Dolores Chaplin

Dolores Chaplin

프로필 사진

Dolores Chaplin

참여 작품

The Price of Fame
Miss Chaplin
A criminal duo learns of Charlie Chaplin's death and decides to steal his coffin to hold for a ransom.
À Peu De Chose Près
5월 이후
Actress (London)
1968년 5월 프랑스 혁명 이후의 파리 화가를 꿈꾸는 '질'은 자신을 둘러싼 정치적, 예술적 변동 가운데 자유로웠던 시절을 추억하며 자신의 청춘을 찾으려 하는데...
The Counterfeiters
The plot revolves around Bernard – a schoolfriend of Olivier's who is preparing for his bac – discovering he is a bastard and taking this as a welcome pretext for running away from home. He spends a night in Olivier's bed (where Olivier describes a recent visit to a prostitute and how he did not find the experience very enjoyable). After Bernard steals the suitcase belonging to Edouard, Olivier's uncle, and the ensuing complications, he is made Edouard's secretary. Olivier is jealous and ends up in the hands of the cynical and downright diabolical Comte de Passavant, who travels with him to the Mediterranean.
역사상 최대의 위조지폐 작전에 투입된 천재적인 위조 전문가! 세상조차 속일 수 있었지만 영혼만은 속일 수 없었다! 독일에서 ‘위조의 제왕’으로 명성을 떨치며 화려한 삶을 살던 살로몬 소로비치는 경찰에 체포된 후 유태인이라는 이유로 아우슈비츠 강제수용소로 끌려가게 된다. 타고난 그림 실력과 예술적 재능으로 나치 친위대 간부들의 초상화 등을 그려주며 다른 수용자들보다 나은 생활을 누리던 소로비치는 수용자 중에 전직 인쇄 기술자, 은행 직원들과 함께 나치의 대규모 위폐 생산과 공문서 위조 작전인 ‘베른하트 작전’에 투입된다. 실패하면 죽음 뿐인 작전에서 탱고 선율이 흐르는 작업 환경과 탁구대 등 다른 수용자와는 비교할 수 없는 혜택이 이들에게 주어지지만, 영국 파운드에 이어 미국 달러까지 완벽한 위조를 눈앞에 둔 이들은 삶과 영혼의 양심이라는 선택 속에서 갈등하기 시작 하는데…
Quoi? L'éternité.
Fifty-eight minutes of mixed images from yesterday and today and about twenty voices of men and women, real Rimbaud lovers, known or unknown, disturbed by the reading of extracts of his poems or his letters, like a magic ceremony, bewitching, provoking the heart by the emotion of the senses, arousing the spirit, awakening the soul.
기쁨의 거리
A handyman in a 1940s Paris brothel tries to help the prostitute he loves with her singing career and romantic life.
Leave It to Lucie!
Lucie makes her living selling bathing costumes on the beach at Marseilles. She would like that her ten-year long boyfriend, Lucien, becomes her best friend. But this requires truth. For Lucien, newly made secret agent who has to play a young idler, it is mission impossible. Even more so when a young american beauty will ask him to initiate her into sensual pleasures.
La patinoire
La Patinoire is about a film director who is shooting a highly symbolic film called 'Dolores' at an ice rink. He has hired a Lithuanian ice hockey team with which he is having enormous communication problems. His actors all have inflated egos, his film crew is made up of fools, and there is a politician on his back. But he must finish the film, no matter what, in time for the Venice Film Festival.