifa police force for years, but now, they face a critical turning point in their relationship and those of their families when one is forced to turn against the other. Furthermore, the tumultuous events of the night, following a brutal terror attack, place Kobi and Neumann's moral and professional values at stake, as well as their long dedicated friendship.
Fire Birds
An eighty-year-old man's body is found with three stab wounds to the chest and a number tattooed along his forearm. Amnon, a police detective and second generation Holocaust survivor, is reluctantly assigned to the case. As the plot weaves between the past and present, their stories unfold.
Sabena Hijacking: My Version
The Palestinian terror group Black September had hijacked the craft and separated passengers into groups of Jews and non-Jews. They declared that they would blow up the plane if Israel did not release hundreds of Palestinians serving prison terms for charges of terrorism.
Haim-Aaron is a bright, ultra-orthodox religious scholar living in Jerusalem. His talents and devotion are envied by all. One evening, following a self-imposed fast, Haim-Aaron collapses and loses consciousness. The paramedics announce his death, but his father takes over resuscitation efforts and, beyond all expectations, Haim-Aaron comes back to life. After the accident, try as he might, Haim-Aaron remains apathetic to his studies. He feels overwhelmed by a sudden awakening of his body and suspects this is God testing him. He wonders if he should stray from the prescribed path and find a way to rekindle his faith... The title means "Rectify" in Hebrew; nevertheless the movie is called Tikkun in the English-speaking world.
Based on the turbulent life story of the poet Yona Wallach. The film focuses on the period in which she was just a young village girl, a war orphan, clawing her way through the world of Hebrew poetry. With the outbreak consciousness and transition from the village to the big city, Jonah, which examines the limits of herself and wants to know everything, experienced a mental breakdown. Spirit of the times, Jonah was treated LSD. The struggle to return to write and occupy its own place heavy charge her, but earns her immortality on the Hebrew poetry shelf.
Apples from the Desert
Based on the award-winning play and popular Israeli short story, this poignant family drama follows Rivka, 19-years-old and strong-willed, who struggles to follow the conservative lifestyle of her ultra-orthodox parents in Jerusalem. Determined to break free from her parents’ rigid worldview, she runs away to a secular farming community in the desert. The decision pushes the two generations to confront the chasm between their stringent views of tradition and modernity.
Hill Start
A Comic drama that tells the story of the Geva family - a bourgeois family from Jerusalem. When the mother of the family, Ora, goes into a coma after a car accident, the family members try to bring her back in every way possible.
Next to Her
Executive Producer
Rachel, 27, is raising her mentally retarded sister Gabby, 24, all by herself. When the social worker finds out she leaves her sister alone in the house while at work, she is forced to place her in a day-care center. For the first time in her life she shares the upbringing of her dear sister with someone else, her daily routine collapses and the huge void, left by her sister's absence, makes room for a man in Rachel's life. That man, Zohar, tears another crack in the symbiotic relationship of the two sisters. Rachel hangs on to his love as if it was a life belt. But her inability to lead a normal, intimate and emotional relationship with anyone but her sister, forces them into a twisted threesome, where boundaries between love, sacrifice, nurturing and torturing – are broken.
Farewell Baghdad
Between the years 1950-51 close to 130 thousand Jews left Iraq. The most ancient community in the world ceased to exist.
Bulgarian Rhapsody
The story of two adolescents, Moni and Zhozho, who meet 17-year-old Zheni in 1943 and with whom both fell in love. The events that follow unfold while Bulgaria has to decide on the deportation of 11 343 Jewish citizens in Macedonia and Thrace.
"Kidon" begins in the morning of the 18th of February 2010 in Tel-Aviv when the whole world wakes up discovering, on the front page of all the newspapers, pictures of the Mossad agents caught while killing Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai a month earlier. It was the first time that simple security cameras of a hotel caught secret agents red-handed, what's more Israeli agents. But without doubt, the most surprised of all were the Mossad leaders who were the only ones to know for sure that the 3 men and the woman, whose faces were in all the newsrooms of the world, had nothing to do with them. From then on, a race against time is undertaken hoping to understand why everything is aiming at them.
은행털이 할배와 나
그들의 관심은 돈이 아니라 복수에 있다!? 똑똑하지만 학교에서 따돌림을 받는 소심한 소년 ‘요나산’(길 블랑크)은 어느 날 아버지가 근무하는 은행에 들렀다가 자신의 눈앞에서 아버지가 병으로 쓰러져 죽는 광경을 목격한다. 실의에 빠진 ‘요나산’에게 할아버지 ‘엘리야후’(샤손 가비)는 아버지가 죽은 것이 은행 때문이라며, 은행을 털어서 복수를 하자는 황당한 제안을 한다. 여기에 가는 곳마다 사람들의 마음을 사로잡는 영국 귀족 ‘심슨’(패트릭 스튜어트), 바람잡이 역할을 할 절름발이 노인 ‘닉’(모니 모쉬노프)까지 가세해 은행털이는 장난이 아닌 현실이 되고, 앞도 잘 못 보고, 총도 잘 못 쏘고, 말도 잘 나오지 않는 이들 ‘할배’들은 마침내 작전을 개시하는데… 올겨울 추위마저 잊게 맞들 어르신들의 활약이 펼쳐진다!
이스라엘의 한 마을에서 소녀 둘이 잔인하게 살해당하고 머리 없는 시신만 발견된다. 자신이 저지른 실수 때문에 주요 용의자를 잡았다 풀어 주고 일까지 잃은 형사는 용의자 납치를 계획하지만 예상치 못한 자에게 방해를 받는다. 소녀 연쇄살인마에 의해 잔인하게 희생된 딸의 복수를 노리는 아버지, 범인의 입을 열기 위해서라면 폭력과 납치도 불사하는 형사, 그리고 연쇄살인마로 추정되는 용의자, 세 남자의 이야기가 잔인하면서 유머러스하게 펼쳐진다. 과연 세 남자의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가?
Orange People
Grandma Zohara occupies a special role within the Moroccan community within Israel. By cradling an object brought to her by her clients, Grandma Zohara gains access to the family's past through her dreams. This allows her to advise families on future decisions. Lately, however, Grandma Zohara is tiring and begins searching for someone to take over this role. She discovers that the only other person endowed with the power of dreaming is her daughter, Simone, who has different plans for her future. With support of Simone's sister, Fanny, who arrives unexpectedly from Paris, Simon gathers the strength to resist her mother's pressure and to pursue her own desire. Together the sisters wage battle for Simone's independence and creativity.
The Ballad of the Weeping Spring
A beautiful drama about love, friendship and the power of art to transform. Seeking redemption for a mysterious past and a dark secret, musician Yosef Tawila is on a quest to gather the members of his troupe, which disbanded for twenty years.
인 더 섀도우
새롭게 들어선 정부 때문에 정국이 혼란스럽던 1953년 체코, 2인조 강도가 금고를 뜯고 보석을 훔쳐가는 사건이 벌어진다. 형사인 하클은 간단한 조사 끝에 유력한 범인을 찾아내지만 과거 아우슈비츠에 있었던 유태인 용의자는 완강히 범행을 부인한다. 그리고 이 사건이 단순한 절도가 아님을 눈치챈 하클은 홀로 진실에 조금씩 다가가기 시작한다.
The Dealers
The Dealers tells the story of Rami and Avishay, 27 years old friends that share an apartment in a small Jerusalem neighborhood. They spend their days smoking and playing in a soccer team with other losers, which its coach Zvika is determined to take the "Jerusalem neighborhood cup" with. In need for money they get entangled in a drug deal with Sagi, a local gangster, which forces them to learn the hard way about taking responsibility, loyalty, and friendship. The movie is a humorous view of the colorful, multi culture, unique and somehow funny Israeli society.
The Fifth Heaven
Maya, a beautiful, 13, arrives to an orphanage towards the end of World War II. She discovers who her true father is and has a forbidden relationships with an orphanage worker.
꼬장꼬장 슈콜닉 교수의 남모를 비밀
평생 탈무드를 연구했지만 누구도 알아주지 않는 노교수 슈콜닉. 그럼에도 자신의 뜻을 굽히지 않고 성실히 연구에 매진한다. 반면 아버지를 뒤따라 탈무드를 연구하는 아들 슈콜닉은 학계의 전폭적인 지지를 받고 있는 유능한 학자로, 부자 간에는 늘 숨길 수 없는 미묘한 긴장이 흐른다. 그러던 어느 날, 아버지 슈콜닉에게 걸려온 한 통의 전화. 그것은 바로 학계 최고의 권위상을 수상하게 되었다는 놀라운 뉴스! 예기치 못한 소식에 아버지는 기쁨을 감추지 못한다. 아버지가 평생의 노력을 인정 받게 되었다는 사실에 누구보다 기쁜 아들 슈콜닉. 하지만 축하할 새도 잠시, 아버지의 수상을 둘러싸고 엄청난 비밀이 숨어있다는 걸 알게 되는데…! 슈콜닉 교수만 모르는 엄청난 비밀은 과연 무엇?
Com Que Voz
Com Que Voz is a documentary that recounts the life of Alain Oulman, an important cultural figure during the nineteen-sixties and seventies, who left an indelible mark on Portuguese and French society. The film, shot in Lisbon, Paris and Tel Aviv, features celebrated authors, politicians and musicians, such as: Patricia Highsmith, Amos Oz, Amalia Rodrigues and Mario Soares.
1982년 레바논 전쟁 당시, 탱크한대와 공수부대원들이 이스라엘군의 폭격을 맞은 마을에 파견된다. 하지만 일이 잘못되어 마을에 꼼짝없이 갇히는 신세가 된다. 깊어가는 밤, 설상가상으로 본부와의 연락은 두절되고 적군인 시리아군대는 포위망을 점점 좁혀 오는데…
Hello Goodbye
French film icons Gérard Depardieu and Fanny Ardant star in this romantic comedy about a Parisian couple in their fifties who share a comfortable life, a beautiful home, a posh country club and a midlife crisis. Following a dream vacation to Israel where Alain (Depardieu) explores his Jewish roots, Gisèle (Ardant) insists they change their life and move to Tel Aviv. While Gisèle, a Jewish convert, finds her new life inspiring; Alain fights to embrace Hebrew, Jewish tradition and a new circumcision. Will Alain and Gisèle learn whether Shalom represents Hello or Goodbye?
레몬 트리
팔레스타인 여인 살마는 이스라엘과 팔레스타인의 경계에서 레몬 농장을 가꾸며 혼자 살고 있다. 어느 날 이스라엘 국방장관 부부가 살마의 이웃에 이사를 오고, 며칠 뒤 그녀는 장관 부부의 안전을 위해 레몬 농장을 없애야 한다는 통보를 받는다. 소중한 레몬 나무를 지키기 위해 살마는 이스라엘 대법원에 결정을 취소해달라고 요청한다. 한편 이 소식을 들은 장관의 아내 미라는 자신들 때문에 농장을 잃게 된 살마에게 자꾸만 신경이 쓰이는데…
The Secrets
Executive Producer
Noemi, the studious, devoutly religious daughter of a prominent rabbi, convinces her father to postpone her marriage for a year so that she might study at a Jewish seminary for women in the ancient Kabalistic seat of Safe.