Mirjam van den Hoven
The story of Dutch commando Marco Kroon, who, after becoming the first recipient of his country's highest military award in over five decades, finds himself in the crosshairs of the law for alleged drugs and weapons violations.
육아라는 예측 불허의 영역에 발을 내디딘 세 커플. 그 속에서 길을 찾아 헤매는 동시에, 복잡한 관계의 문제와 부담이 큰 커리어 사이에서 균형을 찾으려 애쓴다.
어린 시절에 살던 집으로 가족과 함께 이사 온 남자. 아버지와 연관된 지역 공장에서 발생한 사고를 조사하다가 집안의 어두운 비밀을 마주한다.
Johanna (young)
Two former lovers find themselves struggling for shared closure as one of them prepares to stage a play about the unspeakable tragedy that tore them apart decades ago.
네덜란드 늪지 가장자리에 살고 있는 베이트릭과 그녀의 가족은 어느 날 밤 낮선 사람에게 공격을 받고 원인을 찾으러 나선다. 그리고 그녀를 누군가가 쫓고 있다는 것을 알게 되는데...
“37 years after her daughter Mitra was executed in Iran and she fled her home country, Haleh leads a successful life as a renowned academic in the Netherlands. Her peaceful existence is shaken by the arrival of a woman she believes may be the traitor responsible for Mitra’s death.”
Thirty-something Nora has had a tough year. When she keeps running into the same man, she realizes it won't get any better soon.
Nienke Holl
30년 경력의 뉴욕 베테랑 형사는 신혼여행 중인 딸이 살해되었다는 연락을 받고 런던으로 향한다. 신체 일부가 사라진 채 잔인하게 살해된 딸을 보고 주체할 수 없는 슬픔과 분노로 직접 수사에 나선다. 유럽 전역에 딸의 죽음과 동일한 엽서로 예고된 연쇄살인이 벌어졌다는 사실을 알게 되는데… 딸을 잃은 베테랑 형사의 뜨거운 추격전이 시작된다!
From the tears of his failed relationship and a pile of pizza leftovers, a monster is born giving a once rejected man a new lease on life and a chance at love again.
인간과 리플리컨트가 혼재된 2049년. 인간의 통제를 벗어난 리플리컨트를 쫓는 블레이드 러너 K는 임무 수행 도중 약 30년 전 여자 리플리컨트의 유골을 발견하고 충격적으로 출산의 흔적까지 찾아낸다. 리플리컨트가 출산까지 가능하다는 사실이 알려지면사회에 큰 혼란이 야기되므로 이를 덮으려는 경찰 조직과, 그 비밀의 단서를 찾아내 더욱 완벽한 리플리컨트를 거느리고 세상을 장악하기 위해 K를 쫓는 니안더 월레스. 리플리컨트의 숨겨진 진실에 접근할수록 점차 정체성의 혼란을 겪게 되는 K는 과거 블레이드 러너였던 릭 데커드를 만나 전혀 상상치 못한 진실을 마주하게 되는데...
In a desolate landscape a disillusioned artist meets a sober geologist, and quickly they form a strong connection. Their lives seem temporarily idyllic until the real world sticks its head up again.
A young woman’s naked body lies inertly on a kitchen floor. With the paint all flaked off and the trash in the garden, her house looks deserted at first glance. The atmosphere is ominous. In a nearby wood, a man calls his beautiful white, almost translucent dog. The man and woman’s paths cross at a copy shop, where the introverted woman’s peculiar physical obsession manifests itself.
Sam and Do (short for Dominique) have been together for five years. They enjoy life and are very happy. But then Do gives birth to their son Max. Their whole life is suddenly upside down. Can their love survive after the arrival of their baby?
Judith Jansen
아동 병원의 간호사로 일하고 있는 루시아는 고집스러운 성격이지만 나이 든 노인과 허약한 아기들을 돌보는 것을 자신의 사명으로 여기는 평범한 여성이다. 그러던 어느 날, 그녀가 돌보던 아기가 갑작스럽게 죽는 사건이 발생하고, 이를 수상하게 여긴 병원은 경찰에 사건을 의뢰한다. 패기 넘치는 젊은 여검사 유디스는 적극적으로 나서서 사건을 파헤치고 루시아의 이전 행적들이 심상치 않음을 발견, 그녀를 살인사건의 용의자라 확신한다. 루시아가 계속해서 무죄를 주장하는 가운데 여론까지 가세해 그녀를 ‘죽음의 천사’라 부르기 시작하고, 결국 그녀는 4건의 살인사건 혐의로 종신형을 선고 받는다. 그러던 어느 날, 모든 것이 완벽해 보이는 사건에 한 두 가지 허점이 보이기 시작하고, 자신의 판단을 확신했던 유디스는 수사가 어디서부터인가 잘못되었음을 직감 하는데… 유럽을 뒤흔든 전대미문의 충격실화가 공개된다!
While she fights a heroic battle against the Spanish besieger with her female army, Kenau, driven by hate and sorrow of the execution of her youngest daughter, is threatened to also lose her eldest daughter, because her fear and pain are covered by her stubborn closeness.
During his 50th birthday party thrown by his wife, Remco's life takes a turn for the worse. His business partners are scheming behind his back to sell him and his former mistress shows up pregnant.
Four friends visit an outdoor festival. In the queue mass panic arises. Their relationships inform the way the friends react during the chaos. One of them is killed, the remaining friends are seen as a hero, a victim and a villain. But aren't the victims guilty as well. And isn't the bad-guy also a victim?
"The love between Thomas and Emma is in decline. Thomas is gripped by the fear of losing her when Emma decides to go abroad for a few months. His inability to deal with this takes him to a dark place, far removed from reality until on the evening of her farewell party he threatens to screw up their relationship." (KeyFilm, 2012)
Handsome, clever final year law student Koen avoids being beaten up by street thugs by claiming he's a maternal cousin of crime baron Henk de Koning. The next day, 'uncle' Henk praises Koen's wit and commandeers his 'cousin's' help to retrieve the treasure presumably hidden by disloyal accomplice Sjon de Nooyer, who was released from jail to a retirement home, by volunteering as an orderly, posing as Sjon's distant relative. Dirty police detective Uitenhaage is after the same fortune, and leans independently on innocent Koen to spy on Sjon.
On a cold November day in 1983, beer magnate Alfred Heineken and his chauffeur Ab Doderer are abducted. What follows is the most infamous kidnapping case the Netherlands have ever known.
Pizza maffia vertelt het verhaal van Ibrahim en zijn neef Illias. Iedereen kent ze als Bram en Haas, de twee snelste koeriers van pizzeria Novara. De twee jongens zijn onafscheidelijk. Elke avond racen ze op hun scooter door de stad en halen de bruutste stunts uit om als eerste bij de klant te zijn. De pizzeria is eigendom van Brams vader, maar sinds hij met een hernia thuis zit, runt oom Faris de tent. Faris, de vader van Haas, is een geboren pizzabakker en de bestellingen vliegen dan ook de deur uit. Toch blijken de inkomsten tegen te vallen. De vader van Bram verdenkt zijn broer ervan dat hij geld achterhoudt. Als hij hem hiermee confronteert, ontstaat er een heftige ruzie en Faris vertrekt. Tot op het bot gekrenkt begint de trotse Faris vervolgens zijn eigen pizzeria, aan de overkant van het plein. Binnen no-time breekt er tussen de twee pizzeria?s een ware pizza-oorlog uit, waarin alles en iedereen wordt meegesleept.
Sarah Lunter
Five best friends, all married, decide to share a loft apartment. In this loft they meet their mistresses and conquests. Everything seems perfect, until one morning the body of an unknown young woman is found in the loft. The group of friends begin to suspect each other and it soon becomes clear that they know far less about each other than they had initially thought. Dutch remake of the Flemish movie Loft (2008).
Comedy about the adventures of a group of friends in Amsterdam, who are planning a party during their summer holiday. When the ticket sales are disappointing they think of a new and exiting way to attract more people to the party.
On the flat island of Texel, Marie is a girl who has a vivid imagination who dreams about mountains. She feels oppressed by the strict religious island community and its narrow-minded way of life. Being the only girl in a big and poor family during wartime, she doesn't have much of a choice than to marry Paul, the beachcomber’s son. From the moment a regiment of Georgians are stationed on the island, Marie’s life changes and flourishes. With their film, music, and especially with their inventive, unusual survival strategies and entirely different life style, this isolated group of outsiders and in particular the young soldier Goga opens a new way for Marie. Through them, she realizes all her dreams without fear.
The somewhat naïve teenager Alex Meulenaers leaves his hometown, to go study economics in Amsterdam. He is the first of his family to leave Limburg. However, faith has something else in store for him. The movie shows us how Alex sees Amsterdam: sometimes threathening, sometimes absurd and always with wonder.
In his new film a young director puts his girlfriend through a love test. By doing so he risks his real life relationship with her.
An introverted young poet struggles with a writer's block and meets a mysterious girl, who reminds him of Monica Vitti.
There is only one thing Winky wants: a horse, a real horse to ride. But horses are expensive. Fortunately it is the season of Sinterklaas; Winky just asks Sinterklaas for a horse. Than everything will work out alright. Or will it?
Two friends loiter on a square, with their mopeds. Loitering youngsters, moped girls: in any case, there is no sign of parents or school. The girls laugh, are silent and quarrel, joke about `nice tits', flirt with a Moroccan boy (and call him a fucking fundamentalist when he walks off with another girl). In between, they ride their mopeds. A loosely acted draft of two young lives.