Ron Leibman
출생 : 1937-10-11, New York City, New York, USA
사망 : 2019-12-06
Ron Leibman (October 11, 1937 – December 6, 2019) was an American actor. He won both the Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Play in 1993 for his performance as Roy Cohn in Angels in America. Leibman also won a Primetime Emmy Award in 1979 for his role as Martin 'Kaz' Kazinsky in his short-lived crime drama series Kaz.
Leibman also acted in films such as Where's Poppa? (1970), The Hot Rock (1972), Norma Rae (1979), and Zorro, The Gay Blade (1982). Later in his career, he became widely known for providing the voice of Ron Cadillac in Archer (2013–2016) and for playing Dr. Leonard Green, Rachel's rich, short-tempered father, on the sitcom Friends (1996–2004).
Description above from the Wikipedia article Ron Leibman, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Warren Dunning
It's a movie for everyone whose life has been thrown off-course, out of whack, or simply not turned out the way they planned it. In other words, it's a movie for everyone, period. Set in suburban Long Island in the summer of 2002, with the psychic wounds of 9/11 still fresh, A Little Help is a story that takes a comic, searching and profoundly empathetic look at a few pivotal months in the life of dental hygienist Laura Pehlke (Jenna Fischer)-an ordinary woman whose life suddenly flies off the rails-and her heroic efforts to re-establish a sense of security and normalcy for herself and her son.
Dr. Cohen
오래 전에 집을 떠났던 앤드류 라지맨이 어머니의 장례식에 참석하기 고향인 ‘가든스테이트’로 돌아온다. TV 탤런트이자 레스토랑 웨이터로 일하고 있는 그는 인생의 대부분을 신경안정제에 의존하며 극심한 외로움 속에서 살아왔다. 초등학교 시절 어머니가 우울증과 신경쇠약에 시달리자 그녀를 미워하고 원망하던 그는, 한 순간의 충동으로 어머니를 밀어버려 하반신 불구로 만들어버렸다. 정신과 의사인 아버지 기데온은 아들의 고통을 잊게 해주고자 어린 소년에게 약물을 투여하기 시작했던 것이다. 어머니를 묻은 앤드류는 약물로부터 벗어나서 자신을 찾기로 결심한다. 그러던 어느 날, 앤드류는 자신과 달리 당당하고 활기 넘치는 샘을 만나게 된다. 가슴 속의 상처를 감싸주는 따뜻하고 사려 깊은 샘으로 인해 앤드류는 마음의 빗장을 열기 시작한다. 하지만 아버지와는 도저히 거리를 좁힐 수가 없는데…
헐리우드의 유명한 라디오 토크쇼의 호스트였던 밥크레인. 출연하기로 되어 있던 호건의 영웅들이 취소된 후 로는 그는 존카펜터와 어울리며 섹스에 탐닉하게된다. 그들은 여자들과 관계할 때 홈비디오 카메라 앞에 서게 만들었고 그렇게 섹스에 빠져들수록 연기와는 점차 멀어지게 된다...
Lou Schoichet
An ex-office worker becomes a ventriloquist, leading to a date with his unemployment counselor; but his quirky family and a gauche female friend may thwart his new career and love life.
Avram Herskowitz
감독의 동명의 단편집에서 세 편을 뽑아 직접 각색한 작품. 세 장으로 나뉘어진 영화는 딜리아, 그레타, 폴라라는 세 명의 여성들의 삶을 보여준다. 딜리아는 노동자 계급의 남부 여성이다. 남편의 폭력을 견디지 못해 아이들과 함께 집에서 뛰쳐나온 딜리아는 친구의 차고에서 새 살림을 마련하고 웨이트리스로 일하게 된다. 두번째 주인공 그레타는 뉴욕의 출판사에서 일하는 편집자로 타비 마톨라라는 유명한 작가의 신작을 맡으면서 직업상 엄청난 전환점을 맞이한다. 세번째 주인공 폴라는 아이티 출신의 남자친구와 함께 살고 있는 젊은 여성으로, 전날 우연히 만난 한 남자의 죽음으로 심한 정신적 충격을 받은 상태다.
Barry the Book
Gary Starke is one of the best ticket scalpers in New York City. His girlfriend, Linda, doesn't approve of his criminal lifestyle, though, and dumps him when she gets the opportunity to study cooking in Paris. Gary realizes that he has to give up scalping if he has any chance of winning her back. But before he does, he wants to cash out on one last big score. He gets his chance when the pope announces he'll be performing Easter Mass at Yankee Stadium.
Harry Shondor
A cinematic portrait of the famous fight promoter and boxing manager.
Rabbi / Old Man (voice)
The story of the Jewish holiday Chanukah through the eyes of the Rugrats, who imagine themselves as the main characters. Meanwhile, Grandpa Boris and his long-time rival, Shlomo, feud over who will play the lead in the local synagogue's Chanukah play.
A newly elected District attorney finds himself in the middle of a police corruption investigation that may involve his father and his partner.
Backstage documentary chronicling the Original Broadway Production of “Angels in America.”
Defence Attorney
There is no question that the Arab terrorist portrayed by Robert Davi is guilty of killing five US citizens in Barcelona. Even his lawyers have zero respect for the rabidly sociopathic Davi. But Jewish defence attorney Ron Leibman is obsessed with the concept of Due Process, and has vowed that Davi will receive a scrupulously fair trial when the terrorist is extradited to America. The defence mounted by Leibman confounds and aggravates government prosecutor Sam Waterston--but he, like Leibman, remains a man of judiciary integrity.
David Reardon
A distraught husband kidnaps the judge who freed his wife's killers on insufficient evidence. He gives him seven hours to find evidence that will put them away, or he'll kill his wife.
Morris Huffner
Story of a well-to-do elderly woman, who befriends the homeless and volunteers her time with children, who learns she has an incurable illness and wants desperately to reunite her three grown grand children (who are scattered across the U.S. living their own lives), with their estranged father, her son. She hires a private detective to search for them so as to try to get everyone together on Christmas Eve.
Jerry Brenner
In this satire of the I.R.S., George Segal plays an Average Joe targeted for the Audit from Hell. His bank accounts are frozen, his home and business are attached by the government, and his wife leaves him. Segal is forced to move into the house of his obnoxious brother-in-law where lot of Odd Couple-type comedy ensues. Segal then plots to turn the tables on the I.R.S., and win back his wife and life.
Larry Price
A smooth-talking vacuum cleaner salesman takes a young man under his wing and teaches him how to swindle his way to riches. The two team up, conning everyone from car dealers to widows.
Freddie Ugo
After a big-time country singer brags that she can turn anybody in to a country-singin' star, she's out to prove she can live up to her talk when she recruits a cab-driver as a country singer. He's scheduled to sing at a big-time NYC country night club and she puts her ample powers to work in preparing her protege.
Leo Jessup
Jason Carmichael is a popular New York City playwright in desperate need of a new writing partner who can provide him with inspiration. Phoebe Craddock is a small-town teacher who aspires to be a writer.
Dave Davis
뉴질랜드의 말을 싼 값에 사들인 미국인 데이브 데이비스는 형편없는 말의 모습에 실망한 나머지 팔아 버리려고 결심한다. 그러나 코치인 헤리는 이 말이 경주에서 이길 수 있다는 확신을 갖는다. 험한 훈련과 고된 연습으로 파렙은 차차 경주마다 우승을 하며 주목을 받게 된다. 몇 년이 지나자 드디어 파렙은 멜버른컵에서 우승하는 등 어느 말도 감히 도전하지 못하는 챔피언이 된다. 그러던 중 주위의 시기와 질투 속에 불길한 음모가 꾸며진다. 파렙을 죽이려는 사건이 발생하자 파렙은 은신처에 숨겨진다. 다시 파렙이 컵데이에서 대승리를 거두고 파렙의 명성은 미국까지 퍼져 세계에서 제일 빠른 말로 알려지기 시작한다. 그러나 아구아칼렌테 스테이크에서 승리한 파렙은 16일 후에 원인 모르게 죽고 만다.
Captain Esteban
George Hamilton stars in a dueling dual role as twin sons of the legendary Zorro. Soon after the dashing Don Diego Vega inherits his father's famous sword and costume, a broken ankle prevents the masked avenger from fulfilling his heroic duties. When his flamboyantly fashion-conscious brother assumes the secret identity to continue an ongoing fight for justice, the results are nothing short of hilarious!
Stan Rivkin
A New York-based bounty hunter who makes a living chasing and capturing bail jumpers matches wits with a heavily-armed drug dealer in this pilot to a prospective series.
“Linda In Wonderland” is Linda Lavin’s variety television special that aired on Thanksgiving Day, 1980. Special guests include; Lynn Redgrave, Anthony Newley and Ron Leibman. Her characters of “Alice Hyatt” and “Sam Butler” from her television show “Alice” also make appearances as Ms. Lavin plays dual roles for both. Ms. Lavin and her guests perform Broadway and other musical numbers in various settings and medleys, mixed in with solo performances and Linda giving us a little background about herself growing up, along with some humor and pizzazz.
Major Vaughn Liceman (uncredited)
Four boys are sent, for different reasons, to a Military Academy. The life of discipline asks a lot of the four geeks. Of course these boys know how to make a party out of the hard times. Will they be "real men" after one year.
1978년 여름. 미국 남부의 한 보수적인 마을 힌레이빌은 전 주민이 대대로 방직공장 노동자로 일하는 가난한 마을이다. 서른 한 살의 미혼모 이자 이혼녀 노마 레이(샐리 필드 분)는 온 가족이 같은 공장에서 일하는 하류층 노동자 가정의 딸로 미래에 대한 꿈 없이 그날그날 방탕하게 살아간다. 어느 날 이 마을에 미국 섬유노조 소속 노동운동가 루벤 워셥스키(론 레이브만 분)가 찾아온다. 그를 통해 열악한 노동현실에 눈뜬 노마 레이는 제일 먼저 섬유노조에 가입, 이 마을의 방직공장에 노조를 결성하는 일에 앞장선다. 회사쪽의 미움을 받은 노마는 온갖 인신공격 끝에 결국 해고 당하고 감옥에 갇히지만, 그녀의 열정에 감동을 받은 노동자들은 이 공장 노조결성에 찬성표를 던진다.
Detective Louis Kazinsky
A swinging divorcée is prejudged by a police detective and accused of killing her child.
Rudy Montague
A would-be filmmaker and actress shake up the industry with a trick dog who gets discovered by a studio bus driver in the 1920s.
Roman Grey
A Romani antique dealer, who is also a private detective, gets involved in a murder case when one of his colleagues is accused of committing the murder.
David Greenberg
The true story of two New York City cops. Greenberg & Hantz fought the system, became detectives and were known on the streets as "Batman & Robin".
Charlie is a sad sack of a man, working at a depressingly dull office job and stuck in a passionless engagement to a neurotic woman. One of the few bright spots in his life is his friend Mike, who seems to be living a life of carefree bohemianism.
Paul Lazzaro
빌리 필그림이 하얀 눈밭을 터벅터벅 고독하게 걸어간다. 미국 뉴욕에서 태어난 그는 2차 세계대전이 발발하자 유럽의 벨기에 전선에 투입된 것. 대오에서 낙오한 빌리는 다른 사람들과 함께 독일군 포로가 된다. 나치 독일은 포로들을 대량 살육할 목적으로 대단위 수용소를 짓는데, 포로가 된 주인공 빌리 일행이 임시로 그곳에 거처한다.
Stanley Murch
Dortmunder and his pals plan to steal a huge diamond from a museum. But this turns out to be only the first time they have to steal it...
Sidney Hocheiser
When New York attorney Gordon Hocheiser meets Louise Callan, the girl of his dreams, he schemes to eliminate his aging, senile mother, even though he promised his late father that he'd always take care of her. He fears that his batty mom's eccentricities will shortly lead to Louise's departure.