Marie Bäumer

Marie Bäumer

출생 : 1969-05-07, Düsseldorf, Germany


Henrike Marie Bäumer (born 7 May 1969) is a German film and TV actress. She has appeared in more than forty films since 1993. She has a son with actor Nicki von Tempelhoff. Source: Article "Marie Bäumer" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

프로필 사진

Marie Bäumer

참여 작품

키브롱에서의 3일
Romy Schneider
1950년 대 중반 '시시'로 불리는 오스트리아의 공주 엘리자베스 삼부작으로 엄청난 인기를 누리다 배우 알랭 드롱과 사랑에 빠져 프랑스로 활동 무대를 옮긴 후 비스콘티, 끌로드 소떼, 안드레이 줄랍스키 감독 등 유명 감독들과 협업한 여배우 로미 슈나이더는 건강을 회복하기 위해 키브롱에서 휴양하고 있다. 술로 인해 일과 가정생활이 금이 간 그녀를 위로하기 위해 친구 힐데가 그녀를 방문하는데, 공교롭게도 "슈테른"지의 기자 미카엘 유르그와 사진작가인 로베르트 레벡도 그녀를 인터뷰하겠다고 키브롱을 방문한다.
Vacation from Life
Lilo is a resolute woman, creative in her mind and images, until a devastating diagnosis tears her from everyday life and forces her to face unpleasant truths. Without further ado, she makes her escape with the help of the illegal truck driver Sami and unintentionally sets the whole family in motion.
Brief an mein Leben
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.
In Harmony
After a serious accident on a film shoot, Marc, an equestrian, loses all hope to mount back on. His insurance company instructs Florence to handle his case. This film is the story of their meeting.
Male Mistakes
Daniel and Thomas are two friends who are trying to catch girls in various therapy groups.
Intime Conviction
Manon Villers
Philippe Villers, coroner, found his wife shot once in the head on his way home one evening. After investigation, Detective Judith Lebrun, define Villers as responsible for the murder.
사과씨의 맛
델바터가 최후의 후손인 이리스가 외할머니 장례식에 참석하기 위해 남독일에서 북독일로, 전국을 횡단하면서 시작된다. 회한과 눈물 속에서 장례를 치르고 난 후 외할머니 유언이 발표되는 순간, 이리스와 식구들은 깜짝 놀라고 만다. 외할머니가 뜬금없이, 세 딸들은 제쳐두고, 손녀 이리스에게 집을 물려주겠다고 한 것이다. 긴 세월 동안 온갖 슬픔과 기쁨, 사랑과 이별이 깃든 델바터가의 오래된 집을...
A Pact
A dark psychological thriller, A Pact tells the twisted story of a contentious love triangle. As teenagers, Paul tricked Georg into handing over his girlfriend Anna to him. Georg agrees, on the condition that he can have her back whenever he wishes. After decades of silence, when Anna and Paul have a family together, Georg suddenly re-appears. Strange things start happening to Paul, and it soon becomes clear that Georg has not forgotten the pact.
Die Grenze
Nadine Manz
The Day of the Cat
The Swiss President, called by all only "big hangover", is in trouble: the election is coming and according to surveys his chances are not very good. From a meeting with the Spanish royal couple, he hopes media attention and a popularity boost. He does not suspect that his closest confidant Pfiff, of all people, is intriguing against him in order to come to power himself. But he does not even shy away from misusing his family for his own purposes. Soon, the president has to fight not only for his political position, but also for his marriage.
Der letzte Weynfeldt
Lorena Steiner
The lack of an olive for his Dry Martini drives Adrian Weynfeldt one night to a nearby bar. There he meets a beautiful woman whose direct style and unpolished charm he can not escape. He takes Lorena home. The next morning Lorena stands outside the balcony railing and wants to jump down. The awkward Weynfeldt manages to dissuade her from her project. From now on, Lorena blames him for her life and tempts him to help her out of financial bottlenecks on several occasions. So he begins to pay her debts to a man named Pedroni, whom Lorena claims is a debt collector. Then his old friend Dr. Baier asks him for an impossible favor: Weynfeldt is to release a forgery of the painting "Le Salamandre" by Felix Vallotton for auction. But what does Lorena have to do with it? And is Weynfeldt, who has hitherto had nothing to do with the counterfeiters and blackmailers, resist the temptation?
Haus und Kind
Lena Neubauer
Sometime in August
Thomas and Hanna, a deliriously happy couple in their late 30s, buy an old house in the country with plans to fix it up over the summer. Hanna is looking forward to their time together – so when Thomas invites his older brother, Friedrich, who is deeply depressed over the failure of both his business and his marriage, to join them, she is disappointed by the intrusion. Easygoing, charming, and talkative, Thomas seeks to counterbalance the cloudier mood with an impetuous frenzy of activity, but Hanna retreats into sullenness and retaliates by bringing in her nubile young godchild Augustine until things smooth themselves out. Augustine’s youthful sexiness has anything but a soothing impact on Thomas, however, whose adolescent impulses linger just below the surface.
10 Sekunden
No overview found.
Alte Freunde
Margret Dahm
Muttis Liebling
Eva Krupke
Wolferl, a 38-year-old bank employee, still lives together with his overprotecting mother Maria. While his father Josef, who secretly plans to end his hypocritical marriage, and his sister Nannerl think Wolferl should become independent, mummy's boy seems to enjoy this lifestyle. When he gets to know beautician Eva and falls in love with her, his jealous mother tries everything, including a faked suicide attempt, to keep her son...
역사상 최대의 위조지폐 작전에 투입된 천재적인 위조 전문가! 세상조차 속일 수 있었지만 영혼만은 속일 수 없었다! 독일에서 ‘위조의 제왕’으로 명성을 떨치며 화려한 삶을 살던 살로몬 소로비치는 경찰에 체포된 후 유태인이라는 이유로 아우슈비츠 강제수용소로 끌려가게 된다. 타고난 그림 실력과 예술적 재능으로 나치 친위대 간부들의 초상화 등을 그려주며 다른 수용자들보다 나은 생활을 누리던 소로비치는 수용자 중에 전직 인쇄 기술자, 은행 직원들과 함께 나치의 대규모 위폐 생산과 공문서 위조 작전인 ‘베른하트 작전’에 투입된다. 실패하면 죽음 뿐인 작전에서 탱고 선율이 흐르는 작업 환경과 탁구대 등 다른 수용자와는 비교할 수 없는 혜택이 이들에게 주어지지만, 영국 파운드에 이어 미국 달러까지 완벽한 위조를 눈앞에 둔 이들은 삶과 영혼의 양심이라는 선택 속에서 갈등하기 시작 하는데…
The film follows Ibro (Emir Hadžihafizbegović) and his son Armin (Armin Omerović), who travel from a small town in Bosnia to a film audition in Zagreb, hoping to land a part for Armin in a German film about the war in Bosnia. On their way to fulfilling the boy's dream, they encounter a series of disappointing setbacks — their bus to Zagreb breaks down and they are late for the audition. After Ibro convinces the director to give the boy a second chance, they soon realize that Armin is too old for the part anyway. As it becomes obvious that Armin's dream of playing a part in the movie will never happen, he feels increasingly disheartened, while Ibro's determination to help his son grows. Finally they do get another chance, but Armin buckles under the pressure and experiences an epileptic seizure. As they get ready to head back to Bosnia, the film crew makes an unexpected offer, but when Ibro refuses, Armin at last realizes how much his father really loves him.
Swinger Club
An ihrem 5. Hochzeitstag haben Albert und Birgit ihre drei engsten Freunde zu einem Festessen in ihr Haus auf dem Land eingeladen. Die Idylle entpuppt sich als schwer vermintes Gelände. Ungeahnte amouröse Verwicklungen kommen nach und nach auf den Tisch und führen zu einem Debakel. Wer hat mit wem und warum, wer nicht? In dem auf den ersten Blick so wohlanständigen Freundeskreis geht es offenbar zu wie in einem Swinger Club. Eineinhalb Jahre später trifft sich die Gesellschaft wieder - bei einer Hochzeit.
Secret Love: The Schoolboy and the Mailwoman
Rosemarie Elling
A 17 year old boy falls in love with a 37 year old woman. As if this wouldn't be enough they are of different social classes and she is married.
Ein toter Bruder
Alice von Köhne-Jasky
Adapted from Eduard von Keyserling’s 1911 novel of the same title, Waves depicts both the lives and loves of an aristocratic German family during a summer holiday on the Baltic coast of what is now Lithuania, as well as the twilight of a social order and its mores in a world soon to be plunged into the cataclysm of world war.
Luisa Sanfelice
Lady Emma Hamilton
An 18th-century true story about a rebel and his lover's attempt to overthrow the Italian monarchy.
Adam & Eva
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Lena Schartl
Car salesman Gerry Schartl is on his way to dream holidays in an all-inclusive club at Cosamera. He´s a smart guy, great in his job, and his life is perfect - well, nearly perfect...
BAP - Viel Passiert
Documentary about the rock group BAP from Cologne in Germany.
At the end of the XIX century in Russia, Prince Dimitri Necklivdov is called as a jury-man in a trial. The defendant is Katiuscia Maslova, accused of murdering a merchant in order to rob him. Dimitri recognizes Katiuscia: she was the girl he seduced many years before. Dimitri decides to save her.
Manitou's Shoe
Abahachi, Chief of the Apache Indians, and his blood brother Ranger maintain peace and justice in the Wild West. One day, Abahachi needs to take up a credit from the Shoshone Indians to finance his tribe's new saloon. Unfortunately Santa Maria, who sold the saloon, betrays Abahachi, takes the money and leaves. Soon, the Shoshones are on the warpath to get their money back, and Abahachi is forced to organize it quickly.
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Leo Vincey receives a map from his late father, leading him to the legendary city of Kor in search of an explanation for his mysterious ancestry. He is accompanied by his girlfriend Roxanne. He discovers that he is the only descendant of an Egyptian priest who had been executed for the crime of falling in love with the Egyptian Princess. The ruling queen Ayesha, or rather She, is the same Egyptian Princess of centuries ago, her beauty and youth look being preserved by magic. She becomes convinced that Leo is the reincarnation of her former lover, and wants to kill him. Leo and Roxanne will have to fight against surprise attacks on them, but survival in that foreign land with strange customs, is difficult. Leo is terribly attracted to She's beauty, but at the same time he fears for her obscure spirit, and finally he must take a decision - to run away from her, or to love her and die.
Krieger und Liebhaber
Neonnächte - Der U-Bahn-Schlitzer
Beate Stein
A new case for the energetic criminal investigation officer Beate Stein: The half-undressed corpse of a subway driver is found in a subway tunnel. It soon seems as if the perpetrator has been found in a convicted female murderer. But after his death, the murders continue ...
Latin Lover – Wilde Leidenschaft auf Mallorca
Anna Glaser
Night Time
Thomas Krömer follows the traces of a brutal murder in werewolf-manner out of personal interest. After investigating for some time, the traces all point to one person: himself. Now, he has to find out whether he surprisingly turns into a blood-seeking werewolf at full moon without knowing it or if there is an other solution to the murders. Police are getting pretty suspicious after Thomas' own grandmother has been brutally slaughtered in her little fairy-tale-fashioned house in the woods, and it will soon be time for a full moon...
König auf Mallorca
Kalte Küsse
Beate 'Bea' Stein
After the corpse of the programmer Klaus Pape was found neatly dismantled in a freezer, Commissioner Beate Stein starts the research that will lead her to both the red-light district and the better society of Hamburg.
스탠 바이 유어 맨
Emilia Bauer
독일의 한 교도소에서는 사회적응 프로그램 일환으로 죄수와 여자들간의 만남을 주선하여 휴가를 주기로 한다. 위험 천만한 2인 1조의 전차 경기에서 해운의 승리를 거둔 슈타인보크(Steinbock: 틸 슈바이거 분)와 게르하르트(Hammer-Gerd: 데틀레프 부크 분)는 여자들과 만날 기회를 잡게 되고, 면회를 온 삼촌으로부터 슈타인보크는 자신이 있는 약로원에서 간호사로 일하는 에밀리아(Emilia Bauer: 마리 버이머)라는 여자를 소개시켜 주겠다는 약속을 받게 되고 그녀에게 편지를 쓴다. 서로에게 마음이 끌리면서도 자존심 싸움만 벌이던 에밀리아와 슈타인보크는 게르하르트가 되돌아간 그날 밤 닭장속에서 격정적이고도 로맨틱한 하룻밤을 보내지만 다음날 아침 "가장 좋을 때 헤어지는 거예요."라는 말을 하고 에밀리아는 슈타인보크를 감옥으로 되돌려 보내지만...
Das Schwein – Eine deutsche Karriere
Rita Krüger
Fünf Millionen und ein paar Zerquetschte