Jean Narboni

참여 작품

À voir absolument: 1963-1973 Dix années aux Cahiers du Cinéma
Jean-Louis Comolli and Jean Narboni, former editors at Cahiers du Cinema, interview their former colleagues and fellow travellers during the "Red Years" of the journal between 1968 and1973.
À voir absolument: 1963-1973 Dix années aux Cahiers du Cinéma
Jean-Louis Comolli and Jean Narboni, former editors at Cahiers du Cinema, interview their former colleagues and fellow travellers during the "Red Years" of the journal between 1968 and1973.
Jean Narboni on 'Vivre sa vie'
An interview with French film scholar Jean Narboni about Jean-Luc Godard's 1962 film VIVRE SA VIE.
Around Jean Cocteau
A short video by filmmaker Noel Simsolo discussing Jean Cocteau and Jean-Pierre Melville’s creative relationship and the production of the 1950 film LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES.
La Cabale des oursins
A travelogue of abandoned strip mining sites in France extolling their potential for recreational use.
Cinématon XXXIII
Reel 33 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Character of Paintings
Two narrators, one seen and one unseen, discuss possible connections between a series of paintings. The on-screen narrator walks through three-dimensional reproductions of each painting, featuring real people, sometimes moving, in an effort to explain the series' significance.
L’Olivier responds to a concern French public support for the Palestinian cause is diminishing in the wake of the 1972 Munich operation. Structured to chronicle the Palestinian story and to explain the current chapter in the struggle, the film calls for global militant solidarities and, particularly, for European political engagements.
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Cinématon n°320 : Jean Narboni