When a seemingly routine pizza delivery escalates into a tense game of cat-and-mouse, we soon realize that perhaps there's more to this story than first meets the eye. Giuseppe Verdi provides the soundtrack to this quintessential New York tale.
When a seemingly routine pizza delivery escalates into a tense game of cat-and-mouse, we soon realize that perhaps there's more to this story than first meets the eye. Giuseppe Verdi provides the soundtrack to this quintessential New York tale.
When a seemingly routine pizza delivery escalates into a tense game of cat-and-mouse, we soon realize that perhaps there's more to this story than first meets the eye. Giuseppe Verdi provides the soundtrack to this quintessential New York tale.
When a seemingly routine pizza delivery escalates into a tense game of cat-and-mouse, we soon realize that perhaps there's more to this story than first meets the eye. Giuseppe Verdi provides the soundtrack to this quintessential New York tale.
Hugo Archibald is a doctor and brings home a wide variety of exotic animal species. The latest animal he brings home is a chimpanzee named Jennie. Dr. Archibald is not home very much, and Andrew feels he does not care about him. And Lea his wife does not want Jennie, and says she makes trouble. But the children take an instant liking to her. Jennie is unique in that she is learning to use and understand sign language. Jennie becomes an important part of Archibald family and Dr. Archibald's son, Andrew develops a close relationship with her. Jennie loves the things Andrew does, such as baseball and comic books. Jennie is also there for Andrew when he and his father disagree. A doctor Pamela Prentiss starts training with Jennie. She does not agree with the way Jennie is being cared for, and is seen as being rude to the Archibald family. She teaches Jennie sign language in a way that Jennie does not understand, but Lea finds a way she understands.
The football team Jesse is on is terrible, and after the death of his father Jesse quits the team. Then angels come to help the team get better and nobody can see them but Jesse's little brother.
잭(로빈 윌리암스)은 임신 10주만에 태어나 10년이 지났지만 외모는 마흔살 같아 보인다. 놀림감이 될까봐 두려워하는 잭의 부모 카렌(다이안 레인)과 브라이언(브라이언 커윈)은 아들을 집안에서만 키우려 하지만 가정교사인 우드러프(빌 코스비)는 잭을 학교에 보낼 것을 권유한다.
5학년 수업을 받으러 처음 등교한 날, 잭은 웃지못할 실수를 연발하면서 급우들로부터 놀림감이 된다. 그러나 가지와 위트가 뛰어난 잭은 여러모로 장기를 발휘하면서 급우들과 선생님의 인기를 독차지 한다. 농구 시합 중엔 덩큐슛과 화려한 볼 콘트롤로 발군의 실력을 발휘하자 평소 잭을 놀림감의 대상으로 여기던 루아, 애디 등의 급우들도 차츰 잭에게 호의를 느끼고 친해진다. 이제 잭에게 학교 생활은 무궁무진한 즐거움의 공간이다. 그러나 외모가 40대로 보이는 탓에 잭의 일상은 심상치 않은 해프닝에 부닥치기 시작한다. 급우인 루이의 어머니는 레스토랑에서 웨이츄레스로 일하는데 잭을 교장 선생님으로 착각하고 노총각 교장선생님에게 야릇한 성적 호기심을 느끼는데...