Sabina Schneebeli

출생 : 1963-07-12, Zürich, Switzerland

참여 작품

The Swiss Miss Massacre
Mutter Jasmin
Jasmin ( Meryl Valerie ) is crowned the new Miss Zurich because the real winner is decapitated in an unexpected way. To mourn the dead Miss does not remain much time, because shortly afterwards the remaining beauties have in a Missen-Camp, which takes place on an island in Tanga Atoll. What begins in paradise ends in hell - a masked killer brings a Miss at a time. Quick is clear: The murderer is among them. While superior to the one Miss contestants how to outwit and kill the murderer, the other run for their lives. The jungle turns into a battlefield. Now the girls must remain calm. However, this is easier said than done. Candidates freak out and can not really look different from the face of death. Jasmin, who appears among the candidates to be the only normal to be in love, meanwhile the photographer Serge ( Patrick Rapold ). Together they try to escape the killer. Can they escape the fearsome killer, or they face an ugly death?
단지 키스, 맛있는 키스
새로운 사랑의 시작이 버거운 그녀 ‘한나’, ‘현재의 사랑이 지겨운 그 ‘다니엘’ 레스토랑의 첫 입사.소믈리에인 그녀를 본 순간 다니엘의 마음은 사랑의 시작을 알렸다. 하지만 자신의 상사의 애인이었던 한나와의 거리는 너무나 멀기만 하다. 그녀도 혹시 나와 같은 맘은 아닐까? 방황하는 남녀, 그 속에서 피어나는 사랑과 이별. 그리고 너무나도 틀린 관점에 서 있는 두 사람의 아슬아슬한 사랑은 이루어 질 수 있을까?
Das Geheimnis von Murk
Sarah Gerber
Briefe und andere Geheimnisse
Rascals on the Road
Mutter Wrigley
Four kids - Eugen, Wrigley, Bäschteli and Eduard - leave for an adventure around Switzerland, searching for the fabulous treasure of Titicaca Lake, discovered by Fritzli Bühler.
Spital in Angst
Dr. Katrin Staub
Ernstfall in Havanna
Bea Graber
Stefan Balsiger is a congenial, average councillor to the Swiss embassy in Havanna. While accompanying an US senator on his mission in Cuba, he makes a botch of so many things, that a minor blunder by the Senator turns into a serious incident, which intensifies into a second Cuban crisis - thanks to further entanglements by the media, police, and diplomats who represent the arch-enemies USA and Cuba. Only one person can eventually solve the crisis: Stefan Balsiger himself.
Frau Geissler